Why is Stalin the only communist Sup Forums seems to like?
Why is Stalin the only communist Sup Forums seems to like?
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Because the won the war
This. Winners aren't judged.
Because he killed a lot of communists.
Because he is based.
Also became the winner in the intra-party war against the fags like Trotzky
He may have been an absolutely psychotic heartless brutal dictator but hey at least he had balls.
Meh I only like him because he fucked over Lenin and his friends and secretly genocided his own jewish kind to remain in power
It's the determination I guess
If he hates communists does that mean he hates himself?
he was aware of the flaws of communism and realized that in reality things must be different than theory
Is Stalin the true hero of Sup Forums?
We don't. He's a piece of shit, just like all commies.
Also, he was the least dogmatic and more "Machiavellian" and pragmatic type.
Andropov might come close to him, but he died before he could enact another purge that might've saved the USSR.
By that logic Mao was a great hero too.
He cared more about himself than marxist causes.
Why do leading questions work?
Is it because people are fucking retarded?
I do not understand why it is this easy to manipulate people. All you have to do is ask a terrible question and people go along with it.
No one likes Stalin, yet when you ask ''why is Stalin the only communist Sup Forums likes?'' they don't catch onto the fact that no one fucking likes Stalin. Instead they list something positive about Stalin making it sound like they do actually like him.
Why does this work?
They don't call him the Great Helmsman for nothing
And forgot to add, he was more efficient in getting rid of Jews without turning them into martyrs, unlike the failed art student, hehe.
Cuz he killed more snowniggers than anyone?
since when?
Because he proved to the world that germans are natural cucks.
was trotsky a numale?
Because he killed communists by the millions.
>no one fucking likes Stalin.
I like. Because his rotation methods are the only ones who can work in Russia, and the only ones that can do something against the corruption.
Also, NatSocs in Russia are especially retarded.
White niggers on top, degenerates wishing to "rule over bydlo and engage in decadence" or outright maniacs and attention whores (Akademgorodok maniacs come to mind) at the bottom.
And what's even worse, they ALL are FUCKING UNTERMENSCHEN that should be gassed only for their ugliness alone.
He understood the point of Communism better than anyone before him: To use useful idiots to achieve complete political, economic, and social control of a nation
No one likes Stalin, not even commies.
Kill yourself.
I've started to notice that some people on Sup Forums actually do like Stalin.
Fuck stalin and Fuck communism. We should have followed Churchills plan and gone straight from Berlin to flatten Moscow.
lol little English cuckolds would be put in the dirt, by Russian bulls
He is meme friendly
Trotsky was the one who went full internationalist. While he was an excellent orator, and good organizer, he was the one for "permanent worldwide revolution" and anything that comes with it.
Antifa and similar lefties at the west, mostly, are trotskytes.
Stalin was secretly a Jew. Dennis Wise (creator of thegreateststorynevertold.tv
I like Mao.
No you, cuckold.
>Kill yourself.
Make me, faggot. Don't cry though, when I will come to liberate your mom.
Bad goy!
Very bad!
Do not say such things!
You did good!
Yes very good!
It is okay to do good!
Eternal Anglo strikes again.
No wonder Stalin didn't trust you.
Hitler went in wrong direction.
Hes cute and was basically a living god, or as close to it as its possible. If not for the Khrushchev defamation campaign after his death - he would have had cult following even today.
Yeah, the allies had nukes by that point. Russia would have been a glowing ash pile. Churchill and patton even planned to recruit wehrmacht soldiers who wanted to still fight commies. Like the krauts did with Finns such as Larry thorne etc after the winter war
>he would have had cult following even today.
Implying it isnt.
Well he was picky about stuff...
At least there's still ethnic white germans. Meanwhile Russia is mongrelized as fuck, Siberian/Arab-turkic rape babies everywhere
The only reason why Stalin didn't take entire Europe after he took Berlin is the invention of the atomic bomb. Soviet war machine was unstoppable by the 45, much stronger than pre war. US force here was pathetic they would get thrown back into the ocean and European countries would capitulate one by one.
>there's still ethnic white germans
muh, soviets
implying America wasn't about to cuck Bong Empire and another Europoor's colonial empires and become world hegemon by the 1950
>It's his third documentary
>It's his third documentary
What are the first two?
Both Mao and Stalin are worthless when compared to true hero of Sup Forums. Pol Pot.
Bullshit, you were still neanderthals. Without burger help and our convoys (archangel etc) even the krauts would have stomped you, never mind the whole might of the allies.
He butchered many Bolsheviks.
Because he killed more commies than Pinochet and McCarthy combined.
>pol pot
But he killed intellectuals, so Sup Forums would be fucked under his regime...
Because he killed more (((choosens))) than Hitler
>trial of the 21, he took out the Jewish cabal that was running the soviet union and was the cause of it's degeneracy in one swoop
>limited abortions
>allowed freedom of religion after 20 years of oppression
>built up sweet tank fleet
>allowed Ukrainians to starve in the millions
>killed Rodzaevsky after he came out supporting him. Mega betrayal
> still ethnic white germans
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