Please share your pics of disgusting race traitors and their mongrel offspring.
Ever notice how whenever somebody posts pics of attractive mongrels, the only attractive features they have are their white features?
Please share your pics of disgusting race traitors and their mongrel offspring.
Ever notice how whenever somebody posts pics of attractive mongrels, the only attractive features they have are their white features?
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atleast the kid on the right looks like him
Wanderlei looked like a good mulatto before.
muh qt mulattoes
Bobbie was married to a sheboon called Diane Abbot
Christ his sons are such trainwrecks. Their faces look like something you build out of lego when you only have a box of left over mismatching pieces.
The middle son has a white nose, but an absurdly thick and wide face and cheekbones.
The one on the right has a normalish face, but a black nose that is horribly out of proportion with everything else, especially his thin white lips.
The youngest on the left just looks like a goblin.
Race mixing is wanting your children to look like they've come from the oblivion character creator.
>Race mixing is wanting your children to look like they've come from the oblivion character creator.
Perfect analogy.
>if you racemix your kids will never resemble you
his mongrel looks the most like him
>hes ugly
>shes ugly
how could their kids be ugly??
wtf i hate de niro now
Nice strawman
What an ugly family
I used to respect him before I knew he was a coal burner marxist
Kid on the left tortures small animals.
ok, incoming
one of my favourite mixed mynx'
de nero is the archetypal self hater
His parents were screw ups too
and he's a manlet despite all his tuff guy roles
His wife looks as if she wipes the floor with him
and he probably enjoys it
what's you posted can also be considered a strawman
I'll be honest. De Niro is kind of weird looking in the first place.
Heidi Klum's children are ugly as fuck, too
U mad black boi?
>wanting ugly nigger kids with frizzy hair, fucked up teeth, and low IQ
Seriously, anyone stupid enough to fall for this deserves their line to end. Apologize to your dad if he's alive.
Heterosis, hybrid vigor, or outbreeding enhancement, is the improved or increased function of any biological quality in a hybrid offspring
Offspring exhibits heterosis enhanced traits as a result of mixing the genetic contributions of its parents. These effects can be due to Mendelian or non-Mendelian inheritance.
>one of my favourite mixed mynx'
Woof! Woof!
>talks about the so called problems of race mixing
>posts a mutt
aye lmao
That implies heavy inbreeding.
He takes dick on the side
he's out of her league
That kid looks like something out of star wars
lol when a white mixes with a black you lose 2 whites and gain only blacks. The children are black, the woman did not give birth to white children, and a white woman is now unavailable to a white man who now has to have no children or race mix too.
>blue eyes
this dude got cucked by a superior bleacher male
that's because Hispanics are already 50-60% White on average so breeding with them produces a kid that's at least 75% White.
It's the form of mixing that produces the most White-looking offspring, on average.
nope. keep trying tho
just look at the soulless spawn
One on the left looks like a psychopath that doesn't really understand what a smile is
It's a fact that a American niggers are 25% white. Any positive genetic results come from that 25%
Why'd you post a race mixed mutt then?
Hispanics are worse than niggers somehow.
They're the only group I actually hate.
BTW it's stephen curry's family. the black/white basketball player
"white" looking
LOLOLOLOL!!! Fucking monkeys
It's weird though. Both of his parents are mixed.
Check out Klay Thompson's hot af mom though. Well, she was at least.
spotted the nigger.
>muh cherry picked images
>being THIS obsessed with race
you must be one hideous, lame, impotent piece of shit loser in order to spend so much time being so obsessed.
ah yes, the universal cuck flag. your worshiping of a self loathing, part jewish manlet with a tiny, mutilated penis makes a lot of sense. too bad this still has NOTHING to do with politics. make like your leader and kill yourself, cletus.
Arnaldo is the true successor to the throne
Can we agree that Black/White mix are the most disgusting mix.
Her friend is way more attractive than her.
>Being this new
my mixed daughter looks beautiful so far, so I don't care. I do wonder how my sons will look like, unless I'll be lucky and all my kids will be female
Hope they turn out so ugly you can't even look at them.
>my mixed daughter looks beautiful so far
>so far
not a single one of these creatures can hold a candle to the average White girl.
dang man that baby is so cute.
those italian stallion genes
Let's not get carried away. The average white girl is a 20lbs overweight pig in the US.
oh my god my fucking dick right now, BIX NOOOOOOOOODDDD
that landwhale is well below average, which is all most niggers can get.
Racists so fucking btfo in the thread haha nerds won't even spread your genes.
You mad??
How can whites even compete?
actors are professional liars. they look bad ass on screen but then you see someof them in real life and you realize they're just a bunch of cucks. some actors are alright though, pic related
those are some quality happa wimminz
average white females™
Coalburners should die.
hes handsome af no homo
>Katya Lischinina
>Popular cosplayer "Mikasa"
>Japanese Mix
Show me a mix better than this, Pro tip you can't
Nigger mix BTFO!!
When mongrels send their people, they're not sending their best. Some, I assume, are supreme gentlemen.
slavs mixed with asians are usually very good looking
How do you have such low self esteem to flush your genetic lineage down the drain? It will take at least 10 generations to recover from those ugly nigger genes.