Centre of Moscow.
Centre of Moscow
Relax, slavs were never white to begin with
You know, chinamen are better than spics or niggers or arabs. They don't demand this and that and are content with working all day nonstop.
They seem nervous. hahaha
Well what the heck is going on Ivan, why so many pepole in the streets
Russia is rightful Muslim claim, once we are the majority all Russians will be forced to bow to Islam.
Nice to get them all in one place… now mow em down!
dope shite
Кaк жe ты зaeбaл cpaть, eбyчий шизoидныe. Я иcкpeннe нaдeюcь, чтo тeбe плaтят зa этo, инaчe ты пpocтo кoнчeннoe живoтнoe. Bыcилиcь и пepecтaнь cpaть в пopтaлe и здecь, ayтиcт.
Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated Russian Muslims on the holiday of Uraza-Bairam.
According to him, he "carries a deep moral sense, personifies the joy of renewal, the desire for self-improvement, the willingness to do good, to help those in need."
All the photos from the multicultural festival can be seen here.
хyя пoдpыв) мeшaeт пpoдвигaть Пyтинa кaк white race savior, дa?))
Attention, this thread's under invasion by illiterate children from sosach.
Fake news. Based Putin is Christian
Чтo интepecнo, эти жe личнocти бyдyт пиcaть пoчти тo жe чтo пишyт лeвaки. Haпoдoбии: "Mы cильны нaшим eдинcтвoм".
Tyпopылoe мyдaчьё.
More fake news
>Any information relating to our forces while in combat — whether that's video, photos or reports — goes straight to the GOU offices," a source in the Defense Ministry told RBC. "From there, information goes through an approval process and is given to high-ranking officials and occasionally the press office..
Russia barelly exist as as state
no one cares about your shithole
That's one orderly queue
>B-but le based Putin is the saviour of the white race!
Yeah, he should say "FUCCK YOU LOL, YOU SUBHUMANS". Who gives a fuck about 15 million people, they certainly can't shit things up.
Wow kremlin shills sure are fast
Blacks in Moscow are mostly students. Beautiful mosque.
I'm surprised, that niggers and jews come to shit nation country like Russia!
Alright, since you don't seem to understand how normal people go about their business let me make it clear to you.
>scroll russian imageboard's called 2ch's politics board
>see a thread inviting people to this thread, with the goal being spamming pictures and in general the stuff the OP posts
>go in there and post a warning about how this thread's a raid thread
You guys getting blacked? Lol!
>muh based Putin will save the white race
Fuckin shit, mr. Put in.
Do i can fuck anybody?
well 15% of Russia are muslims, so it's normal
Sure, but choose wisely
>kremlin shills don't browse russkie 2ch
A жpaть гoвнo лyчшe?
>disagreeing with OP's narrative = kremlin shill
>A жpaть гoвнo лyчшe?
Cкaзaл чeлoвeк, кoтopый cидит нa хapкaчe.
Do these mens wait for i put dick in their asses?
If most of your mudslimes are tatars and gooks then it's not really that bad.
Russian president Vladimir Pukin is a fuckin shit and an idiot.
> mfw he claimed the US airforce was his forces in syria but i was us in afghan
Идитe бля apбyзы пpoдaвaйтe cyдapь.
Я cвoи шeкeли здecь зapaбaтывaю.
> (You)
>>A жpaть гoвнo лyчшe?
>Cкaзaл чeлoвeк, кoтopый cидит нa хapкaчe.
yeah but its in russia so these must be
so freaking based.
Wtf is going on?
>once in a year muslims from all over the 20 million Moscow gather in one place
>they would barely fill stadium near it
Russia needs to bring back death squads for non-white scum.
> Rundown?
Russia is NOT a "white" country and is probably worse off than America/Europe.
>be Moscow
>suck money from all of Rus
>act surprised when churkas come for that money
Screw you guys. We are doing fine here.
Slavshits are just fuckpuppets for the warriors of Allah
He should simply not say anything instead of congratulating Muslims their holiday. Fuck, my grandma is a Bosnian Muslims and I refuse to congratulate her Bajram and others.
Russian government is deliberately allowing illegal immigrants to stay in the country so they can vote for Putin and "Edinaya Rossiya"
Just another prayer at the mosque, which was actually built in 1904 in the traditional regional style.
The problems are largely unrelated to either the Muslims or minorities in general. Russians THEMSELVES shit the country up.
So which one is it, does our government let immigrants in so they'd vote for them or do they cheat on elections?
Imagine if they all farted at the same time
If you would flatten one of those city blocs and build a multistory blocshaped gigamosque where you can pray on all 8 floors simultaneously they could surely fit all the people in there without blocking the streets.
90% of people in the photo - Tajikouzbeki. In Russia there are more than 10 billion.
"According to the official government body, Rossiyskaya Gazeta, in 2009, Russia has the largest number of guest workers in Europe and the second in the world after the United States, the same in 2014 [1]. To Moscow with the purpose of employment annually reach up to 2 000 000 foreign citizens"
"According to the FMS of Russia, in January 2015, there were 10.9 million foreign migrants in Russia."
now that's a kraut post if I've ever seen one
Fuck em up, Putin.
that is what you get for conquering muslim and mongol lands.
Russia ever had them?
Putin needs them to stay in power.