Sup Forums will never recover from this
Based Trudeau
Sup Forums will never recover from this
Other urls found in this thread:
>what do you get whan a black man does a white mans job
>the same result
Except that fucking nigger is working near me.
I'm glad the government is spending money to make sure all of the two black people living in Canada feel included.
>>what do you get whan a white man does a black mans job
No shit, it never occurred to me.
Yeah, no.
Nice one Leaf
>Loosens grip
No it fucking doesnt. Even black people know not to go to restaurants that have black people working because if a black woman is there most times the service is poor and they are bitchy as fuck. Half the time in the drive through they wont get off the fucking phone.
Yep, Detroit is a perfect example of this
>alberta and ontario will soon be PC controlled again
>trudeau/notley/wynne are driving the economy down the drain
>keeps cramming identity politics down our throats
they learned nothing from watching the rise of Trump, the blowback will be hilarious
>but I thought Harper was the devil
you ain't seen nothing yet
At least they know jobs are for whites
Saw this yesterday on the subway
If a black man can do it then why are they calling it a white man's job? Isn't that in itself racist?
Nowhere in that quote does it say the black guy is working near you retard.
Maybe he is in a concentration camp?
They forgot public approval from some legbeards on Twitter
Might be a case of degree. The statement could be considered racist if there already was equity. Since that's not the case, it's preventing racism.
Fuckin top kek!!!
Choose one. Maybe I should do Usain Bolt's Job, or Seal's job. Wouldn't I get the exact same result?
Sup Forums is just jealpus of Justin because he's acceptable and actually thinks of ways for people to live happy lives and integrate
meanwhile Sup Forums is bitter and wants non whites and women's lives to be shit. very backwards thinking indeed.
justin is also likeable. meanwhile trump are just bitter and miserable, and can't accept a few dots of progress here and there
>off by 1
Canadas never really had blacks until recently........enjoy all the crime and rape you stupid fucks.
all I got
You have delayed the day of the rake 24 hours, user, enjoy.
>jealpus of Justin because he's acceptable and actually thinks of ways for people to live happy lives and integrate
>4/5 columns
What did they mean by this?
>muslims in leafland beat their wives with hockey sticks
I now dub thee...
This must be true. Just look at africa and Europe. Oh wait
>12 hours have been added to your nuclear destruction countdown
Nice one, I work for a construction contractor and the only people who steal equipment are the blacks. Even the Mexicans and Hispanics don't steal shit. Had 8 blacks fired since may for stealing shit (shovels, small hand tools, a roll of copper wire, power tools, and even a shop fan)
Seems they are trying to accept canada's sports equipment. It's a start.
of course
>white man has a job
>black man does nothing
>black man gets white man's job
>black man does nothing
Gods work user.
Thats bullshit and you know it, I've worked with niggers. All they do is complain about how hard the job is and dick around all day. In the end of the day, they only do like 20% of the work and even then they bitch and whine about it, while the job is done really sloppy and carelessly.
Fuck niggers.
Polish men do the same to be honest. Also hispanic men might be more honorable in that regard but their women often steal in their workplace.
what about an acting job where the man has to portray a white character ?.
>didnt use proper perspective transform and now the text is weirdly skewed compared to all the rest
this is what you get when a leaf does a man's job.
>5000 hours in MSpaint for a disposable laugh
Fuck off, Shlomo.
>what do you get whan a black man does a white mans job
cheaper labor
They're starting to learn Jewry.
This is false living in South Louisiana. Clearly Trudeau has never worked in majority black businesses
Zimbabwe is testament to this
Visit a bilingual city.
Trudeau is a civilisation wrecker. Even if a vocal minority of morons fawn over him today he'll still be remembered as a catastrophe.
England: please fix your own problems before blasting anyone else. Trudeau is in fact doing a great job.
Disgusting propaganda.
Oh the degeneracy!
the black guys at my work can't even type, they hunt and peck keys and are constantly in trouble for productivity and constantly blame others or pull the race card. If we were not forced to hire them then forced to tolerate their gross incompetence, they would be gone. Our poor white IT guy has to do everything.
Stupidity isn't exclusive to whites.
Browns are disgusting animals. Youll learn your place again soon.
>when a black man does a white mans job
That job becomes a racist fuck
Thanks tough guy we couldn't breathe for a second there
>what do you get when a black man does a white man's wife
>modern jew porn
>Browns are disgusting animals
whites aren't much better:
So put niggers in charge of money creation and make the white Jews step down. Also breed the white Jews with the darkest niggers that can be found because it will only make a superior race, right?
No. They mean how dare blonde hair and blue eyes exist they better be mixed out of existence because it's just so unfair that brown people have to look at such pretty colors.
Once you understand such jealousy you understand the modern Leftwing.
There are 'five pillars of islam'
Admitting to being a fifth column is way to on the nose
Way too*
(and everyone listening)
Use Gimp for your memes, it's an open source rip off of Photoshop
A raped female colleague
What do you get when a muslim drives a truck?
worked in a factory full of blacks
they were slow, lazy, tried to sneak away from their workstation to hang out with their homies in the warehouse, wandered the company hitting on the white girls, and fucking everything not bolted down got stolen including our personal tools and even lunches..
> lifeboat in right pic
because none of the nigs can swim
Honestly I don't think he will. Our (((schools))) will teach that he's a courageous hero standing up to the evil white man, basically a Rebel that took over the Empire and dismantled it.
Hopefully Canada will die or divide before then, but we're cucks here by force.
This is the muslim tax right?
PC is an improvement on liberals but they're nowhere near the Trump level don't kid yourself.
So, they're widening and defining the line between white and black up there, too? Because it's working out great here. The blacks are actually trying to segregate themselves. .
It's really a shame, people of different colours got along fine here in the past
Both tend to be lazy in the western world. Blue collar bubbas sit on their ass and bitch about not being the boss when they never proved capable by doing their fucking job. On at least an equal level as blacks.
Conversely you get some black guys that work their ass off but don't have the education or language skills to really rise above labor positions. Again, about equally to whites.
So that sign is mostly right. Hardest worker I ever had under me was a ghetto as fuck black guy that worked 18 hours a day to feed his family. He didn't have the know how to ever be more but I'd hire 10 of him over the lazy fucking half Jap that was his boss (and my subordinate) that never did anything but complain about not being paid more. The halfbreed wouldn't even sweep a floor he messed up, the nig cleaned toilets every day and unloaded hundreds of appliances from a truck with no heat or a/c in the warehouse.
Race isn't a guarantee. Effort and buy in is.
relevant enough thread i suppose. saw this at the circus circus casino a few days ago. ive never seen "female" before, not sure if this is new
Yeah, it was getting better here too. Until obama and sjw made it perfectly clear black and white were different.
Canada is great said everyone but the Native Canadians.
Here's the archive
I tested it. At the end it tells you how much Zakat you owe and you have a Paypal style page to pay it online.
If it's not an absolute scam, it's actually a pretty decent community thing to do.
best answer
>Not using photoshop CS2
But's it's not all blacks!
Affirmative action makes racial prejudices verifiably true. A black man with a given level of education is displaying a lower level of accomplishment than a white man, because his way was deliberately made easier.
Would crowdfund Cananons to go around fixing these signs.
What do you get when a foreigner takes a Canadian's job?
Isn't the point of a Canadian government to serve the interests of Canadians? If not, whose interests does it serve?
>What do you get when a black man does a white man's job?
tax breaks
A brand new bike
Reminded me this.
Top zozzle
>>what do you get whan a white man does a black mans job
He works long enough to get one paycheck, buys some twenty inch rims, some fried chicken and malt liquor, then goes home and gets called a coon because he "had one of the white man job"
Make one that says "ISIS"