Polish government has just effectively banned morning after pills by making them prescription only and doctors won't hand them out.

Also attempted to completely ban abortion even though Poland already has laws against abortion.

Poland is a medieval shithole that hates women. I hate this country.

And just to add insult the PiS regime is now very far ahead in the polls because it has taken over all media and taken complete control of the state and army and turned it all into propaganda outposts.

Morning after pill is the same as abortion, I don't understand why people accept one but not the other.

What's wrong with using condoms? Morning after pills are not good for your health and you will never need it unless you get raped, in which case I'm sure a doctor will prescribe it.

Both should be accepted ti is part of a modern society to give women control of their lives.

>their lives.
nice bait

And what about the SEPARATE lives in their bellies and their rights?


>anti-abortion is anti-woman
Men are on the hook for child support for 18 years if they can't abort a baby so I would say abortion is equally anti-male and anti-female

Poland should now just be referred to as wokeland

They are not seperate, it is a parasite.

Use a condom you degenerate fuck. The hormones in those pills are dangerous, women have been killed taking this shit recreationally. It's entirely reasonable to make these pills available on prescription only.

>Both should be accepted ti is part of a modern society to give women control of their lives.

Women should keep their legs closed or use effective contraceptives.

No way we can forgive abortions nowadays.

Keep your country clean, avoid your women to become sluts.

Nice bait by the way.

Just use contraceptives (pill, condoms). How retarded can you be to have the need an abortion?

>And just to add insult the PiS regime is now very far ahead in the polls because it has taken over all media and taken complete control of the state and army and turned it all into propaganda outposts.
Anonymous (ID: 6I1oALcE) 06/25/17(Sun)16:57:09 No.131282204▶Morning after pill is the same as abortion, I don't understand why people accept one but not the other.
Be glad, PiS saves your country you miserable traitor. Do you want Poland to be flooded with millions of Africans and bow down to Islam?

Yeah because it's their little bodies the ones getting dismembered.
Fucking murderous whores!

>it's another obvious b8 thread gets 400 replies episode

fuck you move to a brtistan then your peoples birth rate is in decline you need to have children wear a fucking condom slut

Sounds pretty based. Wish they would do same here.

>They are not seperate, it is a parasite.

Bitch feminist triggered.

Don't fucking come here nigger. Sick to death of Poles.

Fuck that I just had to buy plan b after busting a thick load in this q.t virgin . It was worth the 40 bucks

poles > Muslims you can't be picky bong

Are you that American faggot who came to Poland as a kid and still has his leftshit idiotism?

Poland is doing the right thing. Reducing abortion (where 1 million UK babies are aborted every 5 years for exmaple), reducing birth control (which reduces birth rates and encourages whorish behaviour) and reducing the welfare checks going to single-mothers especially, we can start to build stronger families and increase the birth rate.

>They are not seperate, it is a parasite.
Oh wow, oy vey.

White Middle class women belong in the kitchen deal with it. Given things like abortion and contraceptives it takes away responsibility which is something you hoes need to learn.

I want to knock up a polish girl desu senpai

Probably is

My lord your head needs to be on a pike.

You're a retarded virgin. Morning after pills stop the fertilization process (i.e. fetus isn't alive yet).

Stop having casual sex you absolute degenerate faggot. Jesus, to think I was starting to like you guys for anything other than Lebensraum!

>travel to germany
>abort there
This move is just to garner conservative votes, they know if people want to abort germany is right there

Well said

they can go to Czechia, Slovakia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Belarus, Hungary too

Well on spot. Abortion touristics at its finest.

>taken over all media

TVN/POLSAT/Newsweek aka Lisweek and all of Lis media outlets shit on Pis 24/7

You are fucking retarded. I dont like PiS but they get SO much hate from german owned media outlets its not even funny.

Wypierdala cwelu.

Kek and what ?
You will never have a child fucking retard
So what's the problem for you ?

Based Poland. You might save the west again.

If it's not fucking sentient it doesn't get to decide as it will never have acknowledged its own fucking existence moron. Do you think people should save their cum as well since you're killing all that sperm which seems to be a person already without ever developing sentience. I will never understand how completely idiotic some people are holy shit...

False equivalence.
Sperm by itself doesn't spontaneously develop into a person.

look I agree, but to be fair neither does an embryo, it requires a human body with hormones, nutrition etc. to grow into a human

>their governing party is literally named piss

But if you don't actively kill it, it develops. You have to actively kill it so it doesn't develop as a human person.

He is fucking incredible
>I came to Poland and loved it here because of homogenity and low crime
>You know what would be cool? Let's make Poland more multicultural and liberal.

Good. Especially since morning after pills are prescription only in every civilized nation since they're hormone bombs.

>low crime

It's not murder my point still stands.
Being against abortion because you are "killing" a baby that hasn't developed sentience is just simply moronic...

Not really. It stops the implantation of the embryo in the uterine wall. There is frequently, though not always, still fertilization of the egg to make the embryo.

t. Catholic parishoner


sounds like your government wants more polocks in poland. go reproduce in honor my polish friend!

>hasn't developed sentience
When that happens?

Tbh, most of criminals emigrated to the West. Eastern Poland right now is basically crimeless society. Big cites and western part have their share of problems, but still we are one of the safest place in Europe. Check your statistics Ahmed.

>give women control of their lives.
By demanding the state pay for abortions?

get a condom or normal pills, more than enough.

Doctors will hand out perscriptions, at least most of them.

You are a deluded triggered retard, propably never even fucked.

wtf i love poland now


z powrotem na wykop, śmieciu :^)

After its development of sentience is finished sure. But before that its just "could be life", you can go collect sperm because that too could be life. But since it isn't it doesnt matter unless you don't understand what sentience is.

Nice. Leftist and (((they))) BTFO


eternal minority person. They always want more diversity so that they dont feel like such outsiders.

>After its development of sentience is finished
When this happen?
Tell me when this happens.

Poland is a Catholic country that makes Catholic laws and social programs

Its the ideal country to live in

Abortion is murder and no one has the right to kill unborn babies

Fuck off roastie whore

Thats ok my hospital is now full of polish women paying for abortion i think it isnt big deal to selll them some pills too. We will make just more crowns.

Nigga look at your fucking birth rate. No shit Poland is banning abortion. You have less fucking kids than Goymoney. You are literally dying out. You need to do exactly as Russia does and fucking go full draconian law demanding people make babies or you will die out completely.

see? catholic lawmakers can go to heaven and whoever wants abortion or pills will get them anyway. win-win

This, 20 years ago I moved to so so district.
Lots of pathology (żule, winiacze etc) 10 years ago it started to improve. Some emigrated some just died.

Also I pity UK, they are geting worst shit tier white trash from Poland. Then again they are bit better than usual nignog or shitskin.

all the gypsies from my town moved to Sweden. Pretty much no crime now.

Because our last rulling party was anti-family.
Current one is trying to fix that with new laws and monetary help for people who want to have children or already have them.

Poland needs laws to criminalize this too. Any woman who goes abroad for abortion should be tried for murder when she returns home. Do NOT fucking tolerate them killing your babies.


Then this is part of saving the family. There must always be a carrot and a stick. Man up and nut inside, Mariusz

Woman detected. You should be praising your country for thinking about the future of your people.

Based country. You should be proud.

Getting swole currently, Ivanowich.
But don't worry, currently it's much better than it was.

>T. Never been to Poland
>T. Never had an opinion that I could call my own
>T. I use pol as a source for internal information

Listen, I am die hard conservative but even I have got to admit that we are literally going nowhere. Our country is becoming more and more medieval, our economy is growing way too slowly, 50% of our society still has communist,
Sheep like mentality - and those people are holding us back. Also we have wasted money on trade deals with France, we bought a lot of some shitty low tier helicopters. Half of our medias are owned by Germans, our industry was murdered by Eu's regulations AND western immigrants are unironically trying to turn us into liberal welfare states. government does not give a shit about military, we still don't have a professional army.

Ambitious and talented people are migrating to bloody west. There are literally hundreds of Polish doctors in USA, Germany and UK and yet.. Get this - we have a shortage of doctors - they are all gone. Some of us stepped on whole new level and started founding companies.. In Japan

We are in pitiful condition and without strong leadership we will never be able to overcome these obstacles.

fucking leftie scum.

If you want legal day after i want legal steroids. My body my rules.

Shut up you dumb fucking roastie. This post is so obviously written by a woman,


Why dont you just go ahead and move to an open and tolerant place like Germany or Sweden then, where you can get raped or have acid thrown in your face for simply wearing a short skirt in the wrong area? Oh and the perpetrator gets off scot free.

Sounds like this is exactly what youre asking for. I say go for it, you dumb slut.

Good man. Keep it up and don't let degenerate westerners fuck your shit up.

Poland is based. Those who love Poland should reply to this post or Poland will fall

This is worse than replay to this post or your mum will die in her sleep.

Considering that poland is 99.8% white they should probably consider banning all forms of birth control

>Waaaaaaaaaah waaaaaaaaaah
>They won't let me kill my baby!

>we bought a lot of some shitty low tier helicopters
correction PO/PSL wanted those
PiS canceled the deal and told frenchies go fuck yourself (and this is one of reasons macaroni spits shit on poland)


Jesus christ, stop. Ban on morning after pills isn't an act of hatred towards women. The problem is that it restricts people's freedom.

Fuck you, if you hate Polska get the fuck out and live in a country where they don't "hate women", for example Sweden or Germany. Poland is a wonderful country with a shitty government but good people. It's a shining example of a country that can deal with the immigration crisis.

If you recount number of Polish imigrants to number of Poles jailed you get less than 0.001% you retard. you got fooled big time or you have got a one huge nose and a curly dark hair

nice b8 thread, shill

>rape capitol of EU
>they dont hate women

dohohohoho my fucking sides

Ah sorry. It's about 0.0012% at the moment

That's not how law works though. Laws are territorial (at least since high middle ages). You can't go to jail for having an abortion in a country where it's not penalized, just like you can't go to jail for smoking pot in the Netherlands.

What would keep Polish people from leaving your country?

I wouldn't be surprised if more Polish people started staying because Western Europe was turing into an Islamic shithole

Just let the west burn and bunker up in fortress eastern Europe...as long as Russia doesn't try to fuck you

Also Ive been to Poland 2x in the last year. You guys are obsessed with lady bugs and frogs

>I wouldn't be surprised if more Polish people started staying because Western Europe was turing into an Islamic shithole
well then be surprised because even muslims flooding western europe don't stop polacks from leaving this shithole
hell, they even go through calais where abduls build burning barricades to escape this excuse of a country

Most blatant bait proxy I've seen, And new friends fall for it...

I really don't see whats so bad with Poland.

Yes...some of your cities are tired looking. Im sure a lot of the old people are crypto commies. And yeah its not the financial center of the world...but thats because the Jews don't control you like they do the USA or W Europe.

There is more to life than money. Im sorry everyone is fleeing your country. But I'm probably not helping because I stole one of your women and she's moving to America to be with me lol

Sup Forums, please ignore the faggots with Polish flags agreeing with OP, who is himself, without a doubt, a fucking Jew. I know for a fact that the vast majority of Polish people would punch his disgusting little face in for voicing such utter filth. Hence why he does it on an Ethiopian sand arrangement bulletin.

op is nothing more than a clump of cells and should be aborted

Why do you mouth breathers boild down everything to jews?
>There is more to life than money.
but you need money to live, and that's where poland fails

That's exactly why I posted
>don't "hate women"
instead of
>don't hate women

>but thats because the Jews don't control you like they do the USA or W Europe.

Jews have a very strong presence in Poland. During 2016 elections there was a LOT of Pro-german pro-refugee propaganda. Our new government had enough and conservatives started replacing pro-German judges, medias, politicians with pro-conservative people

>Polish government has just effectively banned morning after pills by making them prescription only and doctors won't hand them out.
>Also attempted to completely ban abortion even though Poland already has laws against abortion.
>Poland is a medieval shithole that hates women. I hate this country.
>And just to add insult the PiS regime is now very far ahead in the polls because it has taken over all media and taken complete control of the state and army and turned it all into propaganda outposts.

t. SubHuman kike posing as a polish

I look very much forward to retiring in Poland. Please keep the zloty weak against the dollar.