Baby Boom in Poland

This is the power of the 500+,Poland-experiencing-baby-boom-report

Other urls found in this thread:–Ottoman_War_(1683–99)

The population keep on decreasing at the moment.
You can watch it live.

Update of today
Will update in ~30 mins

poland should boom itself out of existence


no, but we will blow the fuck out of you with our Nationalsm, Patriotism and Christianity
get fucked Shulz
future generations will hate us for this boom


Lol, most poles aren't really catholics, they're just baptized
You need to realize that Christianity is a cuck religion

Stop pretending to be white

Poland population by ethnic groups:

Ukrainian 0.1% 38,523 people


>Says the Arab pagan heathen

>implying Christianity isn't paganism
>implying Tawhid isn't true monotheism

>Lol, most poles aren't really catholics, they're just baptized
nice data pulled out of your ass
we just crowned Jesus King of Poland
you know nothing shitskin
show your turkish population

Dark ages of communism. Only recently Poland is starting to get up from knees. Still a long road ahead of us.

pulled out of what most poles says, the most religious ones are those living in rural areas

Also, why don't Poland follow the Bible?
>When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt.

Of course, all non white countries are having a baby boom

i dont give a fuck anymore
germany died already in 1945

btw , i think its higher than 2 million

Only 3.7% Muslim???

If people feel optimistic about future - baby boom will follow. Generally. Or it requires electric blackout. Or major disaster-catastrophe.

We follow it.
Good muslim is dead muslim, preferably burried in grave with pigs head.

>pulled out of what most poles says
you never were in Poland, you may visited Gdańsk or Warszawa, but they in no way represent entirety or majority of Poland, stop shitposting

>Also, why don't Poland follow the Bible?
Because we are not suicidal. Also we are taking refugees, just not murderous shitskins that in the neame of allah, rape, murder and steal shit.

>We follow it
>Good muslim is dead muslim
Lol. Dense. Can't wait to behead you... or turn you into a slav Jihadi.
>rape, murder and steal shit.
pic related

nah its over 6%

>Can't wait to behead you...
your ancestors tried that trick, somehow it didn't worked

I promise we'll make you ramadan cakes

>pic related
What does that prove? Those countries that take muzies has 10 to 50% more rape than countries like poland or eastern europe.

>implying my ancestors were T*rks
We bomb ourselves across the ocean nowadays lol
Poland would be alpha witha kind of white Islam though

I want her to churn my cream, if you know what I mean.

>Those countries that take muzies has 10 to 50% more rape than countries like poland or eastern europe.
And the countries who are fully muzzie like Egypt has less rape than you, dumbass

we will stop you, again, as it was before and as it will be in the future
it is eternal destiny of Slavic people to remove kebab

nah, it is because polish women are sluts
there is no need to rape if the female agrees willingly

Sure, you won't rape your own after all, you woman are so ugly that they won't even show their faces. But that map prove that when you take shitskins, they will rape your woman.


>being this dense.

In muslim countries people tend not to report sexual assaults , especially women.

>it is because polish women are sluts
All woman are sluts kraut, no exception, it's the difference what you do with your own woman. German and western men in general are so feminized that they can't even protect and provide for their woman.

You're dying.


>trying this hard
Get a life dude

>Slavic People to remove kebab
Bro Russia is full of Slavic Muslims
We'll get along I promise

No worries muzzie, we are replenishing our losses with folks from ukraine also we have huge world wide diaspora that will come back eventually.

>checking numbers 30 minutes apart is trying hard
You're triggered mate
>still on Sup Forums
>"get a life"

>Bro Russia is full of Slavic Muslims
Chechens will be removed too, don't worry

>EX: Iran kills rapists*
Again raping your fellow muzzies is prohibited. But killing, murdering and stealing from nonbelievers is encouraged, what part of this you don't understand chump?

>folks from ukraine
You mean, tatars? lmao.
>replenishing our losses
dude your migration rate is -0.4/1000

>ignore Tatars, Daghestanis...
>killing, murdering and stealing from nonbelievers is encouraged
"Do not kill the life that Allah has made sacred"
"Shelter the kuffar if they ask for it"
"The thief must have his hands cut if he doesn't repent"

Everyone browse pol these days. From real neo nazis to le based black men.

have nothing against tatars, tatars themselves don't want shitskins invading, They would be on the list first to behead because their religion is slightly different version of islam.

I skipped them because I had wide picture on my mind
picture of world without your demonic moon worship sect with pedo prophet included

Jesus is the way the truth and the life, you venerate instead an illiterate paedophile warlord and you shall regret it. Heed my words read the Bible, learn the truth for yourself because once you're dead it's a done deal, no second chances.

Good muslim is dead muslims. We know it for ages.

We have hatrted to your shitkind in our genes. Its natural to kill pigs like you.

>1.40 fertility rate

Man, Polish posters are so fucking retarted ...

You forgot about part when you should be polite to nonbeliever as long as he is stronger than you, but the moment he show weakness you should stab him in the back.

Yeah don't count too much on that, pic related.
Tatars are Islamic
Good thing, Jesus (sa) is an important figure in Islam & the word of God.
Nope, hadith inaccurate.
Abraham (sa) was a warlord too, but he's in heaven, no?
Lol, bro I don't want to destroy your faith...
The simple fact that Holy Trinity is nowhere in the Bible should be enough.

La ilaha il Allah.

dude your migration rate is -0.4/1000
There is currently 2 million ukies working in poland, they don't have status of refugee but most of them are willing to stay here.
>Births this year: 364,419
>Deaths this year 390,991
>literally losing population

Wow, so based Poland!

>You forgot about part when you should be polite to nonbeliever as long as he is stronger than you, but the moment he show weakness you should stab him in the back.
Verse needed.


Fuck off Angela, go back to your shithole and let Achmed probe your ass with aids ridden dick.

In 50 years Eastern European will still be like it is now. Northern Europe will be colonised by non whites.

tatars are cool but they aren't coming, we have immigrants mostly from western Ukraine

>religion of peace

>Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Quran
>Christians & Jews are literally called people of the Scripture

Dude are you aware that you're quoting fake verses???

>read one verse
>lol im an islamologist



Kek now i know from who our socialists stole the idea of the +500 crowns which they want give us this year. (500 crowns is nothing)

>(500 crowns is nothing)
same with złotys

You don't have to be islamologist to see what's happening around the world with islam in action, you could as well believe in demon of war for all i care

no it's not you stupid fuck

Yea but Poles in England born more children than Hindu or Pakis or any other immigrant group. Poles in germany have fertility rate over 2 etc. Lots of young Poles emigrated for better career and started families in other parts of europe so it's nothing weird that Poland itself has ~0 natural increase

here you have Polish children in Dublin singing national anthem before playing ball

Indeed, and if you look at it you'll show that Muslims suffer from it the most, especially Shias.
Wrong. Indians are those who breed the most in England before Poles & Pakis

Sure, you can buy plenty of vodka with that. Pathology would take any scraps.

Ukrainian Baby Boom
Fixed that for you

>Indeed, and if you look at it you'll show that Muslims suffer from it the most, especially Shias.
Yeah, makes you wonder why they just stop believing in this retarded, auto destructive religion all together. Maybe because they would be murdered if they did so.

For 500 zł you may buy food for a month for 2 people. Or rent a flat in small city.
500 crowns is worth less than 80 PLN effectivly.

>makes you wonder why they just stop believing in this retarded, auto destructive religion
They do not. But they do know the difference between Muslim & Islamist wahhabi.

you are as dumb as a bucket of nails. You realize that between white trash scum and people who earn 15 000zł and more there is a middle class? Mostly people from middle class give care about 500+. For example when you are earning 4000zł getting extra 500 is a big deal.


people without citizenship aren't included in the statistics you dumb cunt

to give you 500 zł government must take from you 600 zł you retard, additional office workers won't pay themselves. It would be much easier to just don't take from people shit and reduce income taxes. But noo. 500+ is designed soly for pathologically poor people, middle class don't give a shit, they are the ones that need to support this shit. Those that do not work takes out of that the most.

Good enough. Also how are these not gypsies fucking for handouts?

I've read enough to form an opinion about slimes.

>for you were foreigners in Egypt
>jews were slaves in Egypt

Which fucking one was it?

Germany wants to help solve our baby boom problem.

sadnigger you are talking about the most religious country in Europe by far
Even we have to import priests to oficiate from Poland

Entire emigration wave to the west is because of our government, which thinks "we'll take 600 zł from everybody to give some people 500 zł back" is a good idea.

wtf are you talking about with this pic. A flat out lie–Ottoman_War_(1683–99)

'German women are the biggest sluts in Europe'
-a shitskin

I know you stupid cunt. Listening to Korwin doesn't make you an enlightened expert in economics. Of course cutting taxes is simpler and better solution but that wasn't the point you were making you imbecile. You were making a point saying that 500zł is nothing and only dysfunctional families care about the "scraps" so that they can spend it on vodka which is completely fucking untrue because families with alcohol problems don't get the money directly but they get food and other shit instead. And the other thing is that the biggest beneficiaries of the 500+ program are people from middle class and not the poor, jobless fucks.

Emigration wave to the west is because you can earn 2-4k € or £ instead of zł.
That's about it.

Yup heard it from black guy too


I am not the one bringing korwin to the discussion you idiot.
And again taking shit from people and then giving same shit or even less to them back cancels itself out so in the end they get almost nothing. What can you buy for 500 zł to your kid? You even know how expepnsive is shit for kids these days? Fuck you

oh great

another generation of polacks fleeing to the west...

But it's partially because of our socialist economy. There are many unneeded taxes that result in us losing more than half of our money to government for no good reason. If we gained maybe not 100% more, but 50% at least there would be less incentive to emigrate.
But noooo, ZUS needs more premiums! More ""work"" places!

Literally the only famous polish woman in germany worked as Hooker

>Not researching Hebrew and learning that there are different words for "foreigner"
The word in that verse is in reference to people who are adopting the values, culture, and practices of the land.

>As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.

My fiancee is Polish and is moving over here this summer from the Wroclaw area

We are going to give America a try but if she hates it here I wouldn't be opposed to moving to Poland with her

Im Catholic blue eyes, I'd do the best to learn the language and raise conservative patriots. The policies your government currently has a pretty awesome in terms of having kids and raising a family.

I think America should also try and adopt some of these ideas. Of course the only problem with America is that we are filled with nonwhite degenerates and nonCatholics

Paulo Martinez, you ARE a sandnigger/
Christianity's dead in Europe.
>trying this hard and thinking Jesus (sa) wouldn't accept refugees & shelter them