>vote democrat they said
What does Sup Forums think will happen when the benefits stop flowing? Will it be worse than the LA Riots?
>vote democrat they said
What does Sup Forums think will happen when the benefits stop flowing? Will it be worse than the LA Riots?
the entire state will file for bankruptcy and we can publicize the ever living shit out of their failed policies as we should.
I hope it happens. We need Gibs Riots to show the rest of the country what Liberals are doing.
Making generation of people unfit for life.
t. Elgin-area illinoisian
I'm not really sure whats happening here.
Can we get some extra labels and things so we can all understand Garrisons almost arcane depiction of current events?
Trump will be blamed
bring back nuclear testing
>Ben Garrison
Stop posting this faggot
Legalize weed. That should help with funding.
Where is the unaltered one?
what a fucking idiot
all he has to do is relax and stop being diagonal, and his whole head will be above water
good luck user, I hope you own firearms
No fed bailouts.
No bailouts with my tax dollars.
100% of taxes now going to state pensions.
They are now raising taxes and taxing everything.
Chimpout should be glorious.
Central Illinois reporting in, i cant wait to shoot some liberals when the SHTF, wish me luck!
wish u luck.
please make sure you are still on by going to the range.
Hoosierfag here. Northern Indiana, stock up on ammo.
Oh, the American taxpayers will pay
We always pay, which is why Trump support is stupid
We still pay for illegals
we pay for Puerto Rico
We will pay for Chicago
>all this property tax
>no budget
SHTF soon, fellow comrades
well now that we have the majority we can fix it!
No--the debt current is too strong for him to do that.
shit can i have your white jeep cherokee
>What does Sup Forums think will happen when the benefits stop flowing?
Great Chicago Fire 2: The Niggering.
real life GTA?
there are not only pictures, but words! sound em out, the one child that was left behind. we'll wait.
Why does this fag feel the need to label everything in his shitty political cartoons?