other than killing myself or starting lifting weights, what can you advice can you give me, an unsocial, lazy, uneducated, nihilistic 26 year old wizard apprentice?
Other than killing myself or starting lifting weights, what can you advice can you give me, an unsocial, lazy...
>what can you advice can you give me
sorry for the mindfuck opening post
People who literally know nothing about you apart from what you've written in a single sentence can give you no advice.
That said, lifting is overrated. Cardio sports are much more useful for an average person. (And easier to not fuck up)
The chance you will sort yourself out is very slim. I'd bet 10 to 1 you won't so probably kys if you don't like it.
>wizard apprentice
what is this?
go back to pleddit
lift weights stop bitching
You are a frogposter, which means suicide is your only escape from shame.
He will finish his apprenticeship in 4 years and become an actual wizard
get a hobby and stop focusing on how bad your pathetic life is
and don't forget to regularly clean your room
>t. ahmed advocating suicide
Spoken like a true untermensch
Yeah, why don't you post your favorite memefrog edits and wait for Lord Kek to smite my country.
>says that people shouldn't give advice in the circumstances
>gives advice
Go to school. Do something with your life. Anything but a NEET.
Use the weights to kill yourself?
Kill yourself by lifting weights
>People who literally know nothing about you apart from what you've written in a single sentence can give you no advice
So that rules out all dead thinkers advice ever... Don't be silly, we can generalize and assume which is perfectly healthy and indeed a necessary skill to have.
You're 26, despite what you were told in school, as a man, your peak mental capabilities don't arrive until after 30, keep learning by yourself as there is no better way, you may not have been blessed with inspiring teachers but there are plenty of people who want to help out there in classical books. Women can wait to be conquered, improve your assessment abilities first. If that means being alone longer, and shaking off the worst influence of your family then so be it, get to space to clear your mind.
Lord kek has already smite the vaterland. Hence why my family moved from there
>sort yourself out
it's a meme how can you sort yourself out when your brain is permanently out of function. I can't get my dopamine kick unlike normies who easily get it from sex, good grades, being a good goy at work or religion and none of these things interest me because no matter how much I can give I don't want to earn success. I just want to know that I can survive on my own if I go out and do these things without hesitation or fear. Why do you fucks keep looking down on us loners so?
no more anime for you
Lifting weights and being in shape is the most important thing you can do to increase brain function
no, you are terrified. almost all 'nihilists' are just utterly terrified of reality, and I defy you to prove that isn't the case.
read Epictetus. Read his book 'Enchiridion'. It is pretty short, and you can get it for free online.
Start exercising. If the idea of 'exercise' makes you feel uncomfortable don't call it that. Call it 'doing 10 pushups in my room' if you can't do 10 do 5. If you can't do 5 do 1. If you can't do 1 then do 1 on your knees. If you are at the bottom of a hole the first thing to do is stop digging. Of course you will be awful at new things, everybody is awful at new things at first in comparison to how good they will get after a few months of practice. If you stick with exercise even for a week you will start to feel better as you get the endorphin rush. But I agree with this post: While it is very hard to give you any advice from such little info, there's a good chance you have low self esteem. Because you have low self esteem you will either never start exercising or you will make a half hearted attempt and when you see no results immediately you will stop. Such as you are with exercise, which is really the easiest and most practical way to improve yourself, you with everything else because of your low self esteem. I think the chance you will improve yourself is very slim, but good luck.
I got a good idea.
>buy a 80s-90s model car/truck
>spend your time instead of fapping and wizardry on rebuilding and learning about your vehicle
>after you rebuild to your liking you will feel accomplished
>then you can sell for profit
>or keep for daily driver that will make people say "sheeeeeeeeeeit"
I agree that lifting is fucking gay and I havent lifted for 2 years. I used to be huge and athletic, but now I just do some prison/military style workouts at home to stay in decent shape.
Ok kid i was in a similair seat
Hers how you fix yourself
Imitating Geralt and speaking as he speaks as you would speak with whomever he is speaking to
Will after a time change your way of being acting and outlook on life to be a more productive chad
i take opiates like mad to make up for issues producing dopamine
just take paracetamol or something if you want to feel good about yourself
Start exercising you fat fuck. Sitting in a chair all day leads to ligament laxity, leads to arthritis later in life. Humans are meant to be walking most of their lives. And lacking testosterone causes low energy and depression. Not to mention the self confidence that comes with being fit.
Read the Bible to learn about Man.
Get into Hiking. It will allow you to exercise, meet new people & see the world around you.
Another is have a Goal & a purpose that you can work towards, no matter how long it might take.
(My goal many moons ago was work my way up a Power Structure while remaining clean. I Achieved this goal & that is why I've been doing the KB threads that keep getting heavily shilled due to how important the Information is in them.Pic Related)
Archives: archive.4plebs.org
Consider WWOOFing
Tbh I think I'm a lost cause.
fuck this, this is now a Bogdanoff thread.
Sort yourself out, do the self authoring program, it helped me get my life together