Why do so many white supremacists breed with asians?
Why do so many white supremacists breed with asians?
hi r/ hapas. They don't. You guys see what you want to see. In any large group of white men some percentage will date asians, cause they are easy.
Because they're only "racist" since no White women will touch them. They have to settle for some ugly flat-faced smelly gold-digging chink with a horrible screeching voice. 99% of White males with a chinkwife are either recovering incels, mentally ill, obese neckbeard fedoras, or a combination of the above.
>they don't
I'm a white nationalist, but my wife is asian
I also see that a lot in Australia and the like. My coworker divorced his wife for a thai girl who already gave him two kids
Asians are superior to degenerate white women
They are way more conservative, way more submissive, make better wives and better mothers
coz white women are aids nowadays
Because they usually make good traditional waifus and are very loyal to their man. I'll admit the thought has crossed my mind before and I'm not even a k-pop fag.
tfw im breeding tons of happa with my future qt 3.14 nip gf
feels pretty good tbqh
Because whats the alternative?
Fucking black dick stretched white whores?
Fucking down and shagging baboon females and gorillarettes.
Nope. Asian women wont fuck a nigger so are clean. They are also much more clever than white women.
White man has driven progress in the world the past 500 years and white women are trying to wreck that by dumbing down the IQ of future generations whether it be half chimp babies or their horse shit liberal rhetoric.
With an asian bird you get two hard workers, kids through private schooling and the continuation of the HUMAN race.
Sad desu
She's not even a top tier gook either
Gooks are reserved for beta males. So this guy was a beta at some point in his life, or is a beta trying hard to be alpha
The only problem with WMAF is the male hapas children. Hapas daughters are cute, and can then also engage in a WMAF relationship, creating an even less asian baby. This happens over and over again until we've basically added a new breed of 99% white women that are 1% asian.
The hapas males... well, sadly, they will be euthanized.
Feel sorry for that kid. Prolly grow up to be rich trust fund cunt screaming for "social justice".
Lack of standards.
Beta men settle for chinks.
There are decent white women. Just look foe the ones with good fathers.
Cause they're fuvking liars. Chances are they don't talk about Jewish tricks nor support hitler
TFW Asian girlfriend
TFW she's better than any white woman I've ever known
TFW divided between loyalty to race and loyalty to own happiness
Feels bad man
bluepilled as fuck tbqh
Just euthanize any sons and keep any daughters and you'll be fine.
Because most asian women are submissive enough to be white supremacists. It's an amazing thing when someone worships your dick.
I want a conservative blonde/blue eyed girl thank you very much.
To weed the coalburner gene out of the genepool.
Thankfully im beyond all that shit. 43 and retired
imagine being as rich as him and that is the best woman he can find lmao. this guy wants to be president. Sad!
>Feel sorry for that kid. Prolly grow up to be rich
Because they're hot.
lol get off Sup Forums pensioner
How can you be one of the richest men on the planet and marry a 4? I get that he's a cuck, but holy shit.
He's probably been fed estrogen his entire life and has never experienced masculinity. I'd like to get him on TRT, get his testosterone levels up to those of a real man then take a look at his life and realize the life he could be living would put Dan Bilzerian to shame.
>white supremacists
>american mongrels
lmao they are already mixed
Because Asians haven't been bred to be Feminist Pieces of Anti-Wife Anti-Mother shitbag, THATS WHY.
> Don't have one but see it as a better option every white woman I meet
Sacrifice you family or your principals...that's a quick way to hinder a movement forever...FOREVER.
so many whites hear in England are either
fat as fuck
feminists man hating cunts who will divorce you
money grabbing cunts who will divorce you
cheating cunts who will divorce you
white trash scum who you wouldn't want raising your future offspring
the few good ones left are few and far between
that's why white supremicists opt for Asian wives
generally they are good wives and mothers
>Why do so many white supremacists breed with asians?
East Asians are honorary Aryans, even according to Hitler.
They know who the superior women are.
Because he beats her into submission and she loves that shit..
also far eastern women tend to be quite fertile
hapas raised by Asian tiger mothers will probably
out compete beta white men raised by homos and
white single mother man hating feminists
>I'd like to get him on TRT,
Just make him eat yellow cake if you want him to get cancer
Lmao what a grotesque whore
Le asianmasc ideology face
you forgot to mention the dozens of niggers she associates with. meanwhile asian qts hate niggers more than i do.
>tfw you'll never feel how tight yerro pussy is
kek beta cucks btfo
I recently got an Asian gf.
It's pretty pleasant.
/r/hapa btfo in one post
See his belly? There is little to no hair there trailing from his crotch, which means he is low in the androgen hormone Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) or the chemical biological process it is used in has been impaired. It affects fertility, cognition, and aggressiveness.
Without a doubt, he is a beta.
>asian qts hate niggers more than i do.
Not according to blacked.com
Asians are whores as well. DWI.
>race mixing is wrong, except if it's with an Asian
That is one good looking Jew.
the trick to avoiding this problem is aborting the males
paid western whores
Is this b8? What merit do you have to wear that flag?
if youve yellow fewer you are a beta and not a real white male.
never change you bunch of underage frogposters with 0 experience in the outside world stuttering at the mere sight of 10/10s.
I have thick hair from chest all the way down to dick. Am I high T?
>you forgot to mention the dozens of niggers she associates with
Highly doubtful white qt wearing a Sturgis motorcycle rally t-shirt hangs with nigs.
shame about being a hoe
>watches jewish war propaganda
This is the most pathetic thing I've read today.
Did you really need to analyze body hair to know that kike manlet is a beta?
she's pretty cute and doesn't look like a typical chink rat, i.e. short, wide nose, slanted as fuck eyes.
he could've shaved it
t. i shaved mine
Um, did you not recognize (((Zuckerberg))) just now?
>confirmation bias only applies to everyone who isn't white and doesn't believe what I believe
really activates the acorns
>kike manlet is a beta
I resemble that remark!
Body hair almost always means high testosterone levels
but it can also mean you have desert people genes
Regardless, you need some testosterone to look like a werewolf even with arab genetics, you're probably high T
Do you have a good metabolism? Do you gain muscle easily? These are common signs of having high t
Nice, I must be high t as fuck. Easy gainer with muscle, hard gainer with fat. Literally covered with hair. High metabolism. Full of rage.
This is true. My asian wife only dated white guys.
Cleans all the time, cooks food from scratch, continues traditional values, and she's a CFO of asset management company. No white woman has ever come close.
Fuck you. I was on here before the meme that was your parents love concieved you
>My asian wife only dated white guys
this kinda makes sense
Choose love. Unironically this is the answer in this regard, what does your heart say over your mind, user? And what will you care for on your death bed, having loved your woman and having a family or having thrown away your love for some superficial ideology that shan't outlast you?
this unironically
>>My asian wife only dated white guys
We must "believe". Because women never lie.
>So this guy was a beta at some point in his life
Damn, the shaming has gotten so bad that being weak just once in your life is reason enough for ridicule now. Unreasonable things like this are why men are now immune to shaming.
Notice how most white girls don't find asian men date-able. Now ask a bunch of asian girls if they would ever consider dating a white guy. Pretty much 100% of them would say "yes, I'm open to it"
White women/men are highly desired across most cultures. Like I said, white is always right.
For AMWF to occur, the male has to date UP. It's a higher standard --> only higher quality men can have a reasonable chance of succeeding --> children are more alpha
For WMAF to occur, the male has to date DOWN. It's a lower standard --> lower quality men can STILL have a reasonable chance of succeeding --> children are more beta.
AND GUESS where white supremacists fall in the spectrum of white men? Yes, that's right, they're mostly closeted incels, mentally ill, obese neckbeards. Like many of you on Sup Forums. These white men aren't desirable by the cuties of their own race so they resort to picking up lower-quality, more easily attainable asian chicks
Just logic. Hopefully this isn't a leap for all of you, considering most of you have low IQs
She's grew up in all white town; really isolated. She's Korean, so she's more racist than me. It's perfect really.
Beta's marry asians
Does she feels any loyalty to her own race while dating a white man ?
If not, what's the difference between her and with the average coal burner
To be honest, a lot of white supremacists actually just don't want niggers to overrun the world.
>Just euthanize any sons and keep any daughters and you'll be fine.
If more and more white men are being satisfied by white girls, tell me who's gonna satisfy the white girls? That's right, Tyrone and Chang. Save yourself the trouble and all the butthurt, by following your own agenda.
You don't like AMWF or BMWF? Then don't participate in interracial relationships yourself.
Simple logic.
>tfw more white people for us latinos
Fuck. Yes.
Please keep neglecting white women.
asian pussy is tight and obedient
Friendship ended with white women, asian women are my best friend now.
But why is she dating other men? It's still cuckoldry even if they are white
>more conservative, way more submissive
>Because they usually make good traditional waifus and are very loyal to their man.
This is an overwhelming response from most of you. But just the fact that many of you still think this makes me think that you really haven't met many asian women.
Asian women today are just as liberal and westernized as white girls. We don't live in the 15th century anymore.
You're in a surprise my friends.
Americhinks are liberalized. Asian women from Asia are not.
4D chess
>AMWF must date UP because they are lower quality
Then don't you Emma "date DOWN" because they hey have to lower their standards?
Exact same line of logic for your WMAF but able to raise standards allowing to date UP and not DOWN.
>t. White guy married to a White Scot
Koreans, Japs, Taiwanese, and Hong Kong's Asians are very liberalized, but you're otherwise correct.
I fucking hate yellow fever fags. Especially 'redpilled' ones.
Even if asians are more traditional wives which I strongly doubt, you're a piece of shit for not seeking out a quality white wife even if that proves extremely difficult.
Shaming men by calling them shit isn't going to work. What incentives would you propose to reward men who breed like you want them to with objective happiness?
To create Eurasian hybrids to defeat the Russio-Chinese menace with superior autism and self-loathing.
Very limited supply. Not every redilled guy will be able to have one. They can either settle for a used up trashy white girl, or get a beautiful loyal virgin asian bitch.
>implying anyone should care just because their eyes are slanted and they're a bit shorter
Skin's even white, what more do you want? I could bitch about white women who are too fat, or are large-boned and husky cuz they've got too many Neanderthal genes in them. Stop getting caught up on little stuff.
never understood the obsession with them here but then again this is an anime / trap cartoon website so that might explain it.
>Then don't you Emma "date DOWN" because they hey have to lower their standards?
The dynamics are different. Men are the suitors. Women are the ones being sought.
Women have plenty of options and it's always the men scurrying to find pussy.
Real life can never compete with the human imagination.
The tightest gash I ever stuffed my tiny peener in belonged to some korean broad. Thats prolly why. Cooter smelled like kimchi though.
They're not just the same. Try talking to some of them. White women are stuck up bitches that sleep around like it's nothing, yet have a long list of how white men should be. My only standards are not fat and virgin, yet I can't find a single white woman that fits that.
If you prefer those slant eyed insect looking cunts over White women there is seriously something wrong with your brain
Go on /gif/ and look in the Asian threads sometime.
I'd say you're the one out of your fucking mind.
Depending on status, dating a Whitey is an "upgrade."
It's why I exclusively date non-lefty whites and intelligent Asians.
The average college/liberal white slut is the product of nigger culture. Fuck no.