>Live in California
>Tons of government subsidized "low income" housing areas
>10x nicer than the spot I PAY to live
>every time they build more of these MY rent goes up
How is this even a thing wtf?
Seriously this makes 0 fucking sense.
>Live in California
>Tons of government subsidized "low income" housing areas
>10x nicer than the spot I PAY to live
>every time they build more of these MY rent goes up
How is this even a thing wtf?
Seriously this makes 0 fucking sense.
you have to pay extra for the nigs to get it for free
Niggers, that's why.
You know what time it is!
>time for a race war
>Seriously this makes 0 fucking sense.
It's because kikes and their shabbos goy hate you and your race, and will use your money to subsidize your replacement.
Oy vey of course the rent goes up when your area is enriched by such culture and diversity.
Plot Twist: I'm black.
The property taxes probably went up to pay for the gibs housing, so the landlord needs to up the rent to pay his bills.
So did you just blow in from reddit?
House prices in Africa are probably quite low. Great opportunity to invest before the Chinese cuck the entire continent.
Well at least you're not taking advantage of it like those other animals.
No I'm an oldfag. I've been here all summer.
Why don't the landlords fight back instead of passing the 'savings' onto us?
If they fought back they'd be racist and lose their positions, I'd imagine. It's passive blackmail, pun aside.
Well can I do anything on my end?
Sorry friend, I know of no good way to fight that tide. About all you could do is get to know your neighbors and express your concern, a well-spoken black guy voicing the same concerns as his white neighbors might make a more convincing case for some people that you both have a real point.
>captcha: stop club
remove nightclub, is clear to me now
your taxes pay for it.
government overspends when it does every project ever.
they are the ones building that shit so thats what happens
>>Live in California
There's your problem (no tu quoque arguments, please).
he said california. that's spics, not nigs.
get it straight.
Naw theres both
no please stay, no where else wants any more california cucks moving there.
so who's the dumbass eh?
who's the sucker?
You must have some real self-loathing issues to be a jigaboo on pol.
get the fuck off my board spade
Just elect a mayor/governor that runs on ending those programs.
Democracy has its fail-safes you know
Fuck it, I'm gonna run for mayor
gtfo of California ASAP!!!!!!!
>No I'm an oldfag. I've been here all summer.
surely this is trolling
lol republicans
use government to get even with the ppl.
lol canadians.
I have nothing else to say, that should be insulting enough
don't forget to take away some hungry kids lunch
Run as a Democrat, but have all conservative policies. They'll vote for you without thinking.
this is the only correct canadian solution
this would likely work. most democrats vote for whoever the 'democrat' is, they generally have no knowledge of any policies or anything else, they simply vote along party lines
at least with republicans you get the independant and libertarian voters
republican affordable housing