>328 burgers die every day to guns
>"dunt take m'gunz wut 'bout constitutin!!?"
>constitution written when muskets were the only guns available
>literally worshipping a piece of paper written by dead white dudes
>328 burgers die every day to guns
>"dunt take m'gunz wut 'bout constitutin!!?"
>constitution written when muskets were the only guns available
>literally worshipping a piece of paper written by dead white dudes
no no, every day 328 niggers die to illegally acquired pistols, literally has nothing to do with a white guy in Texas who owns an AR-15
People could have private warships back then, cannons, explosives, etc
Liberal gun deaths have suicides included
>pretends to care about dead americans just so he can advance his "dude #FUCK guns LMAO" cause
That's 119720 people a year. I fucking wish that was happening. Also niggers are attempting to be a self solving problem. The constitution is awesome as is. No need to change it. You're just jealous
>same tired bait with the same shit tier arguments that have been debunked endless times
>this will get 300+ replies
don't forget to sag-eh
We still can have those things.
SHALL, also: Don't. Go kill yourself and choke yourself with the elitist cock of the EU
Governor Terry McAuliffe says 'We loose 93 million Americans a day due to gun violence'
t. shlomo
3 anti gun thread's.
Fuck off op
>Back t.I'm wit hurdur
>constitution written when muskets were the only guns available
except it also included protecting fucking cannons
Check out forgotten weapons. There was pretty advanced weaponry during the late modern period.
not just muskets they also allowed cannons and they did have rapid fire weapons back then and were also included and 328 blacks die due to illegal firearms
There's a lot of anti-gun/anti-american jew shilling today.
Two thirds of "gundeaths are suicide"
Over half the remainder are niggers shooting other niggers
The second ammendment was written to allow pariety between the people and the state in terms of access to weaponry
>EU faggot flag
>always see you shitposting
>faggot can't tell the difference between a legal and illegal gun
>doesnt know that in the U.S. the cities with the strictest gun laws are also cities with the highest murder and crime rates
>is gonna continue to be a fucking idiot
If you count out niggers and spics, you would see that the number would drastically go down
You're numbers are a lie. 120k people don't die a year to guns.
Show your source for those statistics. I just looked up FBI/DOJ statistics and they say you're full of shit.
if you outlaw guns, then only outlaws will own them. also,
>1 post by this ID
slide thread. fuck off and kill yourself, uneducated piece of shit.
I'm sure that at least 300 out of the 328 are niggers, therefore I am perfectly ok with this statistic.
>white amerifat goes to voting booth, LOSES, gets angry and decides to shoot up a white school
Many such cases
So you think I can own a recreational nuke? Heheh, noice
I care about dead whites, especially when your country is being overrun at 60%
>faggot can't tell the difference between a legal and illegal gun
>tfw white amerifats who shoot up schools happen to be registered democrats on anti-depression medication
>be OP
>think 4 intelligent leaders were stupid enough to think weapons wouldn't get more powerful
>thinks that illegal guns should be held accountable for legal guns
>thinks depressed people killing themselves with guns wouldn't kill themselves without them
>thinks that tyrannical governments would still arise if everyone had guns, even though a large portion of the population wouldn't rebel with guns
>implying dindu gun crimes means we should get rid of guns
come and take em' europoor.
Your shill argument is invalid.
>eu flag
Weak b8 m8
Only niggers in inner cities kill each other. Take away the nigger statistics and America is as peaceful as the best European countries were before their own nigger invasion.
>So you think I can own a recreational nuke? Heheh, noice
Yes, you stupid faggot. If you're smart and rich enough to acquire, store, and launch a recreational nuke, you're probably more qualified than the government that already has a fucking nuclear arsenal at its disposal. Do you think nuclear weapons are fucking cheap?
Yuros tend to be as uneducated about history as the average American.
this seems low. will work to get this number where it should be. earth too crowded, we're not exempt from needed reduction but china and india need to do their part too
>constitution written when muskets were the only guns available
Good point. #drones4civilians*
*with tracking capabilities reasonably restricted to 12 moving targets at any given time
Nice idea faggot, let the trust fundie sons of successful business owners get a hold of nukes. I'm sure they aren't abosultely retarded from years of daddy's moneycock shoved down their throats
>33,599 / 365 = ~92 per day
CDC, 2014
How many of those are niggers killing niggers?
Kek. Youre literally retardeduh musket was only gun.
>But thats not trye user chan
They explicitly state the people should have any qeapons and ammo nessecary to overthrow the government
It's actually 98 million a day, get your facts right.
Fuck off you pathetic Eurofag.
An ICBM costs tens to hundreds of millions of dollars for the missile alone, not accounting for the costs in transporting it and actually launching the fucking thing. Plus, if some dumb faggot actually buys and launches a missile, he'll be fucking murdered for it because an individual is far more accountable than a government.
I would rather some stupid faggot I can choke the life out of with my bare hands owned a missile than some non-specific government bureaucracy made up of hundreds/thousands of random people who can't be held accountable under any circumstance ever because all you stupid cowardly fucks took away our guns we could use to hold people accountable. Democracy and freedom are only backed up by horrific violence and the potential the citizenry has to commit acts of horrific violence.
why would we want to be defenseless like most European people, that is why mad men can get away with stabbing people in public places
Where do they state that? I think you're bluffing
Not in constitution. Is a quote explaining why it was there. Google it nigger
Nice interpretation. Too bad it's meaningless
>constitution written when muskets were the only guns available
You're gonna have to do some more research.
Blacks and mexicans aren't burgers.
Funny how we can have those now and that stamp is useless. I've got a 15rd Glock mag with that stamp.
Its so wonderful being American, fuck yurp and their gun grobbling fingers.
Jealousy sad cucks you all are.
In canada you get stabbed instead if shot.
why do you care nigger? we arent allowed to take our guns to your countries. if we tried we would be detained by the TSA and probably go to jail if white and if not go to gitmo to be molested by army officers
why does it matter that we have guns? why wont you shut up? you thinking about trying something? please you niggers cant handle black people with knives. we have black people with guns that thought alone keeps you from ever trying something
thats not counting white people who can aim before firing who own guns in america. your little fancy ladd faggot ass would be raped in the streets if you tried to start a war with us
"the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. it is it’s natural manure."
Thomas Jefferson
And for you filthy eurocucks who don't know who that is, he was one of the major authors of the Declaration of Independence from England, one of the major authors of the United States Constitution, vice president to the 2nd president John Adams, and the 3rd president.
burgers die every day to guns
you mean die every day to niggers?
Are you an anorexic liberal? Or Michael Moore's second chin?
I don't care for your confederacy. but i hate the liberal boi pussy with the scarf even more.
>freedom hating eurocuck
Well color me surprised.
i have a fun experiment, calculate which americans kill people with guns as well as die every day due to guns!
Its from literally one of the founding fathers faggot
>322 niggers die a day
Top kek m8. Keep me posted
And yet I find nothing wrong or bad about what you just said.
It is all good.
>he doesn't own a recreational nuke
guns are SO dangerous
I would much rather have a muslim run me over with a truck
The anti-gun nuts always, always, always leave Dindus out of the gun death equation....stupid fucks!!!
>328 burgers die every day to guns.
>They refuse to even try and change that fact.
I fail to see the issue here.
over 50% of that number is suicides you dumb nigger, and laws can't prevent suicidal people from killing themselves (just look at Japan)
We can't allow cucks like you to take away the only good thing about living in this shithole
You people are truly pathetic.
What do you even think you're accomplishing here? The gun control debate in the US died in the 90s. Your fellow travelers lost.
Why are you wasting your life shitposting about an issue that has absolutely no effect on you and that you are utterly impotent to influence?
Not to mention the massive personnel costs for maintaining proper silo and storage facilities, security, etc. Its not easy to aquire much less maintain a nuke. Similar to any heavy military equipment its pretty difficult to maintain it without crews equipment and funds. Even a tank cant be operated and maintained by a single person. Smaller Explosives, firearms and blades can all be maintained pretty easily to little cost.
Because I've lived in Chicago for close to 40 years and the only two people I have ever known who were victims of gun violence were shot in the Ardennes and Afghanistan.
Gun violence is a highly concentrated problem in our country.
>bans guns
>now only criminals have them
good fucking job lad
To be fair I'm pretty sure the founders didn't want niggers to have guns considering they weren't allowed to become citizens
>doesn't respect one of the oldest laws still active
>wants to replace it with another one
Wow, such a contradictive statist bitch you are.
70% of gun deaths in the usa are suicides 96% of the remaining are felons/wanted/ex cons typically shot by law abiding citizens, police, or other criminals. in miami in the mid 80s for a couple years more felons were shot legally by civilians than police shot felons in the entire country.
washington commissioned the lewis and clark expedition, one rifle they brought was a suppressed pneumatic air rifle with a 22 shot magazine that they killed 100s of indians with. read some fucking history.
That piece of paper is so we can snipe officers
>muh muskets
>muh founding fathers could have accounted for this
Take a gander at some of these they were well aware of what they wrote and signed
The 2nd is Cleary for protection of a tyrannical goverment, do you really think they could imagine that there country would some day become tyrannical but not see weapons evolve more even though they were making leaps and strides in gun technology IE cartridges and breech loading rifles and people trying make a reliable repeating firearm
>328 burgers every day
A grand majority of those are suicides, something "no gunz" would not prevent. The rest are gang killings between niggers and spics.
Get rid of first amendment also, because free speech only means town criers and printed ink newspapers.
>dead white dudes
Dead white dues made everything good in this world.
My reply will not bump your thread, this is obvious bait. I'm only replying in case a newfag will read this.
You can buy potassium nitrate in bulk, along with various propellants that are perfectly legal in possessing, but as soon as you use them for the obvious purpose, suddenly you're placed on some watch list for making pvc rockets in the backyard.