When will the Edomites of pol accept the truth that blacks are the true descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?
Truly this fact kills the pol
When will the Edomites of pol accept the truth that blacks are the true descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?
Truly this fact kills the pol
Hol up* smack lip * ar yoou tellen me thatt we wuz jooz and sheit ooga booga daym mang.
We have some of them in Israel
I met with them personally, they are very nice and good at singing and playing basketball but they are very lazy and they often steal smartphones, I say America can take them back. We enjoyed their company but it's time to go home
I thought you only have Ethiopian Jews? What's the difference?
Ethiopian Jews are Semitic. USA niggers are west Africans. west Africans are way closer to monkeys than any other human race. Ethiopian Jews are fine imo
tell me, what do you see here?
how about this one?
and this?
Change the file name next time and clean my house please I'll pay you some shekels
You moldovans like cleaning jewish houses don't you? and bathing old Jews
do you see it?
it's funny they call you guys Amalek
you know what that means if it's true right?
How does two birds with one stone kill "pol"
A black guy claiming to be the original Aryan is a little confusing. Two enemies becoming one enemy is convenient if anything.
>You moldovans like cleaning jewish houses don't you? and bathing old Jews
Yeah, most likely.
What do you see here?
It's a job for you
Only a matter of time
>blacks are the true descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?
Then it makes sense that we hate niggers and jews
Stop this antisemitism at once, goy!
Hey, we are close to you, at least territorially.
>we wuz prophets