Let's talk about ElsaGate
Other urls found in this thread:
Can i have a quick rundown?
Ye i want one of those as well
>kids love gross things
>spammers make silly videos about such things but use weird thumbnails
>clearly part of the pedo agenda
pizzagate 2: thumbnails of moloch
here ya go
Apparently it links to some cryptic video shit (from commenters) as well as pedophiles that upload their shit on youtube.
Youtube: qpy8LGVWQ-k
Discord: pwPBxDT
Executions must commence, IMMEDIATELY!
Crazy, and it's on youtube....with millions of views.
You'll find comments that look like codes or strings of letters, people have decoded they and linked to twitters such as
Which lead to Cryptic MKUltra style programming videos. What if these videos have programming in the Spiderman Elsa Videos?
it's real and disturbing. These vids have millions of hits, and you can get to them through youtube KIDS.
Above all--it's real. It's not some moral panic or christ-tards overreacting.
Social Engineering that is connected to Disney(Trafficking Networks out of some of the Parks) combined with Subliminal messages.
Archives: archive.4plebs.org
OP here, jump on this discord, if ya'll are interested in discussing further, I'm expected a prune/deletion soon.
Discord: EKryUYM
The people in the comments are using English keyboard characters, BUT they actually correspond to different characters in a different language.
The trouble is knowing what keyboard language they are actually using.
Millions of hits because the videos need to repeat over and over again in order to mentally breakdown the victim
I was browsing some picture archives and it seemed there was one where a child gave a testimony about the videos (Monsters in costumes) (Blue house) Idk man, everything is a jumble of info right now, we need organization and consistent investigation #Investigate #ElsaGate
Wonder what would happen if you played them backwards or put them in an audio codec.
I got banned for "replying to garbage threads (/x/-tier ARG shit)". I wonder if mods meant elsagate threads.
Quick rundown:
>Sup Forums doesn't understand how Youtube works
>Sup Forums doesn't understand what kids want to watch
>Videos made for kids are somehow conditioning them to be sex slaves because there's poops and syringes in the videos
>These videos aren't made by people who want money from millions of view, they are secretly made by pedophiles instead
>These pedophiles are putting pedophile symbols and signals in their videos because that's a very smart thing to do
>Sup Forums still believes to be smarter than everyone else
Why so much fetish and conditioning in the videos then lmao.
Can you name one thing that Sup Forums doesn't consider a fetish?
I remember the Fine Bros did a React video to this kind of injection stuff awhile back. All the reactors were super creeped out & I remember thinking, "wow pedos sure do have a lot of time on their hands".
As a seasoned conspiracy theorist, I not only question the origin & reason for these videos - I also question why all of a sudden I've seen at least half a dozen threads in the past 3 days on Sup Forums & I've hardly been here. What is being slid?
I wonder if OP is a shill? If not, I hope OP realizes that every PG thread & every thread like this (accusation without proof) does absolutely nothing to help children & everything to help normalize the pedo narrative. Ask Ben Swan & Alex Jones if you don't believe me.
bump. shit meeds to stop
It's time to bring back gas Chambers, the only questions needed to be asked are:
1. How many Need to be built in each western Country?
2. What Groups should be gassed?
3. How to legalize them?
Someone wanna see if theres anything hidden in the audio or frames of the videos? Check the gamma, brightness, etc.
Also check the EXIF and look for secrets in the photos on this guys twitter.
>libertarian defending pedos
How could this be..... ??
From the first video, text comes down the screen at roughly :28. khavwiese sfy wdks sjw qgmj xjawfvk.
Decrypted to the attached image.
Missionary sex within the confines of marriage.
I don't know Hans, you're the expert
Good shit, therefore, we know that they're connected now. I notice in the other video, theres a tic tac toe with some letters in it, what could that mean?
>Joined in April 2017
I hope you autistic fucks realize that this is more than likely a Sup Forumsack fucking with all of you. These are slide threads.
There are less fucked up ways to make kids watch your shit. Basically having popular characters in it is way more than enough.
Look at this for example
See how many views?
Finger family spam works too.
Why add shit and urine, blood, abortion, torn-off fingers, "bad baby" videos?
mods are banning elsagate threads
if i have kid and if they are a little of what i was or what i am now, they will be watching some fuck up stuff i mean bsdm with chair that are human cosplaying
Should we move to /bant/ ?
You act just like the lefties
>He's not racist
You're lucky I even bother responding to braindead retards like you. Yes, by all means go on these wild goose chases instead of focusing on real things, dumbshit.
Why doesnt Sup Forums just start making its own youtube videos and just subtly redpill an entire generation
Conditioning yo. Make kids think that it's okay to doo, they'll act out irl and possible grow to become a serial killer or pedophile themselves. Fuck their mind up when they're young.
They fucking covering it up. They are in on it.
Thats right, I came from Youtube to here and thats basically all right what you're saying. Still though the money-hungry YouTube corperatists who produce this disturbing cringe are the tip of the iceberg, below that lies that what Sup Forums normally faces and fights, the big fish. This is for People who don't even have a serious political opinion but just destroy Youtube cringe. They are basically potential allies but due to Sup Forums now don't knowing who is the Autist this won't happen in near future. Still just shit.
Also just noticed, they follow the color trend of the MKUltra styled vids. 5 colors. 5 types of conditioning.
people got SHUT (it) DOWN on youtube for way less my dude.
Fuck off.
Have you even watched any of the videos? There is legitimate child abuse in some of them. Fuck OFF!
I don't see you making any videos with millions of views, who are you to question their results? They've clearly figured something out.
The mods here a pedo protectors or even full blown pedos themselves.
>hurr durr youtube should remove things I don't like
How about you look after your fucking kids and don't leave them alone with a computer instead?
Fucking lazy faggots.
You notice anything else in the other videos?
Hop in discord before the pruning
Discord: pwPBxDT
Well, actually it does make sense. This is too much of a conspiracy theory, it's doesn't belong on Sup Forums.
>wwaaaah I've invested so much time in this dumb conspiracy and now I will lash out at anyone who questions it!
Don't worry LARPer boy, I will fuck off and leave you to your dumb misleading threads, I will however occasionally come and make fun of you a bit in hopes of showing at least one of you how stupid you've been to believe this shit. Hopefully I will make at least one of you stop wasting your time on wrong leads and fight for freedom and the white race.
>says the German
You tell me buddy
yep move it to bant or something not a Sup Forums thread
Go and watch the fucking vids. Do you have children or siblings under the age of 5? Would you let them watch those videos?
You're onto something. The same way flat-earthers don't want to fly a plane around the world to prove themselves wrong, Sup Forums conspiratards won't ever put their money where their own mouth is and apply their "expertise".
Go molest your kid sister, libertarian scum.
I was working on the tic-tac-toe one. No luck on rotate cipher. I'll scan some more vids. Even if it is a true cipher, the first solution of "spiderman and elsa are your friends" doesn't make sense. Unless its a trigger term to use by the handler on victim.
It is everyway relevant in POL since it affects everyone globally. It's kids, could be yours, could be your brothers, could be another family member or friends. Regardless, it affects tons of people Worldwide.
No need to get salty yo, he's probably a shill.
No I wouldn't let my kids watch it, doesn't mean that there aren't millions of unattended kids with irresponsible parents fiddling with iPads around the world.
Multiple channels are uploading the same videos within seconds of eachother.
try putting the letters in tons of different orders. maybe a code anagram?
I don't believe there are shills on Sup Forums, now that CTR has been disbanded.
Sup Forums is the best and probably only board where this could belong.
definitely not /bant/
most of the mods here are cool but there's one or two faggot sjw mods on Sup Forums
Fuck you mods.
>he's probably a shill.
That's a great way to not address my arguments, dumb leaf.
That's actually hella fucked, Check comments and immediate descriptions?
Thanks for the tip!
LZW KSUJAXAUW GX ZWFJDWKKS SFV AYGJ (title of first video user linked) translates to screenshot
Clearly a sign of conspiracy, these people can't be doing this solely for profits.
You guys talk like this is new info, but it's clearly not
Ive noticed that and never really understood why outside of Sup Forums they never do this shit. Its like a whole burd of savants who cant even attempt to spread what they think
Who are they? This guy is good.
Fucking idiot
These videos go from innocent to bizarrely sexual and fetishized, to the point of violent
They all share the same props, costumes, down to a T
Every character in every video is the same
It's always Elsa spiderman, the joker, or some abberation of a popular cartoon
Why is there hundreds of these channels
Why are they all eerily the same
Why do they all use the same keywords everywhere
Unlike pizzagate we legitimately have concrete shit to support this and it widely available on YouTube
Except even if any evidence is presented to you you'll just blatantly deny it no matter what it is
Watch out buddy they're going to call you a shill and tell you you're defending pedophiles.
Clearly these videos are a sign of a pedophile conspiracy and you must not question it!
KEK... bots?
I said subtly. I dont mean make a name like Sup Forumsforkids, just like a coalition of video makers who subtly add redpills
and for some reason youtube and companies who run ads allow this while taking down/removing ads of way tamer stuff that it's not actually aimed at childs.
really makes me think.
Too late, I've already haxxored into your computer and sent your restored browser history to your mother.
Are you fucking serious?
Do you honestly believe all these videos are a result of one man's sudden vendetta against this specific fucking board
there are some videos that have been posted some weeks/months ago that have over 1 billion views. That is absolutely impossible, so it's obvious they are artificially inflated. Also, how do you explain the bots and the linked creepy videos, faggot?
Stop acting like a smartass until you lurk enough nigger
Yeah it's totally a conspiracy, you should waste the next five years of your life investigating the Youtube conspiracy instead of making your shit country any better.
Get on it.
Hundreds of these fucking channels then faggot
Why are they all the same
Why are there encoded messages that lead to other shit on the bots comments
You can google the title, user. Name links to a photo scrapbook from the Finders Cult.
How would a kid get programmed for militaristic training and repressed mementoes.. just babies
Top result for "learn colors": youtube.com
Always about coating something (often a person) with liquid. Do you remember how you learned colors? Didn't they use real objects? "The leaves are green, the branches are brown"?
The title of youtu.be
I don't think it's a pedophile conspiracy, I think that they are retarded easy to make videos that generate large amounts of revenue. I do think that they are highly disturbing and somewhat exploitative of children, because they will forever remain on the internet and will probably come back to haunt them later in life. This shit should be taken down because it's creepy.
I was talking about the twitter account that was provided as """"pedophile creepy encrypted evidence"""".
Why does it lead to a bunch of other encoded videos and messages then
That'd be too much effort for a single nigger to pull up
if you goys really want a fuckin conspiracy it was about the comments in the videos and how they linked to the "day month year" videos like 13 de março de 2017 and the pedo community within them
Descriptions don't contain anything significant fafaik.
>Why there are hundreds of channels
Because they make money you fag. They use the same characters because those are easily recognizable by kids, so they watch them again and again, pumping those views counts.
If you're implying that any of that is a sign of a pedophile conspiracy I'd say the burden of proof is on you buddy.
Go spend the rest of your life investigating that, buddy. Children are being molested and if you truly believe it you should dedicate your life to stopping that. I would do so if I believed it, but I don't so it's on you.