>hurrrrr hurrrrr Europe is so cucked
Hurrrrr hurrrrr Europe is so cucked
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...What country is this.
It's Canada, right..?
That is the important part, some states have fleeing felon rules and other don't. It sucks, but what are you gonna do.
In Europe he'd have gotten twice as much, if not life.
Dindu was technically running away so it wasn't technically self-defense anymore.
Should have gotten rid of the camera footage, and shouldn't have asked for a jury in a black neighborhood
>The man, 21-year-old Jakeel Mason, died from his injuries
Seriously though, it makes me furious to see hard working immigrants (often Asians) getting punished for countering Black violence. As a non-American, Blacks are giving your country a very bad name.
He should have been in a state that lets you shoot someone in the back if they are in your property & up to no good.
He looks happy
Someone run that guy through the FaceApp
He shot and killed a FLEEING man.
That's murder whatever way you look at it. he might have gotten away with shooting him in the leg, but at the end of the day he killed the bastard.
Also figures the thief would be black.
Cant be canada. Up here we all know you hide the body and say nothing if you kill someone in self defense.
What state was this?
Very sad. What state?
Oh god what a face.
Seriously. Asians are getting systemically fucked in the US, first (and still) affirmative action, the LA riots, I mean when will it end for them? And they're just trying to live righteous lives .__.
No, he shot a fleeing thief who probably would have gone to rob a different store, he's a model fucking citizen.
> (OP)
>Shot him in the leg
Britbong, how's about you try that shit in real life with adrenaline pumping? Center mass, every time.
Not where I'm from. You can even kill someone fleeing with your neighbor's property. Here's a (((Time))) article.
> In 2007, a man told 14 times by a 911 operator to remain inside during a robbery gunned down two thieves fleeing from his neighbor’s house. (“There’s no property worth shooting somebody over, OK?” the operator said on the call. The shooter’s response: “The law has been changed….Here it goes, buddy! You hear the shotgun clickin’ and I’m goin’!”) He was acquitted the next year.
>America 2017
>some gook shoots a nigger
>jury of spics convict said gook
>gook goes to jail surrounded by niggers
We're a living meme
He shot and killed a nigger criminal. That should be rewarded and you should be put to death for enabling and protecting worthless nigger criminals.
>fleeing felon rules
I thought they only applied to cops?
>lol the guy who broke the law is running away with all your cash but you can't shoot him because that's the law
That's almost as fucked as over here.
>a man told 14 times by a 911 operator to remain inside during a robbery gunned down two thieves fleeing from his neighbor’s house
>The shooter’s response: “The law has been changed….Here it goes, buddy! You hear the shotgun clickin’ and I’m goin’!”
god bless that man top kek
He shot the nigger in the back twice while the nigger was running away.
He didnt shot in the middle of the fight.
Nigger was unarmed.
I feel for the Chink but he was on the wrong here.
Shooting someone in the UK is easily life-50 years
8 years is a cake walk
>I thought they only applied to cops?
You can't shoot somebody who is running away and is not a threat to you. It sucks but it is true.
There was a case a few years ago where some niggers tried to rob a pharmacy. Owner shot and disabled one of the robbers. He then walked up to the gun and executed him with a head shot.
He was convicted of murder for the head shot. If the perp would have died of his earlier wounds it would have been fine. But since the owner walked up and executed him when he was no longer a threat it was determined to be murder.
You need to be very careful when and how you defend yourself when using a firearm.
gooks are easily triggered. they're all insecure and passive aggressive as fuck
You're everything wrong with this world. You inbred ignorant brown nigger wetback.
Who cares? Gooks are subhuman just like niggers and spics.
The moment you declare that human life is the most valuable things your justice system is doomed to become utterly retarded in the foreseeable future.
Because everyone who does not value their own life too much can hold it hostage to get away with almost everything.
>Europe is so cucked
You are
Disgustingly far more than we could ever hope to be
If this happened in Europe(bar Scandinavia) he would have got 20
>told 14 times by a 911 operator
As if that has any legal authority. 911 operators are usually just some fat woman who sits in a chair all day who has minimal first aid/EMT training.
>i don't know what i'm talking about: the post
The law is different in every single state in this matter. Texas does not strictly prohibit firing at "fleeing felons" if the crime was violent and performed in your witness. Stop talking out of your ass.
You are mad I get it.
He should have dropped the nigger in the middle of the wrestle but he didnt. He then got mad because he got his ass handed to him and blow the nigger from the back.
its just generic anti chink racism. not sa big deal. every 5 years or so america goes through this and every 5 years or so the chinks win in the end
white people dont learn new tactics and will lose again . imagine what happens when they can vote and end up in jury pools because they can and do vote. in 2 states its happening now
They are beasts not people
This will get lots of attention and some lawyer with much more experience and power will do it pro-bono for the Fame and there will be another trial
>Here it goes buddy!
God bless Texas.
bs, Tony martin got 5 years (served 3) and that was only because the guy was running away when he was shot. You are allowed to defend yourself and your property in the uk.
You can legally commit justifiable homicide in self defense or defense of another only, and you/they need to be in imminent danger of death or serious bodily harm.
If they're fleeing they're not a threat and the items they stole do not justify death as a penalty.
>when the citizen knows the law better than the operator
“The law has been changed….Here it goes, buddy!
No you're not, Tony lived on a fucking farm and the judge called them plebs for trying to rob a farm (Which are know for having guns).
Don't be a cuck lad, we'd be fucked in non-rural UK if we shot someone.
And if you shoot an intruder in Texas but he doesn't die the intruder can sue you into Oblivion
Your shitty meme state is #7 in the deadly 7 for a reason cuck
Some woman shot two robbers -both dead- and she got off without a sentence.
Specify your state please when pretending to know what you're talking about. Again, every state is different.
>shooting anyone in the back
>Sup Forums will defend this
8 years is nothing. In this country, he would've got 25. (Although probably let out in 10-15, for good behaviour)
It does happen yes but a lot of the times it does not and the majority of Europe you'll go down for manslaughter
>shooting him in the leg
why people who don't have any clue on how firearms are used always try to give their opinion on the topic?
Fuck, sorry Asianbros :(
>implying he wasn't retreating to a defensive position to return fire or go and get re-enforcements
Montana. we have stand your ground and castle doctrine but if they're not any imminent threat to someone's life then it's not justifiable.
Facing forward breaking into your house = Justifiable
Running away from you fleeing your house = manslaughter
The article mentions a few other good ones, too.
>Escort got shot for not having sex
>Thief got shot for stealing taco truck tip jar
>13 year-old shot for breaking and entering
Empty the mag, fag. Dead men tell no tales.
>dindu nuffins
>he wuz a gud boi
Nigger, in Texas, I could shoot you 15 minutes after you ran away if I believe you took something of mine.
wew God Bless Texas
Got you covered.
A fleeing thief doesn't deserve to die.
>shoot a nigger running away with your shit
>faggot libshits wont defend this
>Death penalty for stolen items that are easily recoverable when they've been arrested.
Cheers lel
Just because he wasnt a white man.
2 YEARS BEFORE the nigger was killed by based Korean man, the filthy nigger tried kidnapping a 6 year old girl
Do you think our world will survive without poor Jameel to save humanity?
You are correct. They deserve to suffer, then die. Go for multiple gut shots. Avoid vital organs.
>implying you have the right to kill someone who is no longer a threat to you
this is why we have police and a justice system you fucking idiot.
>when they've been arrested
Have you ever needed to call the police? I've had to call the police 3 times in my life. Response time was anywhere from 15-25 minutes.
The suspect could casually walk a mile in that amount of time.
Yes. I do not see a problem with this.
>after they've been arrested
Nigger cops are almost as useless as niggers. Shoot the nigger and take it back yourself and save yourself the hassle.
Why not?
So because this happened, Europe is not cucked anymore?
He's actually right though, such a case did happen
You get your rocks off by being snarky though, I know.
>it sucks, but what are you gonna do.
that's why you shoot them immediately
as soon as their back is turned and moving away they are not perceived as a violent threat in the eyes of the law.
Clearly you've never been robbed.
because theft doesn't warrant the death penalty in the US, especially since most of these businesses have insurance anyway.
It says shoplifter not robber. What is the truth in this case? We don't live in Saudi Arabia you shouldn't be murdered for shoplifting.
wtf you're not allowed to kill people while they're running anymore??? what a terrible country!
>Detain nigger at gunpoint
>Decide to rough him up before the cops show up
>Put your gun away and start swinging
>Get your ass kicked
>Shoot the darkie during his Usain Bolt impression
The nigger deserved to get shot, but this guy destroyed himself from a legal perspective. If he just shot the guy right from the start, he'd be fine, but he wanted to be a tough guy and it didn't work out for him.
Yup, one 12G slug in the chest and a warning shot into the ceiling after the cunt is dead.
all laws are ultimately controlled through the use of violence. Escalation of force.
The stupid nigger tried reaching for cigarettes and tried grabbing the Koreans weapon, filthy monkey deserved to die. I would give the Korean a cash reward for cleansing the streets.
Yet pol opposes the treatment of convicted thief Otto Warmbier
They don't kill people for shoplifting in Saudi Arabia, they cut their hand(s) off.
This. America is fucked now
>Mugger takes your wallet with cash, credit cards, your ID containing your full name, address, etc.
>"This man clearly isn't a threat to you or your family. It's not right to shoot him."
Yeah, nah, get fucked. If you're willing to rob me that tells me you don't respect me or my rights. I don't know your motives.
There are laws against shooting a fleeing person. In america you can only kill someone who is actively threatening your life.
Your state is like little baby
literally 10 minutes of phonecalls and you're good to go, senpai. muggers don't give a shit about your drivers license they just want your cash and credit card. if you're a moron and carry like 500 bucks in cash on you that sucks but for everyone else getting mugged means your day is ruined and you lost about 100 dollars once you factor in replacing IDs and such. all you have to do is call the bank up and they'll cancel your card immediately.
Back in the golden days of America you could legally stalk your prey for 50 miles and tear their throat out with your teeth.
Yes they do
Yes, you can't shoot jamal when he's running to homies.
Owner should have scared jamal away and hope jamal doesn't comeback with 5-6 of his homies in revenge.
Fucking niggers and nigger justice system.
>I don't know your motives
Liveleak has literally dozens, if not hundreds of videos of robberies that escalate to violence for absolutely no reason. The robber assaults, stabs, or shoots their victim for literally no reason, sometimes after the robbery has already been completed.
I will assume the robber has the worst intentions and open fire as quickly as possible every fucking time.
>thinking that that user is worried about replacing said items, and not worried about some thug having his full personal information
Surely (((you))) can't be that retarded.
>break into house
>grab the cash and jewels but owner spots me
>he has a gun
>turn my back towards him so he can't shoot me since i'm now fleeing
>slowly walk away since cause he can't shit
Will you light a candle for Jakeel?
He literally din du nuffin
All theives deserve to die
didn't the guy lost a lot of money and times on trials though ?
pretty sure it's a guy that say freeze or I shoot and the guys moved
What state? California i assume
very underrated post