What do you think of Keynesian economics?

What do you think of Keynesian economics?

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Sometimes works but it gives goveremnets an exuse to waste money on useless shit.

It does not account for human nature, Hayek is better

It makes some sense, but it can not be a substitute of solid economic policies.

>What do you think of Keynesian economics?

socialist window dressing.

As I understand it (which is minimally), it's also referred to as "demand side economics" and was used by (((them))) around the time of the creation of the Fed as a way of taking from the masses and passing on to (((them))). An example is what happened after the 2008 crash. The Fed printed a shit load of money, as did other central banks under the guide of "quantitative easing". It injected cash with the idea that people would buy a bunch of shit to restart the engine of society. Unfortunately (or fortunately for those that did it because they knew it would happen), that money passed right through to the hands of the wealthy, and the economy never restarted like it should have. Prices increased so it looked like prosperity was happening. That also incentivized people to spend (if X costs more tomorrow than today, I should buy it today). It's a form of wealth redistribution, and should be regarded as bad.

Modern-day coin clipping.
Advocates of funny money deserve the rope.

I'm not an expert, but the money in 2008 went directly to the banks in the form of a bailout. If a recession happens the state needs to intervene and "jump start" the economy, but then it has to back off, although this usually never happens, because "politics". Look at the 1929 recession, it only ended with the massive state spending of ww2.

It went to the banks to pay the executives that caused this though. And increasing the money supply means two things:
1) more interest to those that run the Fed (((them)))
2) more "reserves" which can be used as basis for extending more loans to the public via fractional reserve lending

Both have the impact of increasing the money supply, increasing inflation, which all the normal people end up paying for in the reduction of purchasing power. What the government should have done is let the banks fail, default on the loans, and settle the remaining assets among it's investors. Unfortunately, this contracts the money supply, deflation happens, millions of people lose their life savings, and the party in power is forever remembered as creating a global depression.

Because our money is only based on the trust of global investors (and backed by oil, i.e. the petrodollar) instead of something tangible, if all the government debt was paid back, there would still be interest. The way the interest is paid back is through work. So in other words, when all goes to hell, we will (and are currently) be enslaved to the banks for the sins of past politicians.

Another possibility of what could have been done with the money was to send it directly to the people. Thus, the true nature of Keynesian economics would be seen. People, especially poor people, will spend that money on stuff. But to do so would force the banks from receiving their bailouts, thus creating the cycle I posted about before.

There's a book I just finished (pic related) that explains this in much greater detail. It names the Rothschilds directly, gives a high level summary of banking (there's a section called "The name of the game is bailout"), and shows how war profiteering made people like JP Morgan one of the richest men in the world and because of the possibility that debts wouldn't be paid, (((they))) forced the US to enter the war, thus keeping the war machine going.

I guess that since they have this power of printig money nothing prevents from using it to profit. But couldn't it be possible to have a federal bank that acts in the interest of the people?


Interesting, I didn't knew about this story. Was F.D.R. involved in it? Since I remember that he was the one who pushed for the 2nd world war (lend-lease) etc.

So apparently (I'm still in the process of learning about this, and any resources you may have let me know) that's exactly how Hitler got Germany out of the economic crisis. The government printed money which were paid to its workers for work done. In other words, the money was "backed" by the value of "work". These employees would go spend the money on goods (created by work) and consume those products. The money, which is now in the hands of the seller, spends the money on goods/services (created by work), and thus the cycle continues.

Similarly, the gold standard is another good idea. Gold has inherent value. It's tangible and has other uses. If you look at the value of the dollar over time, it shows very minor inflation (which will happen as more gold is extracted, etc.) up until Nixon took us off the gold standard. At that point, it went apeshit. See the link below. This is the gold price over time. It's fairly steady over time until the 1970's when Nixon took us off the gold standard.


It's talking more about WW1. I'm reading "Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War" at the moment, so I'll know more about the real causes of WW2 soon.

Regardless of war, the fact is that war is big money. In WW1, Morgan was selling goods to both sides. He made commissions on the sale and delivery. The more they bought, the more the more he made. Unfortunately, it looked like one side (I think it was Britian/France) were running out of money, so Colonel House pressured Wilson, a staunch pacifist, to join the war. Almost immediately after reelection (on a "stay out of the war" campaign) the media outlets (owned by Morgan) reversed their tones and said how critical it was that the US entered. Wilson, a globalist who wanted a true world government with the thought of world peace, obliged. The US had to buy war material, and Congress almost immediately passed a fund to go to the Allied powers (to pay their debts, which went right back to Morgan). This happened multiple times after.

I always knew about the fact that we operate in a fiat money state, but never tought about the implications of it. Thanks user.
At the end I think that if the central bank and the government act in the interest of its people this system is a good idea, but in the actual state of things it isn't working properly.

When the war ended, Germany was forced in the Treaty of Versailles to pay back all debts incurred by all sides during the war. They chopped up the Germanic, Austria-Hungarian, and Turkish people into multiple small states. The Germans, having to pay the debts of all other nations, were very much connected, regardless of country. Oh, and there's the fact that the allied powers enacted blockades on the Germans, literally starving hundreds of thousands. They kept these blockades up even after peace had occurred.

This is the point I'm at in the book, but you can see where this is going. Hitler, pissed off at what they did to his country, wanted to unify his people. The rest is history (as (((they))) want you to know).

*shits into own mouth* INFINITE FOOD

So about the fiat system and the petrodollar above. After WW2, the Bretton Woods conference was held which guarenteed oil would be sold in dollars. This creates a demand for dollars worldwide. Any time a country has tried to go off the system (Iraq, Libya), we've gone to war. Similarly, the 7 countries without a Rothschild central bank prior to 9/11 included Afghanistan, Iraq, North Korea, Iran, and Libya (I think). We've gone to war with most and overthrew their dictatorships. The petrodollar is why we're in Syria. See pic related. Russia's Iran/Iraq/Syria pipeline was going to be used to sell in Euros, undermining the petrodollar.

THIS is why the left wants war with Russia. My theory is that if Trump and Putin can cut a deal where we buy oil in USD to Russia (kickstarting their oil-based economy), the middle east becomes worthless.


fucking trash

This is also why I think Tillerson is such a great pick. Our foreign policy has been dictated by oil for a long time, especially after WW2 (petrodollar). Tillerson knows these guys from his oil days. Why do you think the middle eastern OPEC countries have shaped their shit up so quickly and recently? Trump knows the game. Once we achieve energy independence, OPEC becomes worthless. Oil can still be sold worldwide but is in large part refined in the US (I think). So we can drill, extract, refine, and sell oil without KSA's involvement.

But do you think that Trump could pull this out? After seeing that he isn't backing off in Syria I'm starting to lose trust in his precidency.

*breaks window*
You can thank me later.

keynes was a flaming fagit and a kike mantlepiece. neck yerself

Neoliberalism is cancer

I don't know, but I wouldn't bet against him. He knows their tricks and he holds the cards. Unless they kill him (which is still possible), I think we'll see some very good things to come. The punished Trump theory comes to mind. Don't lose trust just yet, it's still early. Mnuchin is about the jewiest jew out there, but he's on our team 100% from what I can tell. He's a goddamn autist when it comes to finance, and he's already forcing the Leaf faggots to negotiate on our terms about NAFTA. When he gets to the government, I have a feeling he'll know how to work the system since he was part of it for so long.

This all assumes Trump is not a charalatan, which I 100% don't think he is. He's been planning this for 30 years, and only when the hatred of what was happening reached the level it did did he run.

It'll be the root cause of the fall of western civilization. Most of the problems in todays society are a result. Woman in the workforce is due to this BS. Low white birthrates, BS immigration all of it.

Similarly, like I said, Tillerson knows his shit too, big time. Trump and Bibi Netanyahu have gone back a long time and are good friends. Even though Bibi is Israel, I think (I don't know for sure AT ALL) that he's more /ourjew/ than (((them))). I seriously hope the stabilization takes place and that the money supply is taken care of (maybe the debt is renegotiated, but that may incite the spiral I talked about before), maybe China forgives the debt, I don't know. But I know we have the smartest people in the world on our side (if my assumption is correct, which from everything I've seen, we do), and Trump should get a Fed pick soon (I think). As you can see, I'm no expert in this, but I'm starting to see the light. I don't know how to solve the problem, but I'm going to begin stocking up on ammo. Regardless of what happens with the money, bullets are always a good investment.

Remember though, the goal is always socialism which devolves to communism. At that point it's a race to the bottom which those elite at the top retaining all the power and wealth they could ever desire. A stupified populace is what they want, which is why they're importing shitskins from all over to cause havoc.

I hope so. I guess that we need time to see the effects of this shift in politics, the problem is that many young people are looking in the wrong direction for solving economic problems, and surely (((they))) are using them to attack Trump.

I would say though that the book above is a very good read or listen (I listened while traveling for work). A word of warning: don't get mired up in the details of everyone's names and actions and what not. Pick the big picture items which are as follows:

1) Rothschilds became a powerhouse largely by financing both sides of wars
2) They had fingerlings in all the corners of the world
3) War is an essential part of the scheme
4) Inflation is the goal. Bailout is one of the tools
5) The Fed is a private institution that loans money to the government with interest. This money flows to the banks which are then used as reserves.
6) The fractional reserve system is used to further increase the money supply stripping power from the people

100%. They are Lenin's (another Rothschild funded person I think) useful idiots. They do as they are instructed and don't think for themselves. Remember the salt that came out of Trump pulling out of the Paris agreement? Why was that? To the useful idiots, it's because of MUH CLIMATE. To the goverments, it's because they know that the piggy bank of the world has closed up shop. It was a redistribution scheme (funny enough, if I remember correctly, climate change as proxy for war is talked about in the book above). It's so obvious if someone explains it, but it takes a bit of patience and acceptance that things may not always be as they are before normies will accept the truth.

Retarded. It always fails in the long term.

About the stocking up the ammos, do you think that it could go so bad that I'd have to worry about my safety? I have mixed feelings, I think that most of the normies would stand with the state, and not with the perpetrators of a pollible coup.

Absolutely retarded.

I'm not talking about a coup and have no intention of being part of one. I'm thinking about post-collapse of the government type stuff. If the money supply collapses, and dollars go to shit, riots can and will happen. I haven't started yet, but it's on my list of things to do over the coming months/years.

I see, I guess I'm overestimationg the political turmoil. Thanks for all the information that you gave me.

No prob. Have a good one, user. I'm going to get some food.


I always take my economic advice from a Sexual-Deviant, Anti-Christian, Pedophile, Faggot.

Don't You?

Band-aid on cancer patient.
There is no saving of capitalism.