Should Canada get it's own head of state, on that's actually born and raised in Canada

Should Canada get it's own head of state, on that's actually born and raised in Canada

We have one.

I don't think you know what a prime minister or a head of state is

Abolish ties to Monarchy … it embarrassing how many Canadians don't even know the Queen of England is our head of state.. or that we're a Federal Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy.
This needs to change even if it is largely symbolic.

Canada is FUCKED. You are the most incoherent posters on the planet and I've been on literally every board that accessible so I know what I am talking about. Delete yourselves.

I should've known my thread would trigger britfags


I bet these people don't even realize that no Canadian owns Canadian soil. It's all the Crown's

Just move the royal family to Canada.

Build a big, beautiful palace and make Britain pay for it.

I guess I win - under canadian rules of engagement and metrics for victory, that is.

keep them subjugated. plus being in the monarchy is more symbolic of Canada's purpose and destiny. Let the plebs be plebs. Canada is pedophile heaven

Win what? we're not in some sort of fight, you just got triggered and i just called you out

I guess you really did win afterall.

What is Canada's purpose and destiny, how does the monarchy symbolizes them, why can't Canada have a purpose and destiny without the monarchy and does the monarchy really symbolizes that stuff or is that just bullshit

I'm not saying i won anything, this isn't any kind of fight, you're the one that's trying to turn this into a fight

absolutely not, I don't need a genderfluid furfag as our HoS thanks

Doesnt matter, Canada is over, my dudes

Need one pretty badly so that we can abolish native gibs

Bow to the Queen's majesty colonial.

I'd start a revolution before i even consider doing that

Ya, I was born in Canada and raised.

Vote for me