

What else do I need to
To become less degenerate?

Nosugar. But it's hard as fuck.

I had leftover chocolate cake and coffee for breakfast and just fapped to a japanese girl dressed in cats ears and cat paw gloves giving a blow job.


>To become less degenerate?

Maybe not asking an internet board filled with faggots on how you should dictate your life would be a start?
Just a suggestion.

the ultimate: stop staring at a screen that flashes at a rate that modifies your brainwaves.

I already try to do as much
As I can
I just feel like there are some heavy hitters im missing.
Forgot almost

Each person is free to live their life as they wish. If it works for you man, keep it up.

I think you're right except I need
/fit/ right now but taking a break from Sup Forums helped a lot

Just give us the link to the vid already!

Imagine having an AI friend. How cool would that be my dudes!

True. I already learned everything about Mongolian throat singing so I'm on to other interests.

> Potatoes - "only white/red/sweet"

are there other kinds apart from that?

> no buckwheat groats


I believe this. Do you have any links for more information or just Google?

caffine can be on that list you little bitch

also you should probably mention that if poeple are buying sea bass farmed in turkey.... then no.... this isnt going to help you....

I can't be bothered to find it again but just go on Motherless and search the cat ears tag.

no breathing, you impressionable faggot

You're my kind of guy. Here you go

Caffeine is my newest one. I'm on day 3 on none at all. Headaches suck but it will be worth it for steady energy and less anxiety.

>To become less degenerate?
user, how does your degeneracy manifest?
Serious question.
Are you attempting to become less human? Folly...

what's wrong with caffeine?

>tfw gymfaggots think they are alphas cause "hurdurrr i can pick up a piece of metal durrrr"

How the actual fuck do you quit porn and fapping
I've been trying for months

That's the queen, right?

I have strong sexual desires
That if I turn to porn and fapping keeps me from participating in life and being the man I know I can be. I had no motivation to do anything other than fap, porn, game, and drink. Now I want to be a father.

I just started nocaffeine

I have to say, I really don't like caffeine now. That shit messes with how you think. Went without caffeine for a good 2 weeks, then tried some again for a day - way more irritable and keep having these 'worst case scenarios' type shit in my head all day. Nevermind the headaches.

As much as I hate dropping coffee and tea, I feel better without them. Back to water for me.

Isn't the reason your body craves sugar because you need it to survive, to a certain extent?

Easy, you stop watching porn and you stop stroking your dick like a monkey everytime you have an occasion

>how to be fat, sickly and out of shape: the pic

Gain height, hit the weights, take a shower, get a clue, seek sunlight, have sex.

Nothing really. Just an experiment to see if I can reset my dependence and reduce my anxiety and stop feeling exhausted.

Get off the internet for a while. Go hiking or something.

No fastfood
No tv
No Sup Forums
No video games (30m a day is ok tho)

It's tough in the beginning but just do something else. Cold showers are amazing for stopping the urge because the cold sucks.

Take the rage and fury you feel after a few days and do something. You should lift first if you're not and the rest takes care of itself. You need to get some rest flowing.

Awesome! I hope I feel the same.

>because you need it to survive
yes, that's why your liver can produce it if it has too.

Cut out the shit sugar that are in candies and sodas.
eat fruits with the good kinds of sugars.

>iron pill diet
>not having red meat

0/5 try again.


Just find something that takes a lot of time and you feel exhausted after doing it. I had this no fap challenge and I was working out anytime I had a boner but frankly it doesn't harm you. On the contrary it has positive effects on the organism and try to jerk off to your imagination for a week. It will help

I don't know, i've never tried (he wanted a new challenge, i gave him one). But from what i've read it's mentally difficult because your brain is really addicted to it (like a hard drug). It's a willpower challenge.

Just live by the seven deadly sins as a guide.

Masturbating is not a problem, lust is. Eating shit food is not a problem, gluttony is, etc

Sweeteners are garbage. Instead of eating them, eat regular sugar.

no Sup Forums

>nohomo fuck a trap

>sexual desires
Of course you do. You're supposed to.
Ask God to give you a good woman for a wife and go make babies and be up-right.
You're on the right path.

Looks like
to me
Why do you even live?

>Iron pill diet
>no pig
whats next? Your conversion to Islam?

put an ice pack on your balls all day, it increases test and hgh. I keep my ice packs in a lunch box and swap them out every 2 hours. only eat after fasting for 16 hours, increases test and hgh. start smoking, insufflated nicotine increases cognitive function.

No, I avoid red meat now as well.

Not because it's naturally bad, but because the animals are basically poisoned and drugged all to fuck and I can't reliably pick the meat that comes from healthy cows and pigs instead. I stick to fish/chicken and only occasionally eat red meats now.

Even fish isn't great because of mercury poisoning - but you can at least mitigate this by choosing the right kinds of fish.

No internet

>no drugs
>no alcohol (5 months in, lost 30 lbs)

>still fastfood/(((fast casual))) (1-2 times a week)
>vidya/Sup Forums (needed a distraction from drinking when I'm not working out)
>still fap when my girl is out of town
>meditation/prayer daily

>LOTS of berries
>pomegranate and peaches when in season
>red meat
>nuts/seeds (call me a bitch but chia seeds are real tasty)
>beans suck
>greenbeans, peas, carrot, celery, cucumber, fermented cabbage and pickles
>still eat lots of dairy (milk, cheese, cream cheese, yogurt

I know its not perfect but it works for me, used to be a super depressed al/ck/ and pot smoker

Anyone notice how b has become rampant with porn? Front page b is like 75 % porn, quite the nasty trend

What are the right kinds of fish to avoid mercury?

nosurf, it's basically stealing a giant chunk of your time and it's very hard to stop

also don't forget noXenoestrogens. important as fuck, if you don't want to become a pseudotranny

>loaded with carbs
>no red meats
>no butter
What kind of fag made this?

Its always been penis over there at Sup Forums. Sick faggots.

A well built upper body is preferable over a man who does not do anything to improve.

nopillow is the ultimate red pill

>take up a combat sport
>get plenty of natural sunlight especially on your chest, back and, if possible, your testicles for maximum testosterone production

Isn't the reason your body craves meth because you need it to survive, to a certain extent?

pillows hurt my neck, i sleep without one already

Yeah thats true, but it has definitely seen an increase in porn related posts over the past year or so.

>no whey protein powder
>not being a 5%er

Right babe?

>75% porn

And always interracial, traps, hentai, or all three.

Consume red meat and pump iton.

Huh I slept without one last night for the first time. What are the benefits?

Atkins all the way. Fuck (((sugur)))

I sleep with two pillows. One for my head and one to put my arm around, so I don't feel alone.


This is why i have a personal farm. I know what my animals eat and what i put in my vegetables. If you can, you should try.

It's the natural sleeping position and improves blood flow to the brain. You will have a much more resting sleep.


yea everyone should raise their own animals and mill their own flour because its good for you/tastes better and no one here has jobs


Be outside as much as possible, constantly moving, and don't concern yourself with at-home comfort. It'll take 2-4 weeks tops before you get use to it.

do brown cows really make chocolate milk?

You can also sell your product for shekels

I have a rolled up futon on my bed that I hug at night. I'm never going to have a girlfriend

Obviously. Also brown goats and donkeys do.

No, negresses do.

Might as well just go live innawoods

I thought they dindu


Ketogenic is better. Atkins has too much of a boner for meat.

When you produce your own food you spend less money and can sell the excess. If you really dedicate yourself to self-sufficiency then you won't need to worry about juggling your lifestyle with your work as they'll soon become the same thing.

It sounds like a good thing to do for a couple years, just to understand that we don't need this modern world to live and thrive

Meditate more.

This. You also learn a valuable set of skills in the meantime.

Crab, Imitation crab (pollock), Scallops, Anchovies, Sardines, Tilapia, Salmon, Tuna (1-2x a week at most) is okay.

You can find lists online, but the rule of thumb is that the lower down the food chain the fish/food is, the less mercury you'll get. Big fish - marlins, sharks, etc. - avoid.

Diet is good but I would remove potatoes except yam/sweet potatoes and absolutely no pasta, and no smoked or sandwich meats as they are basically cancer

I always thought that meditation was a buddhist meme. What are it's benefits?

Is keto Sup Forums approved?

>Do basically all of these and are ashamed

In which order should I give up each?
I tried quitting everything at once before but failed

Lol, dude, produce is so cheap these days that growing and selling shit without the benefits of scale economics, and often state subsidies, there is just no way to break even, let alone profit. Simply can't be done.

I'm sorry, but the Stardew Valley option just isn't viable right now.

Not saying you shouldn't do that, mind, but having enough money and free time to devote to horticulture or animal husbandry is a luxury these days. It might change if shtf, but even then it would be much better to have guns, and lots and lots, LOTS of ammo. Guns and ammo basically trump everything.

That's part of the problem. I'm already have a wife. We're starting late trying to have kids but I want to fuck every woman I see.

alcohol is a drug though.

Workout. Learn about your heritage. Become religious. Read and study. Do something for someone else. Stop watching tv. Better yet. Throw away your tv and don't listen to any media.

I work in """big ag"""" and it is very slim profit margin to sustain any sort of lifestyle off off hobby farming let-alone if you have a sizable operation

Go with noPorn first. I did it while only doing cold showers.

Kangaroo steak.