Really makes you think
Jews and Bank Fraud, a match made in Jerusalem.
This is what happens when you Jew the Jews. Even if you're a Jew.
I can't wait for Occupy Democrats, CNN, NBC, MSNBC and the Bernie bros to comment on this
This is Trump's fault. This is illegal. #RESIST
You know exactly how they'll spin this. "Frivolous investigation, he a good boy he dindu nuffin"
B b b b b buttttt Bernie, you should pay your fair shareeeeee!!!! Damn those rich people!!
He's probably guilty but bet the Clinton mafia are the ones who dug up the dirt and snitched on him in revenge for causing Hillary's campaign so much trouble.
Bernie is the victim here. This case was launched under Obama. It was probably his back up plan if Bernie had won the dnc nomination. Simply take him out and replace him with Clinton.
Now the dnc wants their revenge for him daring to go against Clinton.
Catch up billy.
That's definitely what's happening, but the case was originally launched under Obama. They both wanted to take him out.
>right-wing Sup Forums sides with alphabet soup (in this case FBI) as soon as they're attacking someone they don't like
It quite maneuvers my mangoes...
Before anyone says anything, it's normal to retain a lawyer prior to any litigation.
A jew wanting more money?!?!?
bernie bros? never. they're all on reddit where a thread linking this news will get hidden and ignored. there is no fucking way they will comment on it
Any better sources? Seems fishy.
>be so old that you don't know the soup gets scrambled every 8 years.
Pick a side homeboy. You're either with the Jews for the west or the Muslims in the east. Christians are just proxy boys crusading their way through the muslim scum of the world, and i'm fine with that.
It's more to do with calling out the hypocrisy of hard lefties, like they were pushing the Trump Russia conspiracy for months and still continue even when Comey admitted there was no investigation and Trump didn't do anything wrong
The FBI, CIA are piece of shits there's no denying that
Bernie has always been a snake. How did you not see this? He's literally bad for >your side.
Just google "Bernie Sanders Bank Fraud." There's a couple outlets reporting on him lawyering up such as Fox, Washington Post, and a few others.
>I'll issue a call to arms for all antifa retards and expect no consequences
Are you kidding?
This is all Queen Hillary's doing. Her and the corrupt DNC machine.
Whatever you say Hillary.
>see this
>wonder how reddit will spin this
I've gone through 10 pages of the r/politics and there is NOT ONE SINGLE MENTION OF THIS SHIT
Stop going to reddit.
He had a chance at redemption when the DNC collusion was blown open; he should have raised hell. Instead, it was overtly evident he was always controlled opposition.
Share Blue has that place on lock down. This is all Clinton's revenge and they don't want people knowing it, for if the word gets out it will further damage the DNC
No one got screwed harder than Bernie
I loved how he encouraged everyone to vote for the establishment after he ran his campaign on opposing it, Ron Paul didn't endorse anybody after he dropped out
Winess in shiney chrome
I used to believe that myth too, but then I realized the truth. They got to him.
He really damaged the Clinton campaign. I know many of his supporters who either refused to vote or came over to our side.
He spent his whole campaign talking about how Clinton was unfit to be president. Then suddenly at the end he pulls an very insincere 180. Even when he was on the stage with Hillary you could tell she despised him.
This case was started under Obama. So they either got to him by threatening this case or they threatened to add him to the Clinton murder list
under investigation doesnt mean guilty
but hey this is Sup Forums what common sense are we talking about?
You're missing the bigger picture.
Clearly someone is trying to destroy him. Clearly as one user said earlier, this is the work of the Clinton crime family in retaliation for causing Hillary's campaign so much trouble
Just like muh russia
In either instance, he's (((scum))) and is positive for no one but himself. Hell, he's even fucking himself over here.
Nothing will happen. It's just a loan being reported improperly. Will likely be resolved in a matter of days.
Jane was under investigation for stealing money from Burlington College right after the election.
To be clear, I'm not a fan of Bernie and I think he's a commie.
But still, this is clearly the work of the Clintons. And I can't blame him for not wanting to be murdered. Hillary has a kill list a mile long.
Very doubtful. You clearly haven't read the facts of this case. The best that will happen for Bernie here is that he will be allowed to retire from politics in disgrace.
Queen Hillary assumes that if she can't have a political career then neither should Bernie
Assuming you're right, and you make plausible statements, it's fucking hilarious that Birkenstock Sandals rolled over for Hillary at the DNC and is STILL getting crucified by her.
this nigga should have won
You never see these guys get caught when they're swindling the goy.
You're right, it's a sad fate, but that's what happens when you make deals with the devil. The guy couldn't win either way.
I'm willing to be that Bernie announces his retirement from politics in the coming weeks.
Bernie Swindlers is really living up to his name. I used to call him that because he wants to swindle 90% of your payment and give it to a bunch of parasites. Now this.
>but that's what happens when you make deals with the devil
Well, I guess it was an empty threat under the Obama regime to get control of him and is now investigated in all seriousness by the Trump administration.
I mean after Hillary got beaten, the left kept crying, now their last 'good guy', their anti establishment hero, the innocent gentleman who got ultimately bullied gets unmasked. This destroys the democrat base, especially the young ones and sets them free to move to the right.
I think it's a smart republican move, even if he gets off the hook somewhat dishonoured.