Socialism kills

>socialism kills

Should have gotten insurance then.

Kraut, just let the burgers in their shit. They can't handle unjewing the jew

We are as capitalistic as they are. Drop your insurance and see how the charges look at your local hospital.

>No insurance
>Drives motorcycle
I'm assuming they mean health insurance but either way it's his fault for being a retard.

Should start looking into a legal strategy to hold hospitals accountable/liable---need the right injury type though: fucked up enough require urgent care, cognizant to ask what the cost is, play lawyer games when hospital can't answer simple question of what their rates are (hint, cost = max dollar amount unless insurance )

Capitalism kills 20 mil + a year but who is counting anyways?

I don't get the bitching about medical bills.

How much do you think your life is worth?

Leftists seem to think it is worth $0

It's called "Not paying."

What an outlandish statement.

That is the very reason it has to be so high to begin with.

>didn't pay the $100 a month for full coverage

For profit healthcare doesn't work. Healthcare would be far cheaper without 300% profit margins.

You simply have a limited understanding of the subject matter.

Socialized healthcare, run by faceless bureaucrats and confined by budgets and red tape, would just not provide the care you need. Anything run by the government works this way, only the free market has the flexibility to innovate. No, free market isn't perfect, but it's far superior to some bureaucracy telling you the care you're entitled to.

Most of the healthcare is run by private non-profits you dumb retard. Try learning about what you're saying before you post and waste my fucking time.

>depending on your plan that may be 100-300 dollars

this is true, and it's more complicated than that guy. But non-profit isn't so black-and-white, either, because the people running non-profits can be paid handsomely based on financials.


Thanks, Obama

It’s our fault that he didn’t buy insurance and got in a motorcycle accident. We should be paying the cost, not him

Are we supposed to feel bad for him? Should have gotten himself a health insurance. Especially when you do something as risky as riding a motorcycle.

>gladly see people rotting in the street because they don't have the means or mind to help themselves


Why do you think I’m being sarcastic?

>the private sector isn't full of bureaucrats and red tape

who the fuck is stupid enough to ride a motorcycle with out health insurance

All I see is natural selection at work

Absolutely nothing of value was lost, hope he and his commie cousin commit suicide via acid.

>If someone attacks us we have socialized defense so that we can retaliate!

>If someone attacks us and you get injured, you're on your own you filthy fucking socialist!

Burgerlogic, everyone.

Capitalism hasn't killed 100 million people for disagreeing.

if i could have a private army without being raided by DHS, i would. fugg off ... :D

*tips fedora*

Can't scrape $300 a month for Health Insurance slick? I swear I saw the ACA faggots protesting a week ago while sipping $8 lattés and many had no fucking androids, utter iPhones!

I didn't say that

Literally a non-argument.


How do people not have jobs that provide healthcare

Our health care is very socialistic.

really? You mean like 501(c)3s?

so he did not get insurence, hes stupid.

His own fault, Capitalism weeds out those that should not reproduce.

Yeah sure, like all those nigger countries that now have a population explosion since they started to follow Capitalism instead of tribalism or Socialism.
25 years ago you heard nothing else from Africa but mass starvation and mass deaths.
Today their population is growing massively and they start to have Western problems like obesity.
Booo hooo, Capitalism kills

We need a wall - this is wealth transfer from whites and law-abiding latinos to illegal beans

>be uninsured
>ride a motorcycle
>expect others to pay when you inevitably end up in an accident



Oy vey! Are you forgetting the 168 million killed by Capitalism?

Shit, how can I make this not happen to me as a burger?

Get insurance you mong


the thing is insurance companies weasel out of paying in every way possible so you'll still go broke if you get sick

>Silver Sulfadiazine
>hardly even works on burns

why are hospitals using it?

what happens if you don't pay?

>Should have gotten insurance then.
Can't afford it on most wages. My health care coverage was $1300/month before Obamacare, then it dropped to $300/month. Now all the insurance companies are bailing because of Trumpcare.

That is what the insurance pays.

>waahhhhh its everyone elses fault waaahahhhhhh
get nigger welfare then you subhuman trash.

There are payment plans where you pay a small amount monthly, like a rent. People are to damn stupid to talk to their medical provider.

You're right. That's why we need the national kind.

What a fucking idiot. No insurance? Motorcycles are dangerous and almost every dumbass who rides one has been in some kind of accident. Why the fuck should I have to pay for your cousin's stupid daredevil bullshit?

>Can't afford it on most wages
That's because you are too stupid to be able to survive.

>Be burger
>a few unlucky people gets ruined by the medicine jew

>Be europoor
>everyone gets used by the medicine jew

Both systems are retarded, both could work if they became sensible, but there's really no point arguing which sucks the most when they are both shit.

In a way, socialism is responsible for those exorbitant prices. When the concept of government subsidizing began with Medicare, hospitals and other healthcare providers quickly realized that they could overcharge insurers because government regulations force them to cover on the 65yr+. This was rationalized as the average patient would not be impacted because the big bad corporate insurers would take the hit and the trail of tax dollars going into social security would be so convoluted that no one would be bothered.

Of course, in response, the insurers began passing some of the cost to the patients as hospitals keep increasing their fees until the average consumer is fucked over between slow financial death from high premiums or immediate bankruptcy from uninsured medical treatment at market rates.

Notice how in a capitalist system, companies have to compete for the consumer, providing all manner of packages at the most attractive prices. Healthcare should be seen as an example of how socialism fucks over the consumer. Obamacare was just the frosting on this shit cake.

Funny because in the rust belt Obamacare actually skyrocketed our healthcare coverage costs and forced a lot of people out of their jobs and made the healthcare coverage far shittier than before.

>Leftists seem to think it is worth $0

You think Single Payer means you pay $0? Kek you don't even understand the shit you're mad about you dumb fuck Trump cuck.

My health coverage was free, the Obamacare made it cost about $25 dollars a month. Does my one story of anecdotal evidence prove anything? No it does not, just like yours.

Jobs aren't required to provide healthcare.

>have Motorcycle
>have no insurance
>get in motorcycle accident
>shock that the finest medical care costs more than he will make in a lifetime.

Yep, that sounds about right.

Trumpcare is going to rock you to your core than.

>thinking anyone actually pays the listed cost hospitals put on a bill
>has and rides a motorcycle
>financially helpless

>Thinking captialism and communism aren't both loved by Jews

The bill is high because of socialist insurance companies.
Hospital bills were extremely cheaper before insurance was mainstream

Thanks for fucking everything up in the first place faggot.

7 dollars for a Diazepam pill.

IDGI. So it is shocking that a catastrophic accident costs a lot?

How would socialism make it cheaper? It would just distribute costs and if anything make it cost more since the people paying have not effect on the prices.

Faggot should have gotten catastrophic coverage, which is really what everyone needs and just that.

Wow, a Canadian who is right about something. It feels like I've just encountered a unicorn

You are required to purchase motorcycle insurance in almost every state. In the case of auto accidents, the insurance policy on the vehicle provides coverage for any medical bills incurred in relation to the accident, even if you have health insurance. This person chose not to purchase motorcycle insurance even though it was likely required in his state. He only has himself to blame. That being said, I agree that hospitals overcharge the fuck out of people. I'd probably just kill myself if I had to pay that back.

>That's because you are too stupid to be able to survive.
This turns me socialist.

>no insurance
is this a joke?

>a few unlucky people gets ruined by the medicine jew
to be fair, literally the number 1 reason for bankruptcy in the US is healthcare bills and this is even with having insurance

In today's episode of stupid: we discuss reforming the US healthcare system without discussing changing the fee-for-service model over to a value based one, aka Obama and his insurance reform not health care reform.

>people actually think one system is great while the other is horrible
>people don't understand that certain systems work better in different countries because of multiple different variables
Fucking pathetic. Why are people so hysterical? You screeching fucking banshees. Neither system is good. Some systems work better in different situations. End of story.

>rust belt
best coast 4lyfe

Looks like another way for the KIKES and the ELITES to slave people to a debt.

You know the people and race and culture that actually built this nation from NOTHING!

At least he got drugs. In socialism, he'd be kept waiting - or denied for not being a refugee.

We should have a law that prevents people with hereditary diseases that are in debt from having children. Why put another person through that suffering if we can prevent it?

>riding a motorcycle with no health insurance

doesn't even make me think

And what group of people have been owning insurance companies for generations after generations.

You know they kind of people who would buy a boat load of niggers. Then insure then. Then cart them across the Atlantic? Then hit ruff seas and lose all their niggers over board.


>Can't afford it on most wages

So "most wages" now constitute poorfag niggers like yourself working at Mcdonalds for $8/hr?

He should have thought of that before getting into a motorcycle accident.

It's literally this simple.

The most efficient health care would be eugenics

What nigger in the USA made it to where the citizens had to buy insurance? Or face fines and fees? What glorious APE could that have been?

at least someone has drugs on the other hand socialism supports parasites

T. Nigger economist
Free market isn't the most efficient everywhere
Especially with health because you can't bargain when you need something in the minute or you die.

>Riding a motorcycle without insurance

Eugenics would lower health care costs

Shhhh getting sleepyyy