Wow GOP btfo
Wow GOP btfo
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Is she implying Mexicans only have subservient jobs?
the millions of outsourced americans sitting at home
>Doesn't like Republicans for being "racist"
>Stereotypes a whole minority
lmao how much more fractionating can the left handle?
Do you get a blue check mark just because you're a liberal?
So racist
Thats pretty racist
I love when people make that argument.
Just tell them they are justifying slave labor wages just ecause it's convenient.
>nobody wants these jobs
>supply drops
>wages rise
>demand rises
1) They're right, you know. Only brown people should clean toilets. Better jobs are for white people only.
2) White people invented the toilet. I think we can figure out how to clean them too.
Aren't robots going to be doing all those jobs in a few years?
The same people who did those jobs 50 years ago before welfare and unchecked illegal immigration. Niggers and poor whites.
>who will pick our cotton when the slaves are free?
Yes, thats what all these rich fuckers who scream "let them in" do, they just want cheap labor.
Who will pick our crops without illegal Mexicans user? White people are just incapable of it, even though they did it 40 years ago.
She is so racist
Currently unemployed legal citizens will?
White people? You know, like we did before the kikes imported millions of shitskins?
>democrats are the real racists
fucking hell, kekistani memes leaking into reality now. Fuck you sargoy you fat piece of shit
She looks like fine white breeding stock to me, she won't need to do any of that.
The elites of both parties want cheap labor they can exploit. The rest of the people don't and that's why they voted for trump.
She's not an illegal Mexican immigrant.
>who will lcean their toilets
There are a plethora of liberal arts majors with high interest debt and no employment propsects plaguing the U.S. right now.
Pretty sure plantation owners were Democrats.
Speak for yourself. Cleaning toilets is for slice. They can have that job.
Didn't one of the idiots on the view say the same thing and got scolded by the other women because it was racist?
Wow this really activates my almonds
Oh. My. God. I'm affing pissed now, it's racist and classist af.
Just *hand clapping* shut *hand clapping* up *hand clapping*
>I wonder if the Democrats have asked themselves who will clean their toilets & nanny their children & drive their limos when we're all dead and deported.
The answer, of course, is, yes, they have thought about it. That's why the Dems are so scared and desperate. They might have to pay American citizens an honest wage to do their bitch work.
>Liberals are autistically screeching about Trump
>Muh Racism, Muh Xenophobia, Muh Muh Muh
Turns out it's "Muh Domestic Servants" and the fear of paying a white person a living wage to cook your food that's at the center of their Compassionate Love Of Diversity
Wasn't the whole point to replace illegal, unchecked immigrants by legal immigrants with a thorough background check?
I think there are a bunch of basement dwellers on Sup Forums looking for work and networking maim
Filipino's you dumb bitch
Legal workers
Hol'up, so this ''Mary Beth Williams'' is a Mexican or is she an apologist role-playing in solidarity?
Kelly Osborne on The View
>"If you deport the Mexicans, then who is going to clean your toilets Donald Trump!"
One woman even quit the view because she was supposedly forced to apologize to Kelly of all people for "taking it the wrong way"
One million people immigrate to the United States every year-LEGALLY. They will find jobs and work LEGALLY. The employers will have to pay them LEGAL wages instead of slave wages for those hiding out illegally. Think. That is why big corps like Illegals-they can use them as slave labor. Which is better? .
God for-fucking-bid the 1% have to pay people a living wage :^)
Sounds of clapping trigger my ptsd episode of when I was fartraped in an elevator, please refrain using anything past shaking your wrists and feminine guffaws
Preach. *prayinghands* Woke as fukk!
I remember some wealthy people got really offended when a liberal asked them this IRL.
Easy, all the fine arts majors.
is this bitch is shaming Hispanics like that is the only shit they can do? Holy shit, what a fucking pedantic comment. I am Hispanic and comments like this retarded whore makes me want to pimp slap her. Is this retarded whore is pretending that Hispanics are the only thing they are good at is housekeeping?
IN fact, I want all the illegals deported and dead. They are a fucking cancer that contaminates this beautiful country, and I cant wait for the God Emperor to build the wall.
I said this before that the only thing that I want is to value for what I can do and my ideas as a person.
This guy gets it. Nobody (white) wants those jobs at their current price levels
If the cost to employ a white person is greater then the robot cost over a decent ROI then yes.
>Mexicans are only capable of bottom-tier menial and labor intensive jobs
What a fucking racist, holy shit.
dang, who was doing all the menial shitjobs before Obama rode in on his golden stallion and graced his with the abomination that is Obamacare?
I can't believe we even managed to survive until 2008 when Obama rode down from heaven and saved us all.
Is she talking about Mexicans or Women? She doesn't look like a brown person.
if you unironically use the phrase "living wage" you should be shot just fyi
What did she mean by this?
>I'm going to literally clean the shit of a rich jew and get paid less than a nigger on welfare!
>Americucks are so lazy they commit demographic suicide and ruin their own country with shitskins, just so they don't have to mow their own lawns
Isn't that what women are for?
Introduce her to that fat faced fuck from the view
>which one?
>part of the joke
Also who's going to dig ditches and other manual labor since Hispanics are too stupid and or sub human to do anything else?
This is most racist statement I have read in a while.
it's liberal arts you ignorant philistine
Americans and legal immigrants.
I would rather not trust a brown person to enter my house or drive my limo desu.
What's with this libshit meme that everyone is going to drop dead without Obamacare?
How do they think people lived before 2009?
i just.....
just literally cant understand this....
ive been here for almost a month now and how do you people do it?
always being racist, anti-semitic, islamophobic, and hating women
is it satire?
or are you "people" literally this ignorant and jaded....
Fuck yeah!
Women are fucking stupid.
They think they had to work a little more which is worse than Hitler, their endgame is to not work at all they all want UBI.
Americans will, youll just have to pay them more.
>Implying I have a Limo
>Implying I can afford kids,
>Implying I would be able to hire a nanny
>Implying I could afford to hire a maid
Meanwhile here I am trying to get a job on a road construction crew and I have to fight with Spics for $5 an hour under the table. they outnumber me and often physically force me to leave.
But we NEED Mexicans to do those things to keep food costs low. Do you want me to pay more for my avocado toast?
She's either implying that members of the GOP are all rich which is hilariously out of touch or she thinks that having a nanny and limo driver are just mundane things which is also crazy out of touch.
>White people are just incapable of it
They are perefectly able to, but not for peanuts they'd be paid.
le white people are incapable of doing menial tasks so their countries should be flooded with niggers argument. Fantastic.
Why do democrats what mexicans to be their slaves?
Free labour from robots, next question please.
>who will do our menial tasks when they illegals we pay below minimum wage are gone?
Why is it that liberals are the ones in favor of borderline slavery now?