Can some user write why Indians are the worst race
Can some user write why Indians are the worst race
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but they're not the worst
There's no Indian race faggot. It's a very complex, mongrelized shithole, that's what India is.
How did you get the fascist flag?
Theyre not the worst. Theyre third best after whites and east asians
They make all your Cheese you lazy fuck.
The Sikh Immigrants Behind 'Italian' Cheese
Italian Bride dances to Bollywood song!
>East Asians
Implying Chinese aren't subhuman
Also there a billion Indians. Northern Indians and punjabis are the decent ones
kadam kadam badhaye ja
Literally this. We are all various subraces with varying mixtures of Aryan, Dravidian, Mongol and Semitic blood.
Indians are pretty okay except for the over population. Back when India contributed 36% of the worlds GDP and was the cradle of civilization and prosperity, our population was around 250 Million taking all of the Indian empire into consideration. There's like 1.2 Billion Indians today.
Hundreds of years of muslim backstabbing, trickery and deceit crippled us, genocided the best among us, and left us in shambles open for the filthy Anglos to take over who then fueled their industrialization with the blood and sweat of Indians.
If you look at India's history, we have suffered a much worse fate than Jews, or any other race. Today's India is a shadow of the former glorious Indian empire.
I believe India can be in ironically turned into a superpower but mass genocides and Eugenics are the only way possible. India is filled with billions of brain dead subhumans and the brain drain is real. I can't wait for Kali Yuga to end and watch this planet and the human species get destroyed.
Muslims, Jews and Anglos should be tortured to death.
>Muh genocide
if there are still a billion of you, not enough of you were killed.
They aren`t far tho
To many of them, they are fugly, they smells, they don`t have hygiene, they are fugly.
Look, there are 7 billion of them
damn that's some real shit
Or maybe, poorer people with subhuman living conditions and low IQ have a biological tendency to breed a lot to ensure the survival of their genes resulting in massive amount of kids, who then grow up and produce even more number of kids and the cycle continues.
Ebin pun
This is why Indians need to be culled.
it wasn't a pun it was just sort of eye opening
what you're saying about the high population being a result of undesirable people breeding and how you don't think there's a way to fix it except for some kind of radical population change and the brain drain issue and everything, it's kind of a blackpill.
Worst air polution on earth
Worst public defecation
Worst sanitary conditions
Worst public littering
Worst drivers
Literally niggers
Found the currynigger
It's because of the poo thing op, you know, the way they have designated shitting streets for pajeet to shit in the street
>designated shitting street
Chinese and slavs are worse.
This rat people needs to be neutered.
I agree.
Its true tho, India has been too contaminated to be cleansed. I didn't mean for it to be a blackpill but there's no other scenario.
Its the same case in most parts of the world, including the west. Even if you get rid of all muslims and niggers, white birthrates can't be fixed. Anything below 1.3? 1.9? results in the extinction of that race/species. Whites have birthrates way beyond the replacement level and in a few years most of Europe and all of US won't be white or first world anymore.
Jews are fucking pests who ruin everything they lay their eyes on.
The world will end soon but I sure as fuck want to personally genocide all muslims and holocaust each and every single Jew with my own hands. It doesnt matter even matter if they use the samson option, as long as there aren't any Jews, whatever succeeds humans will thrive happily.
Islam wouldn't even be fucking alive if the Jews weren't busy creating infighting between European empires and leaving them ripe open for the muslims to spread and conquer.