Are we going to ignore Japan's demographic problem?
Are we going to ignore Japan's demographic problem?
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i don't see the problem
they live on a fucking small islands, there is only so much room
you want japan to turn into the philippines or something?
I'd be willing to go over there and impregnate some of their stuck up women if they ask me to.
Stop fucking pretending Japan has a "demographic problem". It doesn't. That's just something far leftists claim to justify flooding white countries with useless third worlders.
Japan is one of the most advanced, prosperous countries on earth. Things will be fine.
like they will even give you the time of day
It's not a problem because they don't have a minority outpacing them in birthrates. Overpopulation is a problem but so is lower birthrates compared to minorities
>like they will even give you the time of day
That's my point. They would never ask me. They would rather suffer demographic collapse.
They only have to fuck more,
talking about it here (or spreading awareness in Japan) won't change shit
What do you propose?
I believe there are a few tiny coastal towns in Japan who will pay you to move there, get a job, and start a family. They're fucking desperate.
more proof that women are garbage.
they need to lower their standards.
I am helping them by breeding with one of theirs
currently living in Sapporo (Hokkaido)
have 3 children with my beautiful Japanese wife, Manami
We're planning a 4th child when finances will allow it
same with south koreans
asians are pretty fucking racist
they don't like english speakers or foreigners
>not going on a modern day Imperial conquest of impregnating 400 desperate fertile asians while on a 2 week vacation
>not joining forces with your fellow white brothers to bleach an entire asian country
Have fucked 4 asians
If they weren't completely insane and the white race wasn't under attack, I may have to wife one
yes because an ever going population will solve all the problems of the world right? Oh no wait it will only feed the hungry governments for so long until the entire system crashes.
Kill yourself, shitty bait thread, saged.
The males have no motivation. They have nothing to look forward to. If Japanese nationalism is promoted than the birthrate problem would fix itself immediately.
Japan is a shithole. Its like moscow.
on the outside its high tech and city lights but on the inside its butt-tier IQ, squatting over a hole in the floor to shit, and a miserable diet where most granted $0.75 fruit and veggies instead cost $30 cause its all imported.
japan and japanese are facetious.
why would you want to reproduce when you are a radioactive gook
I looked it up. There are three small island towns off the coast of Japan with tiny, tiny populations of a few hundred. So many people are moving away that they're literally paying people to come and join the community. They'll even help you find a bride.
The best part is that you don't even have to be Japanese, so long as you're willing to get a job and settle down on the islands.
Sounds like I need to get busy.
>demographic collapse
>Hay Mum, I posted it again!
And they could have saved their economy if they had imported more Islamic refugees ......
>t not vacationing in Japan anymore so can't post 200k meme daily
What planet are you from?
I spent 6 weeks in Japan and my dick was so sore halfway through the trip I had to stop going out after work. But I'm an American and they probably don't get wet for Brits.
Who's problem is it?
Why is it a problem?
Who cares.
Are you japanese?
Do you live in japan?
Let the japanese sort the japanese.
>get a job
by get a job they mean english teacher
they are not going to let you do anything else
Yo EU Fag we have the same problem. Kiss your pension goodbye
This is not a problem with Japanese people.
>This is not a problem with Japanese people.
This is a problem with Japanese economic policies and central banking.
>This is a problem with Japanese economic policies and central banking.
This is not a problem with Japanese people.
>This is not a problem with Japanese people.
This is a problem with Japanese economic policies and central banking.
>This is a problem with Japanese economic policies and central banking.
This is not a problem with Japanese people.
>This is not a problem with Japanese people.
This is a problem with Japanese economic policies and central banking.
>This is a problem with Japanese economic policies and central banking.
This is not a problem with Japanese people.
>This is not a problem with Japanese people.
This is a problem with Japanese economic policies and central banking.
>This is a problem with Japanese economic policies and central banking.
This is not a problem with Japanese people.
>This is not a problem with Japanese people.
This is a problem with Japanese economic policies and central banking.
>This is a problem with Japanese economic policies and central banking.
This is not a problem with Japanese people.
>This is not a problem with Japanese people.
This is a problem with Japanese economic policies and central banking.
>This is a problem with Japanese economic policies and central banking.
This is not a problem with Japanese people.
>This is not a problem with Japanese people.
This is a problem with Japanese economic policies and central banking.
>This is a problem with Japanese economic policies and central banking.
THEY'RE 126 MILLION, on a fucking ISLAND
what population problem? why is everyone pushing this meme? nothing will go completely to shit regardless of the numbers, it will still be very high
"whatto a naytomeru"
They have a fuckton of space, they just don't want to live in the suburbs.
Name of island please
>4chin population
>island of kekistan
>on a fucking ISLAND
Multiple islands.
there is literally nothing wrong with this. Have a decent civilization then slowly die out, has to happen sometime and there is no objective reason to continue your country's legacy or some stupid shit like that. They did well, now they're slowly phasing themselves out, whats the big deal?
They're tiny rural communities with populations of 400. They don't need English teachers, they need laborers. They don't give a shit whether you're a gaijin so long as you can actually do the work.
>kekistani cringy rdonald faggots are disgusting gook race mixers
woah color me suprised
That's not a problem. When the population lowers economic production will adapt. Ignore the Jews who are going to tell you to import Muslims and shitskins, my Nippon brothers.
Kagoshima, but a bunch of other small fishing villages like Amakusa are also giving out free houses to anyone willing to move there. So many people are moving to the city that they have TONS of empty houses nobody wants to buy.
OP is a jew that wants them to import mudslimes and shitskins
>Are we going to ignore Japan's demographic problem?
The old are going to die out and the young will find themselves in an open country with cheap available housing and easy employment opportunities.
Their population is ormalizing, if there's a problem it's simply that old people live way too long.
Maybe look at real estate prices vs 1 year salary instead of being a Keynesian faggot and demanding growth even if its all sub saharan illiterates.
Not in towns that small. Send over some weebs, solve two problems.
stop this spamming, the Japanese modified their banking to deter Jews, thats why it seems like its really fucked up but really its fine
I'm sure that seems like a lot to a Romanian, but if your government ever lets any of you leave and you go to Japan you will see it isn't a big deal given the way they live.
Actual Japanese people are quite small, around 5' tall at most and roughly 85 or so LBS. They can 'live' in a space not much larger than a common dresser drawer. All of what they eat and drink comes from vending machines, they work 12-14 hours per day, spend another 6 getting drunk and signing karaoke, then they sleep in their dresser drawer sized 'apartments' before doing it all over again. They also wear the same clothes for days at a time.
Really they have more space than they need for 126 million.
race mixers out
every single fucking time with these daily threads...
>weebs working farmer jobs
Good one.
It's only a "problem" if you subscribed to the debunked 20th century notion that all economies always have to expand with expanding social welfare programs all the time expanding in every way forever
Japanese elderly and young are fucked desu. Its too late for them, Japan has to dismantle the healthcare and social programs theyre so proud of. There arent enough tax payers for that Im afraid.
>But automation! Japanese dont need workers
japan has one of the laxest corporate laws and the politican have ties to major corporations that go beyond generstions. Automation wont be taxed and they would rather habe the population bite the bullet. Japanese are going towards cyberpunk dystopia.
Well its okay as Japanese chose it
The whole "Japanese birthrate problem" or whatever you want to call it, is nothing but jewish propaganda. There are many more nations with birthrates far worse than Japan, Italy for instance, but you never hear anything about the birthrates of those particular countries. It's only Japan, Japan, Japan. Why? Because unlike most cucked western countries, Japan is different, a strong ethnostate. And (((they))) want nothing more than to turn Japan into a multicultural shithole, taking in hordes of refugees, destroying Japan's identity just like they already accomplished with the west.
You're right, we should all take a trip there and help their women fix their birthrates
This is a really stupid post. No one is forcing Japan to bring in shitskin third worlders because Japan is not white. (((They))) only care about the birth rate in white countries so they can flood it with more immigrants.
>There are many more nations with birthrates far worse than Japan, Italy for instance, but you never hear anything about the birthrates of those particular countries.
This is true. It's not even talked in the local news when, by the looks of it, this will be a desolate place by about 2050 except capital city.
>Are we going to ignore Japan's demographic problem?
All population on record. Japan has a fuck ton of old people.
Good on you m9.
Enjoy your cold local beer and the sight of your big, beautiful family after a long day at work.
>Enjoy your cold local beer and the sight of your big, beautiful family after a long day at work.
This made me want to breed
Fuck you EU, Davos clique, CIA, Jew, Bilderbergs, Globalist, Neo-Marxist, etc., We know the Kalergi plan a half wrote it. We know weaponized migration plans. You'll never have Japan, South Korea, Russia, or Mongolia. Go to hell.
Would gladly pitch in my Nordic genetics if requested.
The thing that is so confusing to me is how they got onto this meme of feminized men in Manga & Anime that has infected their your culture, and is that what has caused their high rate of avoiding sex?
Japanese have a strange relationship to sexuality. Always have. Perhaps this is the inevitable result of a society that is *too* sexually repressive?
try to get a non-English teacher job here
we don't want fat ass Americans or STD Europeans
we don't want black
this is Japan
if you get any girl she will be ugly and Japanese men have the better ones
i cannot imagine that there arent thousands of people clamoring for this. I always thought the "quiet country life" was a big fantasy for a lot of people. they must have a marketing problem.
It's important to never give up on that dream
>The males have no motivation.
That's what you get when you enable hypergamy. No sane man wants to work for Chad's sloppy seconds.
I'm always scared of infertility for some reason idk why
I don't smoke (only at parties) or drink I also don't have any libido problems but idk I'm always afraid that, later, I'm going to be unable to breed
>Japanese have a strange relationship to sexuality
What did he mean by this?
Average IQ in Japan is 105 and they have sit down toilets everywhere. I think you're confused user.
No offense lad but majority of your women are ugly as sin and I've been in the UK for 9 years so well acquainted with ugly.
This. MGTOW is the only way males can retain any dignity.
Nobody in their right mind should be forced to accept a roastie who has just hopped off the cock carousel and wants to "settle down"
The Japanese are pioneers when it comes to technological advancement. They don't need to import millions of uneducated, unskilled third-worlders to sustain their economy. Robots are the future. Not jihadis and niggers.
And what about Russia? Isn't your population decreasing as well?? Shouldn't you guys be rolling in money right now since what you say is true?
It will fix itself if you just leave it alone.
>The best part is that you don't even have to be Japanese, so long as you're willing to get a job and settle down on the islands.
It's pretty difficult to live in Japan. Annoying language and you always have to deal with passive aggressive BS and racism. Especially jealous beta males, because they see you as competition.
I am already learnig japanese and will work in an skilled engineer position.
In return I will only ask for a qt 3.14 traditional nip gf so I can breed with her tons of sons and live a comfy and peaceful life in homogeneous japan.
But user the average height is 5'7" for men and 5'2" for women. Are you retarded? You are retarded. Studies confirm.
>population stabilizing
can you really blame the anime? Or is it more likely that anime is the way it is because of the feminization of their men, and they both have a common cause.
never happen
you thinks its a joke what he just said?
if you think you are going to be able to do anything but teach english you are mistaken
Oh no an insanely overpopulated island nation becoming slightly less populated.
Despair. Shock. Horror.
Japan is clearly finished unless they become good goys and accept 6 billion rapefugees as an apology for allying with Germany during the holocaust.
Any Japanese Woman who complains about being raped by Muhammad and Achmed is to be found guilty of racism and sentenced to life in prison.
Population decline is not a bad thing.
>Over populated through artificial means.
>Decreases to a stable level.
>A problem.
Let me guess, your solution is to import niggers?
I will take the fall and go there and impregnate as many nips as possible
this is like "the beautiful ones", a mouse experiment where over crowding caused social distress and many mice became antisocial recluses while the population plummeted.
The invisible hand of the free market will correct any and all demographic problems.
Demographics is a pseudo-science that Marxists use for fear mongering and intimidation of the weak minded into making drastic decisions that are unnecessary and dangerous to stable governance.
The european race must contribute to Japanese society. Just go there and make as many hafu as possible with as many different women as possible. Then just go back to Europe and get married with a beautiful Ukranian girl.
We need to make Japan White.
Holy fuck wat
I'd help them out unfortunately living and working in Japan is a fucking nightmare for foreigners
How does it feel that your glorious empire failed due to Jew loving Americans?? And it if wasn't for us you'd be occupying 90% of Asia right now and you'd be rich as hell
It doesn't hurt to be careful. I never got into smoking myself, but different strokes.
On my end, I'm more worried about never finding a gf to wife.
On one hand, the Japanese are rooted in a very traditionalist society that had many taboos around sexuality and proper behavior in general. It was a very rigid, controlled culture with a high degree of shaming for any behavior that dishonors the family. Sexuality in this context is very controlled.
On the other hand, you have modern Japan with literally the most extreme and weird fetishes on the planet. Baby Dom. Shit eating. Squid porn. Vomit porn. Public train rape porn. Etc., etc...
And then you have the influence of hentai / anime and cosplay, this weird distortion of people's self image in relation to cartoons and fantasies that are by definition not natural.
All of this factors in to how the Japanese experience sexuality. It's all very extreme, either super repressed or super extroverted and perverted into some strange niche of sexuality.
And they still blur out buttholes in porn while showing the most extreme acts.
To me, none of it seems healthy, natural, or a balanced relationship to healthy, happy, and comfortable sexuality.
when adam smith wrote about the invisible hand it wasn't positive in the slightest
You are their shitskin