See three white women walking in front of each other, each talking to a different brown Muslim manlet.
>Proceeds to go back to computer chair for eternity
Since when did Brighton become so non white and Muslim?
See three white women walking in front of each other, each talking to a different brown Muslim manlet.
>Proceeds to go back to computer chair for eternity
Since when did Brighton become so non white and Muslim?
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Go outside and show your presence or they'll think you've abandoned them so they'll have to settle with a circus ape
It's even worse in Croydon.
>tfw entire western portion is 80% black in recent census
I am being partially hyperbolic with my having only looked outside my window for the first time in a few months, but yes I barely go out.
Yeah I don't know man, I do agree to an extent, but it's just the fact that there are so many Muslims and shit around here now.
African KINGS control europoor women unlike USA
I can't imagine living somewhere like that, it must be hell for whites. I reckon most people aren't even aware places like that exist in the UK.
You misunderstand, these are like Pakistani, Afghani's and more recently people from places like Syria and Yemen. I did once see an ashamed white girl walking home with a black though, what a mess.
Do you guys include race in your census? What's the percentage looking like?
>proceeds to go back to computer chair for eternity
user staph
Am not sure, but I can tell you that whatever the census says, the amount of non whites is a lot larger. We have tonnes of illegal immigrants around here, they share flats with ludicrous amounts of other people and work in all of the Muslim businesses such as restaurants, takeaways and the car wash.
You can't blame them when your average white guy is indoctrinated to act beta.
This, become part of Africa.
White women love us Jihad shitskins because we actually look like men and know how to handle a woman
I know man, have been a recluse pretty much since a troubling time a few years ago. It doesn't really help now that my area has become filled with hostile Muslims and stuff, whenever you leave your house they have their eyes on you, wanting to know about anyone who lives around here like they own the place. Seriously, what the fuck?
Stop kidding yourself curlyhead
Basically this (pic related)
It's not your fault man,your women are disgusting.
Go fap or something about to take Jessica out, smash her in the bushes and drop her off at her master race aryan pops house
Bet he faps to the smell of her panties
That's great, looking forward to see your cute babies.
I don't give a fuck if that is the case, we built this civilization, we shouldn't be letting in these people who can't bring anything to the table, especially in such large numbers.
Even their women are barely available in the market due to the fact they are kept on lock, yet we are expected to be free with our women?
You can't exactly say it will be a genetic upgrade if you were to have kids with one though right? The fact that they are attractive is because they don't have your pleb genetics.
its always been this way
Become part of society or kys
>It's not your fault man,your women are disgusting.
Thanks man, yeah especially all of the leftist women in Brighton. I should have left here years ago, it's starting to become a third world shit hole anyway. (pic related: my city)
I still work, pay taxes and stuff, from home admittedly lel. Fair point probably.
Love that image, yes. You heard it Germany.
pics or it didn't happen.
They are long gone now lol. Plus the view outside of my window is too distinctive, I'll get doxed and the local Afghani's will butt rape me.
>Genetic upgrade??
You think I'd have kids or a long term relationship with a white woman??
White woman are not loyal, can not be trusted
Seriously why are white men worried about white women?
Go for asian women they love whites, or better yet get a young latina
Also I am not saying that they are necessarily fucking, just seeing three in a row with brown Muslim manlets was pretty odd. The first thought that occurred to me was that the women were some kind of payed people to try and integrate new refugees or something.
We are being pretty hard hit with new asylum seekers and illegal immigrants here etc.
I might go with an East Asian some time, I have turned down opportunities a couple of times. I still think I would prefer to go with one of my peoples women though. This being said I kind of wish the worst for leftist white women, as far as I am concerned, you guys can have them, I would happily inject them into Africa if I could.
You think any self respecting woman would want to be with a man who doesn't even have the motivation to leave his house.
Jesus man, get a grip. People on this board need to realise that they create the problems in their lives.
You think jews make you a useless person who can't leave his room? You did that. Get a grip and start doing something with your life.
Fucking pathetic
You are making quite a lot of assumptions about what I think lad.
Was just a novel observation I made whilst looking outside my window.
Should I play Remove Kebab outside of my window lads?
All I can say is, the old cat lady feminists have really done a number on us, Thankfully we are starting to turning this around. Don't worry about being a bit ruthless.
the rule is: you don't get to complain about things as long as you're a beta loser
fix yourself
Yes, all those 11 year old's really love 40 year old muslim men.
>we can't start killing our invaders and oppressors, that'd be illegal!
>l-l-lets go to eastern europe or mars instead, it'll be white there
>Fix yourself
You can't fix beta, it's genetic. look at /fit/, even with muscle and supplements they are still pathetic betas whining about women and passing around pick up artist bullshit kek.
Once a beta, always a beta.
I understand what you are saying, I still make money and stuff though. Life has been tough.
You are right, but I can still make observations though.
I was what you call 'alpha' when I was younger, then went a bit beta, but I was still attractive enough to attract a fair amount of women. I am now a recluse.
Some beta tendencies are prob genetic, but if you master yourself you'll do fine. You might never be the top of the herd, but you can carve a nice niche for yourself.
You can't expect every guy to be an alpha also, a lot of guys will be betas and that is nature.
> JESSICA NOooooooo
since you sat on your ass got beta and let it happen.
go work out loser.
>See three white women walking in front of each other, each talking to a different brown Muslim manlet.
>tfw he fucking at least 1 of them maybe 2
i hate this world
You are part of the problem.
There was three Muslim manlets and three white women so one with each. It looked kind of odd which made me think it might be some kind of public sector integration thing like in Germany. Lmao, they always seem to get young attractive women to 'integrate' them. Really makes you think.
Fair. Still though, some of these women need to be cut loose from this civilization tough.
Yeah, but I am a result of my environment, which was high estrogen leftist feminism. You should see some of the single mother set ups they have around this city, you probably have the highest amount of boys per capita being raised by a single mother that wants to make them trans gender or gay.
That's everywhere in the UK mate. The real question is why are there so many lesbians in Brighton? There's a street literally called Dyke Street!
I think you are referring to Dyke road? Kek.
Yeah tell me about it, you have these feminists events also where essentially just spit bile at men(white) and talk vulgarly about their vaginas. An interesting dynamic also, you have these older more 'dominant' lesbians that essentially groom young girls into hating men and being their sex toys. Pretty fucked.
Also one of the things these lesbians do at events is give platforms to as many non white guys as possible and shit on white men with black lives matter bull shit rap and stuff.
Just the tip of ice berg I could go on for a while about this short haired trash.
All "white" places will look like that in no time if the madness isn't stopped. I really don't understand how lefties can wish to become a minority in your own country, with nowhere else left to go.
I just think they ignore it mate, as long as they can get through life being fulfilled and happy, whites countries turning into this is an abstract concept of little concern.
The reality of the situation is pretty dire. I mean imagine living in a country 80%+ Muslim and African? Wow, quite the downgrade.
How the fuck did it come to this? Everytime I go there they're every fucking where. All fat and ugly and old. Why Brighton, I just want to understand.
Also there's a big Masonic Center right in the city centre, but it seems to be closed down.
Bow down to the superior Islamic genes. Your weak genes and inferior culture shall be wiped from Britain and Islam shall rule all Europe soon Inshallah
Ha yeah, you have probably walked by the Masonic center after leaving the train station. Don't know man, I think it has been a cumulative thing, Brighton has always been a bit of a place to go and do some degenerate stuff, it gradually picked up a reputation of gay shit and feminism so all of the leftist faggots flock here from all over the place. It is a kind of political migration, kind of the like free state project in America lmao.
>superior Islamic genes
>Your weak genes
Lad, did you not see where I mentioned that they were manlets? They were even shorter than the white girls lmao. I am 6 foot 3 and could box any one of their scrawny skulls out with ease.