Happening: BLM shuts down Pride in Minneapolis


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Nice source faggot

American cities look so amazing...

I hope this is true :D


Sorry, I tried to post a Facebook link, but kept getting flagged as spam


>Niggers are fine with calling each other niggers, but get butthurt when other people say it
>Faggots are fine with calling each other faggots, but get booty blasted when other people say it
How bad is it going to get?

they're disgusting


Its already over

BLM is claiming victory for shutting down Minneapolis Gay Pride parade because.....bleck

good....fight amongst yourselves, children
Anyone that knows about Black America, knows they fucking HATE gays

They look great but they suck.


> The protesters, many of whom chanted, "No justice, no peace, no pride in police," were seeking to draw attention to police treatment of minorities nationwide, as well as to object to the last-minute inclusion in the parade of police officers. Their signs read, "Justice for Philando," "Black Lives Matter," "No KKKops, make pride revolutionary again!" and "No pride for some of us without liberation for all of us."

New Article: startribune.com/tens-of-thousands-pack-downtown-minneapolis-for-pride-parade/430695433/

I hope they shut down the anal epicenter of gay pride: San Francisco Pride

Haha, holy shit.

It's already pretty damn bad broski.

>facebook com/nativelivesmatter1/videos/1623661064335492/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED

>Anyone that knows about Black America, knows they fucking HATE gays
And white gays hate blacks. This is why BLM is targeting these events.

I used to hate BLM, but now I love these cucks. They're literally the leftist version of the Westboro Baptist Church - showing up to random events, trying to shut them down with insane slogans, and making everyone hate them.

This is going to set niggers back at least 350 years.

Acct. Is private you faggot

facebook com/nativelivesmatter1/videos/1623661064335492/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED

try it now?

Holy shit dude you are fucking retarded

Looks are deceiving

Can they go 5 minutes without getting asshurt other people have struggles? That's why this identity politics shit will never work.

whatever, I give up. I normally lurk but since there was no thread of this yet I'd figured I would give it a shot

Oh no, that sucks

Boo hoo

If your not black or gay what business do you have saying these words to blacks and gays? Fuck off you alt right cry babies

>350 years
It'll send most of them back to Africa? A guy can dream I guess.

You're making a joke, but that probably will happen. Niggers are slowly waking up to the idea of ethnonationalism and a return-to-Africa exodus.

big freedia rules

tx user

www.facebook com/nativelivesmatter1/videos/1623661064335492/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED

np, just trying my best

Suck a crate of dicks you nigger faggot

it's where the hivemind liberals live

Blacks fighting faggots trying to outshine faggots at attentionwhoring,. What a timeline.

Friendly reminder that if burgers want this to stop, they simply have to deduct all these peoples welfare and ebt or any other public assistance they are on for disturbing the peace whilst on the dole, would take down these sjw "protests" about 98%.

They are generally clean and cool.

But the people who live in them are cancer

>They are generally clean and cool.
>But the people who live in them are cancer
Because the ones living in them didn't build a damn shit, it's sad how fast americans can go from some of the most awesome people to some of the most shittiest. Anyone responsible for the curriculum that pumped out these fucking morons into the streets needs to be executed on a public square or something.

now we watch the left kill their own, f'n idiots

rainbow flag originally meant to represent all colors of the rainbow

JUST fuck my flag up

I live here friend. It's mostly a dump.

anything can look nice with long exposure shots in twilight, in reality they're all filthy, dangerous shitholes

LBJ set them in stone for 200 years with the (((Great Society))). Time to go back to Dixie days.

>shutting down a fag parade

Are they, dare I say it, /ourguys/?

only from far away

>destroying the symbology of the movement they hijacked
Kek, fucking retards. They should just use what they already took and preserve it for as long as possible, because god knows, all their changes to it will be retarded as shit and just kill it off even faster.

Our gays would get militant. There's a huge horde of them in the bay area. Not happening for a second. Most of the black people are in Oakland and Vallejo anyway.

LOL it's real


What if we archive it

>washingtonpost com/video/national/minneapolis-pride-parade-halted-by-black-lives-matter-protesters/2017/06/25/f576fd68-59db-11e7-aa69-3964a7d55207_video.html

repost it faggot

No we need the Somalian Muslims to jump in and BTFO of both groups

The big ones smell like shit and are full of trash. Small cities are way better.

Get close and they're packed with liberals and nigger nest government housing

Can we please wall off the fucking campus and North Minneapolis?

Miami, FL is one of the most beautiful cities in the world at a distance.

It's also one of the shittiest.

All cities are shit. Doesn't matter if it's American, British, German, Chinese, Japanese, Swiss, or wherever. If there's more than ~250K people living there, it's basically guaranteed to be an expensive, crime-ridden shithole.

>crime-ridden shithole

>being so narcissistic you have to take over someone else's parade to get attention

Why are BLM being bigger faggots than faggots?

Facebook links don't work just change face to kike or normie. Thanks though, it's hilarious watch these niggers infiltrate. I think they shut down the Seattle pride March too.

>Anyone that knows about Black America, knows they fucking HATE gays

And to add insult to injury, blacks democrats largely responsible for helping gays win marriage and acceptance. Gay problem solved and they move into transgender instead of helping blacks. Identity politics will never work.

>they are clean
American cities are only clean compared to European ones. London is the filthiest city I've ever been in

I sort of feel bad for the gays

Where were YOU when the LTBTasdf started hating niggers as well?

I want them to feel integrated desu

>Learn your history!

Places like Osaka or Tokyo have low crime rates by the standards of major cities, but their crime rates are still high compared to many smaller, homogeneous cities and towns in the world (to say nothing of its obscene cost of living).

what if this could be abused?

What if we could use the BLM movement to get rid of pride parades?

if theres one thing liberal politicians like pandering to more than usually white gays, it's blacks in general.

What if BLM could somehow be pointed specifically at pride parades until liberal cities actually stop doing them to appease the niggers?

I mean worst case scenario it doesn't work, but still pits both against each other anyway.

There are like a dozen black people in SF, nobody there gives a fuck about BLM

True that. Waifu wanted to go to a BLM protest to troll. It was all white college kids. She just laughed and I took her home.

holy fucking shit


The Democrats are starting to tear each other apart.


What are the odds of this happening at London on July 8th? Planning on going for Pride.

This triggers 99% of gays, even black gays. The creator of the flag made it a rainbow because it represented all colors, and BLM activists (iirc they aren't even gay) tacked these on just months after the designer died, because they knew he'd object to it. Let it sink in that they planned this, probably years ago.

Most of us think your villages look amazing, just a 30 second video gets millions of views. From Atlanta, it's got its nice parts but 99% trash. Oklahoma City and middle-America cities are pretty nice, but once you drive away it's endless corn fields and depression.

>But most spectators from 5th to 11th streets didn't even know the protest existed. They were there to have a good time. Although marchers and floats stopped briefly, most thought it was for stoplights to let traffic cross.


Please let the niggers try to shut down the Puerto Rican pride parade oh please make it so

Just fuck up the link so it bypasses the spam filter but it's easy enough for us to reconstruct it

Fucking faggot

>Anyone that knows about Black America, knows they fucking HATE gays
Except many of the men are faggots "on the down low" and their "women" will fuck anything/one who gives them attention, including other women.

Suck my dick babe

They should be encouraged in that. It's actually cruel to keep them around mean ol' yt if you think about it...

London is disgusting, Paris is slightly worse. Guess this is like two homeless people arguing over who's more unwashed

Liberia was an actual American colony that tried this. We sent them back, but unlike Rhodesia or South Africa there weren't any whites to hold anything together (or maybe they were just high up in government and no settlers), so the freed slaves immediately started a plantations system based on the south. If I'm remembering right this continued right up to the 50s and the end of colonialism when they entered their civil war.

Gullah Geechee culture is actually pretty interesting and cool. Tbh I'd be 100% for giving them a chain of tidal islands stretching along the coast of the Carolinas where they traditionally live. But the majority of black nationalists are misguided by the same type of philosophy as Hitler, believing they were the true masters of civilization before everything started.

The left always eats it own. Good, fuck those cunts.

Does this mean we get a riot tonight?

t. nigger lover

Looks like the niggers are useful for once.

minneapolis used to be probably th best city in the united states

>liberal voting bloc imploding on itself

I don't know if this is a good thing or not, I think it might just radicalize them further without changing their voting habits

This is hilarious to people with half a brain or better, but anyone voting Democrat will easily let this pass.
They'll ask whomever is running "Are you for BLM stopping gay pride parades?" and they'll just say "It's something to think about," and everyone will clap.
Democrat voters are retards.

honestly here in the minneapolis the liberals are so weak and impressionable, they will go around smiling saying this was the best thing to happen at pride fest

this guy gets it

the only thing black hate more than gays, spics, asians and arabs is THEMSELVES

Blacks have a perpetual toxic identity crisis that inhibits any honest self-reflection


All three of these describe you, commie.

They're pretty from far away only. Once you're in them they're ugly shit holes made so by the people in them.

what the fuck is the leather flag


It's just a pair of chaps with cumstains on it.

Leather is a kink/fetish that is commonly associated with homosexuals. Why there would be a flag denoting a fetish at a PRIDE parade, I have no answer for you. Ask some gayfag

this kike was in town for pride
