Why are Millennials the least skilled generation?


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Chinese kids are programming apps by 8 years old, our kids are being taught about feelings and safe spaces and white guilt. also common core is the biggest assault on an entire generation's education I've ever seen in my life. I thought it was a joke at first, it seemed too ridiculous to actually be taught anywhere.

Here's the archive

Received no education. Public schooling is not education. Kids go to public school to learn to become slaves, not to succeed.

Who needs skills when you have comfy technology and mommy to cook you nuggets?

Don't bring Steve-o into this

Vaccines, bad food, no real world exposure, shitty schooling

One big aspect is the massive feelgood bullshit safe space mentality.
Everyone always wins, so why put in the effort of bettering yourself?
You're going to get an award anyways.
Or so people believe.
They get an imaginary pat on the back achievement which isn't worth shit.
Just like you get in games, but that's enough for a lot of folks and they lull themselves into the belief that it's good enough.
Combine this with the lack of attention spans and you get a creature that can't focus and has no drive or any incentive to better themselves.
Even when people do want to break out of that shit, their ability to focus for a prolonged period on a subject is so far gone, that they can't even start their journey to unfucking themselves.

It's a wonderful situation for anyone with half a brain, because selling things without having to lift your ass from your computer seat has never been this easy.
Bad thing is that people born in the early 90s before internet went mainstream, are going to be the very last generation with any form of skill or creativity in their brain and even that group is fairly fucked in the head.

take one look at the parents.

Too much getting fucked up on drugs and alcohol and whores

because schools are too afraid to teach kids anythings
because if lil timmy gets a splinter it's reckless
endangerment of a child and a traumatic near
death experience.

The internet. They have enough entertainment media to last a lifetime at their fingertips at any given moment. Eventually this makes the millennial's focus shift away from accomplishing goals, and towards how to best make use of the entertainment he has available to him.

For instance, to a millennial, a day spent playing video games is a productive day, because he could have instead been on forums absentmindedly refreshing. When he realizes he's wasting his adult life and has accomplished nothing for five years, he quickly finds something to distract himself and forgets about it for a year or two.

>yet another shitty useless millenials thread
Millenials posting should be a permanently bannable offense.

because this generation is conprised of more niggers and spics, and schools are more run by kikes than ever

still, better spend more money on this goyim!!!!


someone tell me how this steve-o meme started... he's obviously gen-x not a millenial

why should they bother? whole world is at their service. all talent and educated people of the world is competing for a US green card, H1-B worker visa, some sort of permit.. all they need to do is rule, which requires social intelligence and that actually is what is being taught in US schools.

I wish I could filter "Why [foregone conclusion]" posts to hell

That's because public school is an excise for corporations to advertise and a few shit teachers to push their point of view
high school english classes are filled with a lot of bullshit, and not enough teaching of creative writing and reading literature
they even put (((mindful))) in english class during senior year
there is a complete lack of specialized classes which should be what they are doing for that late of education
social studies/history is mostly opinionated bullshit, rather than just telling what happened they are telling us how to feel

and that's not even getting started in non required classes
from what I heard about psychology they outright lie to students about why the male suicide rate is higher than women
ignoring that women do more attempts
I've also heard they do "all cultures are equal" leftist shit

Any non required class that isn't strictly art, tech, mech, or gym is feel good bullshit, which is a lot of classes

remember you have to think the way WE want you to


Is steve o a millennial? Also its because of non-whites not whites

why do you always bring race into this

Nice numbers my dude but china isn't a very good example of skilled people. Japan sure but China's genepool is eternally fucked.