Pro EU Thread

EU-fags get in here.

There's a lot of anti EU sentiment on Sup Forums, let's show them that they are but a small albeit loud minority.

The EU has brought peace and prosperity to our continent, for over 50 years now.

Also, with Trump being US president, we are now the leaders of the free world.

What do you personally like about the EU?

Kill yourself

I voted against joining.
I hate it.
It needs to be burned down.
Germans need to be rounded up and ground up so we can use them as manure after we start rebuilding Europe.


Are you enjoying your life, Greekbro?

The EU is retarded. Uniting a bunch of states with disparate interests into one country was always a horrible idea.

Don't think so Hans

fuck the eu and fuck you shill

How do I delete onme of my posts


When the EU finally turn into the fascist super state we all dream of, who will be the first to go?

>American tourists

>modern europeans fighting a war

Fuck off commie


fuck the EU

the EU has been an economic failure with more prosperous states holding up fiscally irresponsible states and using that leverage to dictate policy throughout the EU.
Have fun with your EU approved economic migrants.
it takes some time for water to boil.

Fuck off with this European army bollocks man. The cold war is fucking over.

What is it with Germans and the love for the EU?

Brits it is then

Make sure to use the custom EU flag so everyone can filter you



Nice try, Angela.

The EU sucks. It's a neo-colonialist power grab by wannabe imperialists disguised as muh moral supremacy.

You should be ashamed of your shameless protectionism, exploitive trade deals, and two-faced diplomacy.

And oh yeah, when is Turkey's application to join going to be taken seriously? Oh right, never, because they aren't Christian, but you'll string them along for fucking ever in the friend zone.

Only southern faggots are non american and maybe Califags. t. New Yorker staying in North Carolina


Who gibes a shit you fat fuck in your tulsan basement about your lard walmart opinion? You dont probably have even a passport (only 6% of americans do)

>How can I protect my beloved EU from differing opinions?
>I know!
>I will dehumanize them with insults!
>We are truly the inclusive morally perfect people that God-Empress Merkel said we are

Sage for bluepilled thread.

EU is literally the mechanism the liberal elites use to destroy european civilisation


Pro-EU Slav reporting for duty.

We united under a common enemy from which we all originated, EU just strong arms countries into submission.

Maybe when Erdogan stops sperging and whipping up insurgency in europe among turks.

A union that has done nothing but make people more angry and disunited than ever before. Can you honestly say you're all better off now than you were in 1997? Remember 20 years ago? And where are you now? Crisis after crisis, poltiical turmoil, financial turmoil, social turmoil. Where's your prosperity? You're worse off now than you were 20 fucking years ago. Italy has seen 0% growth since joining your eurozone failed project in 1999. 0%. Absolutly nothing. Greece is a fucking mess, Spain has 40% youth unemployment.

It has failed. Accept this reality. You know you're doing something wrong when Brits vote against the status quo for once in their lives and have the courage to leave this nightmare.

>american unity

its too soon to have a eu we must purge the "leftists"

I like the fact that your single market is on an express elevator to hell and we across the pond get to watch

Did you just asume his/her/them/they/it/ect's gender?

>bottom stars literally baphomet symbol

>pro-eu thread
>everybody shits on eu

Maybe Erdogan never would have gained power if the EU wasn't constantly inflaming Turks with condescending moral "superiority".

it is not a minority, here everybody would leave if it were possible. Statistic showing 40% in favor to remain EU are crazy it is no more than 25%.

peace = nato not eu
prosperity = for german companies only