Why Does England Have A Snobbish Class System?

Why is there so much class snobbishness in England? I come from a very poor area and certain people won't even interact with me due to my accent. I think this is screwed up and is why I support globalism. I think that if we embrace a more U.N globalist system there won't be as much class snobbishness. I'm tired of this because it's impossible to move up the social latter in England and the people at the top make fun of you.

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Because every class hates every other class

You should move to the US. People here will suck your dick for having a foreign accent.

>I think this is screwed up and is why I support globalism.
Funny, the class system is exactly why the upper classes support globalism. To the upper classes the based pajeet CEO and the nice Muslim non-profit head at their cocktail parties are preferable to them to the cockney proles, as they see it.

Class is brainwashed into people in the public schools. It turns the majority of the public into dumbed down, lever pulling slaves. Upper classes are raised to manage over them. It's all about preserving a social order, so that upstarts are no threat to the status quo.

The Prussian education system borrowed the English class system. That system was spread to most of the world. The British class system exists almost everywhere now in a subtle way.

Just talk like a toff. This creates fear and dread in the middle class mind. Ancestral memories of the many indignities the psychopath aristocracy inflicted on their forebears.

Your only real salvation is to disconnect from the mainstream education and work system. In America the monopolies complained about the menace of overproduction before the public school system were forced on us. They don't want you to know that you can make shitloads of money and be self sufficient on your own. They come in and force "help" on you when you don't need it.

That's FUCKED. I visited Canada and America. I spoke to some people there is zero class snobbishness. One guy was a waiter and had drinks and conversations and was invited for dinner to his billionaire bosses house.

I visited the U.S it was awesome people did like my accent but i feel i would never truly fit in as an obvious foreigner

But you look at the U.N, they 99% of the time concern themselves with poor people issues. Then you look at nationalism and it's all Winston Churchill/Bush/Kennedy supported who are all establishment guys

It doesn't exist in America or Canada.

>I support a destructive ideology because I feel snubbed by society.
>Even though the ideology I support promises to make everything worse by flooding middle and upper class jobs with the wealthy elites of foreign countries.

>think this is screwed up and is why I support globalism. I think that if we embrace a more U.N globalist system there won't be as muc
So stop speaking with a quasi-literate accent. You have free will; no one is forcing you to stay as low-class scum...

It's also a genetic divide at this point. The upper classes tend to produce prettier grills and "chinless wonder" faggot men, the lower classes vary but are largely responsible for our reputation for ugly women.

We had the Prussian system forced down out throats. It pushed the British class system. It exists in a very subtle, fractured way.


Messed up that greentext. Point remains, you speak like an unintelligent low-class person, that's how people will treat you.

Except I type like I'm an oxford graduate but people can still tell by the way i talk.

Except it doesn't promote class in those countries

ant like minds.

I have spent periods of only hanging out with poor people, and even in the US, it is the same.

No it isn't. In the U.S there is no class divide. I spoke to a guy in a bar one time and he went out and got into a really nice car. And i talked to him like there was no differnece.

Because aristocracy was never overthrown in the UK. What you call class snobbishness is just centuries old aristocratic system - estates of the realm.

A very small group of aristocrats owns the majority of land in the UK. It's worst in Scotland, several hundreds own the majority.

Their land is not included in the land registries, they don't pay any taxes on that.


Everyone else is either heavily disadvantaged by taxes, which is really a hidden form of rent, or has to directly rent from the said group. That gives them enormous wealth and power.

That's why so many people emigrated to the New World where they could own land for a change.

I wouldn't want to interact with anyone who has a English accent either

Archived that

t. public "school" teacher

Our managers go off to enjoy Greek life and return to rule over the bread and circus welfare plebs. Mirroring the Roman elite sending their sons off to Greece to rule over the Roman plebs. You have to actually be intelligent to see it. Also the teachers pick and choose who gets to based up to these ranks based on children's obedience towards the state and various social allegiances. Each generation gets more and more slavish. More and more willing to surrender their rights to their authorities. American liberty is being killed by the "education" system.

You have a very naive view of what class is. Fancy cars and toys mean shit.

*Also the teachers pick and choose who gets to ascend up to these ranks based on children's obedience towards the state and various social allegiances

>Except I type like I'm an oxford graduate but people can still tell by the way i talk
whew lad

Educate me then, you're not intelligent


^Watch this from 21:10-25:10. Public school in America is basically the Prussian Volksschule system. It turns the lower classes into serfs, so they can't be a threat to the rich and established.

Even out styles of clothing are used to promote social class. Preps vs hoods.

I was raised upper middle class, went to a prestigious public school, lived in an affluent village.

I rejected it though. Too many fake and vapid people. Too many liberal idiots and too much virtue signalling. No comradely whatsoever.

I now work in a factory and live in a terraced house near the city centre. Actively tried to lose my accent and my shallow values.
People I meet now are hardy, salt of the earth types. Not afraid to speak their true minds, happy to reach out hand to their peers, content with making the most of life, not scared of hard work.

After seeing both sides, I know who I'd rather throw my lot in with.

Except in America everyone goes to the same school system. The point in the video is talking about is Prussia.

Maybe that's why the upper class of Britbottle men want to commit cultural suicide.
They know that they're fated to get cucked by a chimney sweep.

>Think the upper class people look down at you with contempt
>Support globalism, which is an upper class paradigm that fucks over the working man
They'll be laughing in their gated communities as you get blown to pieces mate

I don't know about that. A lot of upper class women have horse face or they have thin lips and cruel eyes.

Some chavs are beautiful, especially if you prefer their rugged charm and blunt speech. Every estate I've been to has more than a few stunners mixed in with the tramps. You just have to get to them before they have kids, so early.

No we don't. Stupid plebs send their kids to public school, locking them into idiocy for generations. Financially secure elites send their kids to private school, or homeschool them. If you were intelligent you'd know we use the Prussian system.

So you hate "the system" because you are unable to pull yourself up? Just top fucking kek if you don't think it would be like that under a one world government. Look at current EU. That's exactly what a single world government would look like. Totalitarianism, outrageous taxes, European wealth being spread out across all the non-European countries, etc.

Because capitalist bourgeois (porky) has created a social structure so that classes fight among each other, rather than noticing the real problem. The real red pill.

class warfare is old as time.
before niggers and other shitskins we used to shit all over the poor white people.
meaning 90% of /pol

I live in a Gated Community too though. I don't mean that. I mean the fact they own all the land and resources, not about globalism in your way. I'm talking about U.N programs of helping equality.

I went to private school too and it was no different from public school so my parents transferred me back. By law there is the same curriculum of both.

It's impossible to pull yourself up

>a classless system
>a more U.N globalist system

These two are not connected.

I really wonder sometimes if these threads are sponsored.

You must have gone to a shitty private school. K-12 curriculum is designed to extend childhood and turn everyone into infantalized meat puppets.

>hurr durr it's only england

The entire UK is essentially the same. Also good representation of the class system literally 110 years ago.

pic unrelated

The "real" redpill is that Communist wannabees are unable to pull themselves up because, more often than not, they are lazy and incompetent. While doing absolutely nothing to better their own situation, they'll tirelessly point the finger at the middle/upper class and blame them for their own self inflicted woes.

It is not. Where do you live?

sure bud

I went to a pretty good one actually, what you're saying is just a conspiracy theory.

> falling for the globalism jew.

I don't want to say where exactly but all the land is owned by the rich. You can't become rich since they own all the land and resources.

>social latter

Yeah sure thing.


You're retarded. It's documented history. Our educational standards have plummeted ever since public schools inception. Do a little reading on John Dewy and Horace Mann.

Can you explain how exactly this entire subversion of the minds of the masses works in K-12 and how are the Private Schools different? I'm genuinely curious to understand this theory.

sure buddy

Bro. Educate yourself schools exist to give everyone a chance it's not a fucking conspiracy.

>Why is there so much class snobbishness in England? I come from a very poor area and certain people won't even interact with me due to my accent. I think this is screwed up and is why I support globalism. I think that if we embrace a more U.N globalist system there won't be as much class snobbishness. I'm tired of this because it's impossible to move up the social latter in England and the people at the top make fun of you.
which functionary from the UN's Communist Bureau for Chan Operations wrote this? kike? christkike? "all is one in jesus, got" or are you one of those insane UN One World Jewreligion guys?

Ok, if you live in a first world country you have ALL the chances in the world to "pull yourself up". Especially if it's within Europe because you get to go to college for free. So here's what you do. Go to college for a degree in a STEM related field. If you aren't smart enough for that, then go for a business related degree (Accounting, Economics, etc.) Focus on school/bettering yourself/lifting weights/etc. In 4 years, you'll be a completely different person and in a different class.

Show flag or never happened

They all live in different worlds and see the other two classes as parasitic retards or useful idiots at best.

It's a conspiracy theory. I went to a private school there is no difference other than less people per class

Bush was a globalist. There are some elites who are nationalist, the majority are globalist traitors.

Except you can't go to College in Europe. America is really the only country where everyone can go to University since all you need to get in is pay them or donate to the University.

Also STEM degrees are kind of worthless since the pay is so low.

Sort of depends. Public schools in nice areas the rich will send their kids to. Even the very rich.

I went to a very select private school as well. The biggest asses in my opinion were the teachers' children.

* In the U.S., private schools tend to be stocked with rich children, teachers' children, and a handful of sports players and the intelligent.

Very little class mobility in the UK.

Everything past elementary school is behavioral conditioning. Schools push music and art to an overextend in order to distract people from their lack of education. Plebs are controlled via mass media after schooling is done. Modern race mixing is pushed for the same effect. That way they plebs are permanently dumb and the elites don't have to manage them as much.

They don't want the public to lead self sufficient lives and educate themselves. Government "education" is about stalling you until you go retarded and must be pushed long by Prussian priests of learning. Do you even know who John Dewey or Horace Mann are you fucking pleb dipshit?

Watch the videos i posted and/or read this.

Your parents sent you to a shit private school. Most homeschoolers BTFO public school kids.

>I think that if we embrace a more U.N globalist system there won't be as much class snobbishness.

Globalism has INCREASED the wealth divides in society to a point they haven't been in ages. We're practically back to lords and peasants, people just don't seem to get it.

Look at the statistics. Since the 1970s, adjusted for inflation, wages are stagnant. Productivity skyrockets thanks to computers and automation but wages are flatlined and living costs are climbing ever higher, so where did the money go?

To the 1% and the 0.1%. That's the wealth divide. The entire product of a more efficient society has gone to a few nasty cunters on the top of the pile, the same cunters who are selling you globalism as an answer to your woes.

Somehow they got you convinced that if we just open the borders and flood the nation with workers that can undercut already disappearing jobs, you'll benefit. How? Nobody can explain that part, just trust them. "Economists say".. Sure. You're so fucking dumb you can't figure out they've jewed you for decades even though you live in with your parents in an apartment despite having a decent job. You think there's a family and home ownership waiting somewhere in your future. You probably think you'll live to see your pension.

That's why they rule you. You're so fucking dumb.

Well the dialects are incredibly different. I mean it takes 6 gorllionth of a second to determine what an English person's upbringing was like. It's really weird for a small country. In America, most people I meet sound just like me.

I mean there is no difference in what they teach. They never taught me to be a "future controller" or some bullshit it was just math, history, english, and all that stuff

Yup, depends on the school.

>I don't want to say
Because he's lying
Show flag faggot

*along by Prussian priests of learning.

there was more social mobility in England 50 years ago

to be honest, lower middle class people "look down" on upper moddle class people due to the later's pretensions

working class look down on underclass and the lower middle class

upper class look down on the upper middle class

the snobbery runs in all directions

The entire British accent comes from class snobbery m8. You bongs got memed into speaking like poor people once some of low birthers became rich during the industrial revolution

>Well the dialects are incredibly different. I mean it takes 6 gorllionth of a second to determine what an English person's upbringing was like. It's really weird for a small country. In America, most people I meet sound just like me.
because you're all amerikike sub-workingclass scum

ditch the accent


classism is everywhere
you just have to look like a poorfag by being a manlet and people will treat you like shit


A strategy was devised in which the Prussian government would set up a forced government educational system which would turn out well disciplined students who would follow orders without questioning authority. To accomplish this feat, the goal of educating children became a national priority permeated with strategies adapted to turn out a national work force rather then an educated citizenry. Every step in the education process was calculated to offer authority figures the least amount of trouble and consequently train a well disciplined albeit docile citizen.Mandatory kindergarten was necessary because it served to break the influence of the mother over the child thus making the child more responsive to government influence.

So how did the Prussian system get from Germany to the United States and what reasons were offered for its adoption here? The Prussian system proved to be a success for that government’s purposes. By the late 1800’s men in the United States including Horace Mann, Barnis Sears, and Calvin Stove heard about the successes of the Prussian system. They traveled to Germany to investigate how the educational process worked. Upon their return to the United States they lobbied heavily to have the Prussian model adopted.

Implementation of the Prussian System Implementation of the Prussian system was to become the goal of Edward Everett, America’s first Ph.D. As Governor of Massachusetts, Everett had to deal with the problem of the influx of poor Irish Catholics into his state. In 1852, with the support of Horace Mann, another strong advocate of the Prussian model, Everett made the decision to adopt the Prussian system of education in Massachusetts. Unfortunately for the children and poor Irish Catholics of Massachusetts and elsewhere, the system produced a willing, cheap labor force with minimal reading and numbers skills. The Everetts of the world understood that people who could read and understand are dangerous because they are intellectually equipped to find out things for themselves, thus becoming a threat to already established power elites.

Shortly after Everett and Mann collaborated to adopt the Prussian system, the Governor of New York set up the same method in 12 different New York schools on a trial basis. Incredibly, within two weeks he declared the system a total success and took control of the entire education system in the State of New York. In a "blitzkreig" action with no debate, public hearing, or citizen involvement, government forced schooling was on its way in America.

Working against the concepts and principles the Founding Fathers provided in the Constitution, the Prussian system has produced a gradual but statistically provable decline in literacy and intellectual capability of typical Americans. We can track the five different stages that American education has gone through: 1750-1852—The idea of government controlled schools was conceived; 1852-1900—It was politically debated in state legislatures; 1900-1920—We had government controlled industrialized factory modeled schooling; 1920-1960—Schools changed from being academically focused to becoming socialized; and 1960 to the Present—Schools became psychological experimental labs.

In Canada, mainland Europe, and America there is none of that

You're very naive.

I've been there dude

My rich district i transferred out of offered much more than the poor one. I noticed the core function in both was government control over socialization and infantilization. All my reading was several years below the current grade level. You were never allowed to work ahead, instead being held back to a snails pace. Propaganda filled the curriculum.

This; was born to lower class in England, went through state schools, and am going to Cambridge next year. People moan too much about class divides

Your country has been dumbed down to the point of electing Justin DUDE WEED. Romans knew not to let actors into the political process. Public school tells everyone that Shakespeare is the pinnacle of high art in order to trick them into plebery. We were fucked over by Ronald Reagan in the same way.

It's kind of true, for the most part nobody really cares. You have rare exceptions and kids in school that make fun of poor kids sometimes, and making fun of rich kids, but it's less to do with classism and more to do with individual circumstances and not being a part of the "in" group.

Except Shakespear is the most cultured human on the planet. What the fuck are you talking about, how is he a pleb?

Shakespeare 16th century Bazinga man, low brow humor. He grew up in the age of satire as it was illegal to directly criticize government figures. His humor teaches the lower classes to peck each other bloody and vent their frustrations about the status quo in useless ways(2 scoops for Drumpfy!).Putting him on the pedestal is a total trick.

There are plenty of elite manager types now a days. Even the elite schools are just a mousewheel for the plebs. Here you see Harvard's Inglis lecture is named after a man who layed all this out in full,

The problem with this post is that it seems to assume people would give a shit about high literature if they weren't taught Shakespeare for whatever reason. No, there wouldn't really be any difference, people just don't give a shit. They've never given a shit, and where you got this romantic idea that the masses would suddenly be more cultured and educated in the absence of government education I'll never know

Shakespeare WAS pleb entertainment. The idea he is high culture IS BULLSHIT!

>that pic

When will manlets learn?

class =/= how much money you make
its genetics too

It's a result of the feudal system. When that was removed, we still had the aristocracy separated from the poorer classes, though if you did manage to get an education and were smart you could make something of yourself.

There's also a reverse snobbery in this country, where people are looked down for coming from a rich and educated background, but that's probably due to Marxism seeping into the culture.

>Shakespeare 16th century Bazinga man
Good job disproving your point. You compare Shakespear to Sheldon Cooper. Sheldon Cooper is from the Big Bang Theory, a show made for the intellectual and scientific elite.

>He grew up in the age of satire as it was illegal to directly criticize government figures. His humor teaches the lower classes to peck each other bloody and vent their frustrations about the status quo in useless ways(2 scoops for Drumpfy!).Putting him on the pedestal is a total trick.
Satire is the most advanced and intellectual form of art. You're just trying to be edgy

>There are plenty of elite manager types now a days. Even the elite schools are just a mousewheel for the plebs. Here you see Harvard's Inglis lecture is named after a man who layed all this out in full,
Except many plebs to to Harvard.

He wrote his stuff and the royal family watched him.

Except education means nothing. Degrees are now all worthless. And what do you mean reverse snobbery, that's a good thing, the rich don't need anymore privilege

I'm from a mining town in Lancashire and went to uni in Bournemouth and had 0 problems with upper class people , the only conclusion I can draw from this is that you're autistic

>Sheldon Cooper is from the Big Bang Theory, a show made for the intellectual and scientific elite.


Yes Harvard is full of plebs today. There are enough manager types. It's now just a scam for money.

What accent? Poo? Israeli? We're so used to foreign accents here, anywhere that's not totally rural/removed, that it's not a big deal especially if it's an accent from (white) UK, (white) South Africa, or (white) Australia. I grew up in Connecticut, about a 2 hour ride from New York City, and accents were never an issue. We have gorrillians of Mexicans and other latinos and Brazilians. The bigger issue is if the person sucks at English. That makes them an outsider.

>I come from a very poor area and certain people won't even interact with me due to my accent

Get elocution lessons then you pleb. Its not hard to improve oneself. You sound like you have the poor mans mentality of waiting for opportunity and the world to come to you.

Yes, and they promote it because it teaches the plebs to vent frustration as humorous satire instead of real action.

I have a British accent.

The class system in the UK is more engrained and unique than our informal class differences. In the US anyone can make it out of the ghetto and fit in with their neighbors and work in the sense that we won't completely dismiss people just because of their background. If they act like trailer trash, yes, but if they self elevate just a bit so they blend in, no one will hold a stigma against them for growing up poor.

I grew up in an upper middle class area and the public schools were top rate. Basically everyone even the rich would send their kids to them. My local public school had better rankings, test scores and learning outcomes than the nearby private schools without the retarded tuition. And the public schools reflected the makeup of the town (i.e. 98% white) whereas private schools would have nonwhites bussed in from dysfunctional ghetto school districts.

If you pay 30k a year in local property taxes alone (most of which goes to local public school funding) why not use the schools.

These conspiracy theories throwing buzzwords such as "Prussian Education Model" around have no merit. Public schooling is not a centrally planned indoctrination machine. It is actually pretty decentralized and decided by the states and local municipalities.

It's not an issue in most places. We love foreign accents, and we see British accents, for the most part, as elevated and smart. They always throw British people on US news/CNN and US documentaries to make everything sound smarter.