Stop shilling capitalism.
Stop shilling capitalism
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So you think that welfare is wrong?
Because so do I.
but goy! capitalism efficently allocates capita-
Obviously you've never heard of international socialism, which is what the no borders no nations crowd is shilling.
If you think the rich people under capitalism don't work, why don't you become rich like them? It's easy and takes no work at all, right?
If some retards cannot understand what socialism is, it doesn't make socialism good.
We should hunt and arrest them for having such large amounts of money. That would be the right thing to do.
welfare is a good idea as it takes care of those who have no proper chance to work hard due to health related problems.
If the health problem can be fixed, the welfare should only be temporary
>arrest people with a lot of money
> pictures of people relaxing ergo they didnt earn it
Im not sure what you meant by that OP.
>It's easy and takes no work at all, right?
Being born with a trust fund and inheriting an estate really doesn't. No.
How many self made/first generation rich do you think there are?
The american dream is dead and buried mate, get with the pogrom.
Capitalism and communism are both jew systems. A third position is the true red pill
No goy! When the elites evade taxes, it's a good thing! It makes them smart! We should cut their taxes! It'll trickle down!
Okay, sure. We'll start with Democrats.
That's sad but true. It's how it is now today. You largely just can't stake out on your own and bam, prosper. You need family members who are connected. You need networking that borders on nepotism. How you are born largely dictates your quality of life unless you're a nigger. Then gibs because muh oppression.
George Orwell was right. Socialists/Communists don't hate poverty. They simply resent rich people and want to steal their shit.
>Capitalism: individual ownership
>Socialism: collectivized ownership
>The difference is literally a linear relationship
Such as?
> Rich people don't work.
That's a nice life strategy that you have here. Act it out. See what happens.
What does Melania do?
>that flag
>those posts
Wait just a minute....
I typed socialist into google and pic related is the result. like it or not dear socialist, the result is telling.
to the socialists of Sup Forums: this thread is an opportunity to tell the rest of us about times you practiced socialism in your everyday life and the results you achieved. without crying about the evils of capitalism, tell us about the blessings socialism has brought into your daily life please.
don't be shy now...
I think...I know where this thread might be heading
Wrong. A lot more people than you think get their chances and blow them.
Yeah because the agency that is going to be required oversee that shit is going to be able to keep track of all the assholes that exploit that "temporary" bullshit for years after they are healthy. Kys
She was a fashion model. People paid her to wear clothes for others to watch. It's a legitimate job.
Now she's the first lady.
When was the last time she modeled ("""worked""")?
Why do people use that picture? Of course people who have more money save more when you compare dollar amount saved. I really want to know the percentage that each group saves. If 10% is saved across the board then it isnt "unfair" per say. This graph is intentionally deceitful
>why do people use that picture
Oh BOY you've done it now
Of course Trump's tax cuts will benefit the wealthy! Nice argument you there kid. It's my argument.
Why do you GOP shills always fight for tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires?
This image is pretty funny.
>view of socialism
>people slaving away on construction and in factories
>view of capitalism
>people enjoying their life and free time
But I never demanded that
success by innovation is certainly still possible, but if you look at statistics, only a small permille of population can achieve it, since the economy will never allow for the majority to become as successful and/or rich as the people in OP’s pic. The rich depend on the poor. One can’t exist without the other, so everyone who says that by working hard everyone can become successful is wrong. Nepotism likely plays a much larger role than one’s industriousness
she worked as a model. Now that she’s married a millionaire, she doesn’t have to anymore. That doesn’t mean she didn’t work hard.
What’s your alternative? Let them enter poverty and die even if there’s a chance to heal them and make them productive?
Exploiting has a lot to do with education and morality. Teach people wrong from right from the early age onward and they won’t exploit it. Ofc it wouldn’t work in Africa-tier country, but in a developed country it would.
This is a nice picture because the first photoset shows unity in a society that values hard work (which is the goal of a fascist society) and the second shows the degeneracy of your typical fatcat/ consumerist's lifestyle (something fascists despise).
Why aren't you a fascist yet, user?
No idea, but she made money before she met Trump. They met through the fashion industry.
And still, it's a legitimate job. I'm sorry you don't look good enough for people wanting to pay you for it. Can't win em all.
oh but you did
>deliberately ignoring that she married a billionaire and bore his son
Are you saying being a mother isn't a full time job? Rather sexist of you, leaf. I'm telling the Human Rights Commission on you.
>when you try to strawman but accidentally just tell the truth
it is a good thing when the elites evade taxes, because taxes are bad and are used for bad htings.
It does make them smart because if you're doing your taxes, and you don't accept a legally allowable tax break for no reason, you're NOT smart.
We should cut their taxes, and my taxes, and your taxes. It's none of my business if their full wages are more than mine. There is a whole 1/3 of my paycheck that I earn, and do not receive, every week that I'm more concerned with.
If by trickle down you mean how it's rich people who pay the salaries of the working class and for nearly all of the tax revenue that services the lower class, then yeah it does.
>lol no anyone can be part of the 1%
>source: article in magazines published by the 1%
I'm a middle class worker bee who's in the 25% federal tax bracket. I'm shilling for my own tax cut. Try again fag.
Lol that chart is terrible. Wasn't FDR the biggest Keynesian of all?
>without crying about the evils of capitalism, tell us about the blessings socialism has brought into your daily life please.
if you want people to convert to socialism you should be able to answer this. am I wrong?
>but goy!
jews invented socialism
but I didn't
This isn't hard work.
But nazies used Kenysian economics so I don`t really see how "austrian" economics are anti-jewish. Specially since they were created by jews.
same shit
They met in a restaurant.
So when was the last time she worked?
>offshore havens offer low taxes
>the countries they are hiding their money do not
Pretty hilarious that you are making our case for us. What you are effectively proving is that taxing companies simply means they will move their shit elsewhere rather than "sharing the wealth". Sure, it reduces wealth inequality, but it does so by ensuring that companies simply leave.
Who invented socialism?
All stay at home moms are hard workers now? Trump said they were deadbeats
So she went from model to first lady and somehow these facts are points of criticism? Sounds more like a successful career.
Why do you think millionaires and billionaires need tax cuts? Why do you always fall for the trickle down meme?
Why don't you conservashits ever care about the budget deficit?
No that example sure doesn’t look like hard word, but that pic alone doesn’t fairly portray her whole vocation before become a first lady.
I love how the billionaire globalist shillcucks of (((pol)))'s solution is never to go after tax havens.
Your solution is to cut their taxes even more. You really are good goys aren't you.
>unironically citing politifact
Top fucking kek, you leftists really are retarded
Yeah. I want them to fix the system so even more people can become billionnaires!
My EEEVIIIIILLLLL PLAN! To increase the voting block of rich assholes by making LOTS OF PEOPLE RICH!!!!
You're thinking of Wilson, the man that sold us out to the Federal Reserve and set the precedence for the US to "make the world safe for democracy." FDR sold half of Europe to the communists and set us up with a doomed to fail safety net system.
FDR was a polished turd at best.
>Melania moved to New York City in 1996 and met her future husband, Donald Trump, in September 1998 at a Fashion Week party in New York City.
Stop saying stupid shit. I already answered your question, and I'm still sorry you don't look good enough to be a fashion model.
Why are you saying this to me? Someone asked was Melania does, and I answered that she's a first lady and former fashion model, which means she had a good career prior to meeting Trump.
>hard work
You're denying that Trump said the unemployment rate is 42%?
>Not just killing the super elite like the Rothschild.
>By killing the super rich you somehow aren't killing the Jews.
Are you against killing Jews, Mr Shekelstein?
Nigger you dont know basic math. If someone with $100 dollars saves 1% and someone with a million dollars saves 1% then they each save $1 and $10,000 respectively. Using a graph that only accounts for dollar amount saved as opposed to percentage saved makes it "seem" like one saves more than the other. So until you provide a percentage saved by each one you can go fuck yourself
>moving the goalposts to ALL stay at home mothers when originally you asked SPECIFICALLY about one woman, Melania Trump
I know you won't admit defeat but to all the lurkers, you can watch IN REAL TIME this stupid leaf run through the gamut of logical fallacies and dishonest debate tactics. He is a LOSER and you should disregard everything he posts.
oh look another extreme example. Read my previous post again (dont mind the spelling mistakes)
Are you that jealous? Stop being a bitter cunt and accept that not everyone are gonna work in a fucking steel factory.
What would an ideal tax policy be?
What was the answer to
So when was the last time she worked?
You keep calling her First Lady lol she's the shittiest first lady ever. She doesn't do anything. Ivanka is more the first lady.
Yeah dude. Just look at capitalist Venezuela
lol no?
But it's smart work which is way more profitable. What is a model's retirment plan supposed to be? You either become and agent to work after you're 28 or you get scooped up by a rich guy and become a super rich wife. In that sense, her career choices were very smart and have seemed to worked out for her. I'd work twice as hard as her to get half of what she has.
This is how u cucks always get fooled for trickle down tax cuts. You literally always fall for the trickle down meme. Why not just cut taxes for those making under $100k? Why do you retards always fight for tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires?
well you're certainly not going anywhere with your attitude.
>A fucking leaf: The Thread
wtf you brought up stay at home moms?
>Are you saying being a mother isn't a full time job?
For 8 years u retards classified all stay at home moms as unemployed.
Also, you're all proving my point here
rich people dont' work
lol you're confirming that
We should not reward things that do not benefit the humanity. It creates culture that can be equated to cancer.
So you admit that rich people dont' work which confirms OP's post
Google the definition of first lady. You should next come to conclusion, that the first lady of the USA is Melania Trump.
>So when was the last time she worked?
I answered this in with
>No idea
You're asking for a specific date or fashion show. I have no fucking idea. She modeled commercially since age 16, and probably quit when she became pregnant. Fuck if I know when she quit. Why do you want to know?
No because you choose to give them your money and you get something in return. Just presenting a picture doesn't mean anything, also here's facts.
OP forgets that capital is a production factor as well as work.
If everyone would be a capitalist, no one would need to work in an sufficiently automated world.
lol she's the shittiest first lady ever. she doesn't do anything. she can barely speak english. Like I said Ivanka is more like a First Lady
Yeah, I totally love the government and want to give it more money so it can shove an even greater number of immigrant dicks up my ass. Thank you for your suggestion, user.
>now unironically citing Vox
What's next? Buzzfeed?
No tax at all/minimal tax. If you recreate the community so that people will willingly work to better the community that they are a part of then most of the shit should actually get taken care of.
If someone's husband dies then the community helps take care of the wife etc.
Feasible in this day and age? Not a fucking chance but I think that's how it should run.
Wait a second, top 1% in the US earn 750k a year on average, which results in 225k effective federal tax rate. The chart on your pic shows average savings of about 275k in tax dollars. How in the fuck? Explain the calculation or I call bs.
>We should not reward things that do not benefit the humanity
>We should not
Fuck off, mate. If someone wants to pay a woman large sums of money, to pose in some dress, that's fine.
Whatever you say.
I don't really care what you think of her. I hardly even care about Trump or his wife.
still denying that trump said the unemployment rate is 42%?
you are fully retarded
you're that full blown german retard that I massacre every time. You get so excited when u see me in a thread but then i destroy u every time
>tax the rich at extremely high rates cause it's "fair"
>gov decides to spend more money because they are taxing the rich at a higher rate
>the rich are smarter than the gov, so they hide their money in offshore accounts and take advantage of tax loopholes
>the rich aren't producing enough tax money to pay for all of our government spending
Uh oh
Krautniggers did
Stop breathing.
Interesting, aren't folks too self centered and lacking in compassion to accomplish that today? It sounds a tad idealistic but would be ok.
You're missing the point you abhorrent nigger. All forms of authority are Jewish. Judaism and the Talmud is based completely on the idea that a Jew is better than a Non-Jew. You think they were good people, you've got to be kidding. Their culture was excellent of course, but their moral understanding of objective right and wrong was so woefully dog shit they destroyed themselves by not slaying Hitler and his atrocious ego late-war.
Yes. Goebbels even said he liked his New Deal. They're all Keynesian trash. They have no clue how a society operates. Not to say that their mission in white domination of Earth was wrong, they were just misled by the bull shit of their time - they're the SJW's of today minus white domination.
How are you getting 275k?
Also, there's a lot more to Trump's tax cuts than just marginal rates
If you're not into capitalism and austrian economics you're basically a woman.
Read this then fuck off.
When was the last time Melania worked?
Unemployment is around ~25%.
7th november 2005