Do you ever get the feeling that these guys never actually shut down, and rather just changed their name?
East India Company
Now owned by Soros.
Dyncorp and a bunch of similar companies. Maybe United Fruit idk.
McKesson for sure. They control the flow of the "spice" (opiates).
Us Brits are basically European Jews. We have the cunning, we have the malice, we have the apathy. Our empire was Jewy as fuck, it was basically the predecessor to the current Jewish system controlled by people like George Soros.
There's a reason we Anglos are Eternal.
What's your take on the US revolution--grassroots or were there secret machinations involving outside parties, e.g. France, with the intent of striking a blow to Britain?
You're confusing Machiavellian with Jewish, using sly tactics isn't what constitutes Jewey unless it's towards the ends of subverting society and we only really did that to the Chinks with Opium
Grassroots movement used by Franks, Spaniards and the Dutch to undermine us. I don't think it would have picked up as much traction if these empires helped the colonists, but the essence of the movement was grassroots. The Masonic presence among the founding fathers is a bit suspect, though.
>We have the cunning
>what is perfidious Albion
Most of the board members of the EIC were also members of Parliament or the aristocracy. They just transferred private control to public control and they still controlled it all. These same group of people pretty much keep their power until WW2. And then they lose most of their power.
Moldbug, and in particular this 1776 letter taking the Declaration apart piece by piece, really made me think that there's a good amount that isn't well known about the circumstances of the revolution. (And yes the Masonry is undoubtedly significant as well.)
sorry, forgot to link the letter
Hong conglomerates like the Jardine Group have existed since the opium war because it was a major part of their business. Yale / Skull and Bones / New England elite families have links to the clipper ships chartered to transport the opium from India to China.
oi m8 we're duh smahtest o'duh wuld
*gets conned by roosevelt and loses empire*
>trying to one-up Albion perfide in intelligence
>trying to one up anyone in anything
>taking credit for the actions of his Jew masters
At least my examples of our cunning are actual Anglos unlike Jewsevelt.
>my examples
>of being outwitted with ease and becoming a third rate american airstrip
>owned by ZOG
>entire culture is based on hamburgers, Hollywood films, Starbucks, cheap and unoriginal music industry, shitty tv sitcoms
>identity as American is civic af
>ancestors probably weren't even around in 1776
>flooded by Irish migration
>grandparents fought in a world war for pic related to happen
How are you more intelligent? Are you a plastic paddy? Whichever way it is, you haven't outwitted us: it was your Jew handlers. Your country has never had a Cecil Rhodes.
>owned by ZOG
>entire culture is based on cheesey detective novels, degenerate drinking, cheap as fuck music industry, shitty backchat "comedies"
>identify as british is civic as fuck
>ancestors got wrecked by mine in 1776
>flooded by Irish migration
>grandparents fought in a world war and lost their empire to us
It was roosevelt who outwitted you. Admittedly, it's not much of an accomplishment
>east India company
Why the fuck would you post a Hawaïan flag
Yeah, we've been jewed so goddam long that it looks like up to us
Our monarchy betrayed us and mind fucked us into thinking we were fighting for Q and country but really we were fighting for the shekelsteins
nonsensical and wrong
>subverting society and (((we))) only really did that to the Chinks with Opium
Ifound the jew larping as a nazi