Hapas degeneracy
WMAF not even once
Other urls found in this thread:
>asian woman better then white women
> less ass
> less tits
> butterface
strange, he doesn't look like an effeminate beta
>more always is better
you silly merry mongrel
he is half asian he probably sperged out because no woman wants to play with dicklet
hapas come from two places, the creepy fat old white man who bought any gook wife or from the Sup Forums weeb, and the hapa is smart enough to realize that whereas the mulatto is too dumb
>like 4 WM/AF threads in one hour
Must been some sliding going on. Or just Sunday autism.
identity issues
how many hapa do you see in couples ? barely anyone if someone wants to go for an asian they go full out. They are probably the most unwanted people on earth
its not even a meme anymore when its true
What the fuck is up with all this anti WMAF and anti asian threads today? there are like 3 or 4 up at any given time.
White people creating them?
r/asianmasculinity spreading their autism
white guilt + asian inferiority = hapa degeneracy
she looks honestly fuckable but probably carries too much drama to stay around
>Another Anti-Hapa thread
The jews sure are busy today
> its ok when its AMWF
Chang pls
Looks like an average family go back to your subreddits
Yeah ((((true))))
cross counter
Sunday? Don't you call it mohammadsday or some shit, raghead?
Why do asian "men" have such tiny dicks?
They just look Hispanic lol
It's the epicanthic, nobody finds the epicanthic fold attractive in men. Epicanthic fold implies submissiveness so women with it will have less problems. That's why they're crazy
He got the beeest of both worlds.
She is ugly & her singing sucks.
Puddles the Clown's version is 10X better than hers.
With 20 million views, it's good.
>White/Filipino mutts
When people talk about Asians being Honorary Aryans, they're talking about East Asians.
mike, no practice, ross
Its almost like racemixing is bad or something
What's with the buckteeth meme? I don't think I've ever seen an asian girl with buckteeth.
I knew a hapa kid back in Highschool who never graduated because he ran away 3 months before the year ended and failed all his classes.
Tfw hapa
What do
Old, old, stereotype. Look at ww2 era propaganda.
if hapas are so degenerate how come with a bit of gym they always manage to look like models?
> white gene for size
> asian gene for looks
literally perfect mix
Most are roo lazy to hit the gym and instead wallow in self pity. Or they're manlets too, that doesn't help.
Figured it must be ancient. Wonder what exactly inspired it. I've seen more white girls with buckteeth.
It could potentially go back even farther, it was just super prevalent during ww2.
nice try
> t.mikechang
It goes back at least until 1905 with the Russo-Japanese war.
EurasianTiger is back. Also remember the elliot roger harem slashfic poster and the old pedo who kept saying he wanted underage hapa boipussi?
how many inches is that ?
i wonder because most of the condoms i wear it barely cover half of my dick
Yeah you're it's fucking degenerate now go back to r/hapas
AMAF Hapa here. Half Japanese half white
I think the main problem is that the people around me think I don't have feelings. Whenever I go into a new group in school or work, they very quickly segregate into whites and Mexicans and push me out.
Whites make sure they invite whites to their parties, Mexicans make sure to invite Mexicans, blacks make sure to invite blacks. But no one invites me to parties, I haven't been invited to a party in over 7 years.
The whites and Mexicans at work are VERY excluding of me, even though I'm nice to them. They invite each other to parties and hang outs right next to me, and just pretend I'm not there. They say "do you three want to go to ____ with me?" Even though there are 4 people there, including me. I don't count, because I'm a hapa.
> wanting to have kids who dont look like you and end up killing you
might as well breed with black girls at least they got game in bed *tips fedora*
You're probably ugly desu
I meant WMAF. My father is the white one. A superstitious evangelist type who has been unemployed for over 32 years.
And my mother is Japanese from Japan.
I personally think there's nothing I can do here in the Central Valley of California to obtain the social life I want. Its just not going to happen I may have to move somewhere like Hawaii where hapas are treated better and seen as human.
criticizing the master mix really?
show us a picture of your fat white trash for a laugh... white conception with the asian look its just a killer mix you virgin faggot
Half chinese/half white here and the mexicans at school wanted to be homies. Told me about how they illegally crossed the border. At my work hispanics have come up to me speaking spanish as they assumed I was south american.
>Anglo/Asian hapa = degenerate
What about Anglo/Slav?
hapa in europe half brit and half chink.
I never noticed but now that you say it is true that most races tend to stick together .only ever had one friend he was black but moved out. I also had sex with some geordie bimbo so maybe thats why I dont feel like killing anyone but I am still mostly depressed at times
no because you are a fag... race has no importance (unless you are a negger low iq) but as an happa, white, tacos if you are clever enough there is no problem to be accepted.
you probably are a little fag who never shag a girl i guess..
> They say "do you three want to go to ____ with me?" Even though there are 4 people there, including me. I don't count, because I'm a hapa.
Are you sure they don't invite you because you're retarded? If there's 4 people in the room, including yourself, the guy says "You three...", that includes you too, dude.
Hapa women don't have it bad at all. They just date white dudes. They appeal to "yellow fever" types and whites who aren't all that into asians. Half the hapa chicks i've seen could pass for white (Finnish or something).
You're a Flip dude you're from a Spanish colony/Asia's mexico. Of course you can fit in with Mexicans. Very different than half white/half Japanese.
I used to sell my sperm to black women, and it's a lie that interracial kids don't look like you. They'd send me pics and the little mutts would have my eyes and ears and shit
Asian kids are probably the same, they look like you as much as a white kid would, you just don't realize it
>Asian dude raping a black guy after lacrosse practice
That has literally never happened.
good for him, honestly. not even good looking for an asian and he scored a cutie. must be a pretty stand out guy to do that
does it bug anyone else that one of her eyes is positioned slightly above the other so they aren't symmetrical?
im actually a french fry who is married with a jap sushi.. we are retired here (at age 28 :) ) we have 3 kids and honest with you dont be a scared little guy! i can see my kids here they are more than accepted! (private school so full of american and aussiz..)
thats only because they arent as fat
>i read the title of one article, and now my racist outrage gauge is already full
The why Markiplier so sexy and successful? WMAF seems to work as long as your genes aren't already fucky fucky. Same as any other paring.
WMAF hapas can be hot but using an ugly manlet like markipler as an example is retarded
Feel u Hapa bro. It happens.
But what if it has nothing to do with you being Hapa? Ever consider that?
What if you're just different in some other way? A little socially awkward? Perhaps not masculine enough for the white bros or the mexi bros? What if you're just unique?
Reason I ask is that I have had the same experience for my entire life, but I"M WHITE and have nordic genes.
I'm not ugly, not a total beta male (though beta ish), not socially awkward, etc...
But for whatever reason, I just dont quite fit in.
Not trying to complain just saying that I think people assume this kind of stuff is race, when sometimes it isn't.
He's been named the most influential gamer of the year. Check meet mate.
Gotta take the WMBF pill
>Hapas degeneracy
its our culture faggot you wouldn't understand since you have none white boi
I too wonder what Hapa's are always trippin on? As a white male, I've always admired hapas. They always come off as cool people, and I usually like the way they look. I've met a lot of super handsome and likable hapa guys in my state, and I currently know at least 2 super hot hapa women.
I don't get what the problem is. LIterally everyone I know accepts and likes hapas.
> reddit spacing
nigga go back
Or she's mentally ill either way put aside your empathy for non whites or you're the enemy simple as
why does literally everyone become a fatass in USA
>no replies
>no solutions
I always encounter whites who say "I love and accept hapas, what's your problem? Your just the shy and socially awkward one." Whites often say this on the internet just so they can feel good about themselves "Well I'm not racist, I'd accept you."
Life isn't very good when EVERY relationship you have is an interracial one. You really are lucky for being born white. Imagine what life would be like if you were white and you were trying to get accepted by Muslim-Americans, or Indian-Americans, or Caribbean-Americans.
You can't just walk in to these foreign groups and be accepted by them, it doesn't work that way. Its not fun constantly trying to infiltrate groups who are not racially like me, its not easy.
And most of these people just say "I'm not racist, I'd invite other races into my group" just to be fashionable, they don't mean it, and they won't invite me to their parties.
White devils strike again.
Have you ever considered that maybe all of this multiracial bullshit isn't white people's fault?
He looks so cool in this photo
kill your parents, then yourself
do it faggot
Allot of them are very insecure because they realize their father made a fetish out of their mother and only married an Asian because he could not get a white women.
You are just autistic man
There are a lot of white autistic people too (like me)
It's the hapas fault not the jews who created autism and injected it into all of us.
>implying Jews are white.
Divide and conquer thread.
OP is a kike
i'm implying they aren't
KEK. No, he is wealthy and she will cheat on him multiple times because he is a beta and will not satisfy her. Not even meming.
>spaghetti nigger
I can't stand that faggot's affected histrionics.
his dads shirt is amazing
49mm little less than 2 in
> thats when erect