What goes on in this weird mass of land that looks like Beavis from Beavis and Butt-head?

what goes on in this weird mass of land that looks like Beavis from Beavis and Butt-head?

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Id say less than 1k people live there, nothing interesting really

Probably eskimos fishing and trying not to die of exposure along with some wildlife here and there.

There's nobody up there.

The water ways are usually frozen. Global warming would make xanada and russia most powerful nations in the world.

Refugee death camps



There's a Canadian Forces base up there. Other than that, I'd be willing to bet remarkably little.

Off the top of my head:
The Magnetic North Pole is located in that area. Also, many British expeditions occurred their trying to find the northwest passage - one of them ended in the loss of 2 ships and all crew members, and the remains of the ships were found just a couple years ago. The northern-most year-round inhabited settlement in the world is located in there, the town of Alert.
The place is full of Native Inuits, and polar bears. That's about it.

shut up you fool

Thats where Canada has their Area51 at.

The Others are amassing an army of the dead

Holy shit, I never realized how yuge Greenland is.

That's where Santa Claus lives.

Also CFS Alert, which is totally just an old cold war listen post goyum

yeah denmark is the biggest country in europe - technically

Canadian armed base
CSIS training camp
Shit ton of arctic wildlife
Diamond mining camps

Secret Nazi Base.

But on a serious note - Greenland is fucking huge. Only 56,114 people live there, what do they do? Mostly researchers or something? Military personnel?

Secret Ancap societies.

It's just the map projection

In reality Greenland is only the size of central Africa

>Secret Nazi Base
They claim it was a US cold war era base named 'Thule', that just happens to have a nuclear reactors and weapons

Isn't that where you go on vacation to club baby seals

You can club them much more south, like labrador.

they have their own rare flag


It looks bigger because it's near the top of the map

Eskimos live up there. They're literally savages, they actually didn't get permanent settlements, and actual houses until 30 years ago, before then they just wandered around in fur clothes and built igloos. In fact apparently a good chunk of them still reject "The White Man's Ways", abandoned the permanent settlements we forced them into and go around being nomads with their igloos and shit.

Basically Varg Vikernes

Also the permanent settlements up there have been described to have worse living conditions than half of Africa. Nunavut's third-world.


This is where you get sent if you maliciously misgender someone.

They're like Asian Vargs, except that Varg's trying to LARP as his ancestors from 1300 years ago while the eskimos are literally trying to return to the savage lifestyle they had 30 years ago.

>it took almost 400 fucking years for Canadians to civilize the Eskimos and they're throwing it all away not even 30 years later

>A good chunk of them still reject "The White Man's Ways"

If it works for them and they don't spread raping and being criminals on the way I'm cool with that.

>it took almost 400 fucking years for Canadians to civilize the Eskimos and they're throwing it all away not even 30 years later

because your ways are obviously shit

Funnily enough, it works. In the communities we built for them they're all drug addicts and there's like 10 suicides and 2 murders a month (these communities have less than 1000 people each).

The ones rejecting the communities aren't killing themselves or eachother and are less prone to violence and crime, but they're functionally useless to society since they're not contributing to the seal industry.

This is where leafs train their special forces.


there's the northernmost permanently inhabited human settlement

it's really just a military base but you get a medal if you serve there for a while

my kind of temps desu

Keep quiet m80....

All will be revealed in time....

i think the real question is: what do people with their life that live above the arctic circle?

> what do people with their life that live above the arctic circle?

no fucking way

Not Nunavut, but it's the same type of people who live there. The far north is a third-world hellhole.


could i move there pretend to be an iglufaggot and apply for a canadian ID card

>pretend to be an igloofaggot
Eskimos are really racist and wary of white people, it's not like southern Canada. One trip to Nunavut and you'll see signs in convenience stores telling white people to go away, most of them refuse our money and stick to illegal bartering too.

what if i make my eyes look chinky

>what even is Mercator projection

This. Our civilization turned these savages into complete sub humans.

The ones that retain their primitive ways are actually far superior to the drug addicts watching tv all days in the permanent settlements.

Another thing that MUH TECHNOLOGY poltard are too retarded to understand. Like most plebeans.

I'm unironically fine with them retaining their nomadic isolated savage lifestyle, it's better than being drugged out subhumans. They're so far out of the way that they're not affecting civilization regardless.

Sheeeit I didn't know there was mexicans over there

My mother and father worked there in the 90s. It's just an air base and before that an Inuit settlement.

You mean the name of the secret society that was responsible for the nazis ascent to power ? hmm maybe they went to the north pole instead of the south pole like people say

What's hilarious is that our government has these eskimos training our white soldiers how to survive and fight in the arctic.

A drunk Eskimo pilots his skidoo into the sea

This is why the kikes and niggers are desperate to stop global warming. We can win the war against the Jews, Muslims, and blacks simply by turning their lands into harsh deserts and our polar regions into a new frontier for whites to colonize.

Funny way of spelling Russia

It's where the people live who keep the Canadian Army alive when they go up to pretend they know how to survive and fight in the Arctic.

Is that where I go to get my Water Tribe qt?

There's Alert, a listening post and radar / early warning station.


Canadian Rangers are not special forces. They are Eskimos armed with rifles left to die in shitty settlements far far away from their ancestral hunting grounds.

They only exist to say that we have military presence in the North.

I wish

>>what even is Mercator projection
You obviously have never been outdoors, let alone, in the woods with a compass. Wait... you believe the Earth is flat right?

No, but the Canadian Rangers specifically train our special forces in surviving in the arctic.

>Thule society

Nazis confirmed

this "mass of land" is tiny pach in pernament fros zone

>centaral africa
you dont realize how big africa actually is

>tfw no qt Katara gf

wait a minute, Denmark has all that land??

Fuck they are one of the largest countries in the world then...

So greenland is pretty big, all those revisionists saying the current globe is raycisssss because it makes northern landmasses look bigger were lying, no surprise really

the northern landmasses are bigger, all maps are distorted. you cant flaten the globe without distorting it. there are different ways to do it.
