

>Control Senate
>Control House
>Control Presidency
>Pick Supreme Court Justice
>Most governors/statehouses are GOP

>No Muslim ban
>No wall
>No healthcare bill
>No tax reforms
>Keeps DACA
>No Syrian deportations
>No longer will move Tel Aviv embassy
>No cuts to SS
>No infrastructure plan
>Keeping NATO
>Keeping NAFTA

Above and beyond the most ineffective president in the history of the US? For sure.

Other urls found in this thread:

This thread died the moment you posted it

>No argument


Don't forget

>no punishment for sanctuary cities
>can't even cut funding for them

Everything stays the same, right?
It's like the previous president never left, and the one before him, and before him...


But don't worry, we deplorables triggered some SJWs xD

Feel free to refute just one single point in my OP at any point. Thanks.

What part of FAKE NEWS don't you understand kike?

>Trump tries to fulfill promises
>democraps block it
>republicans don't help him

Yeah man, Trump is totally the problem here. I'm totally a Democrat now, wtf?

Saged. Why do shills use super old kiddie cartoons to post? Are the lefties ALL pedos these days?

It's not an ineffective president, it's an ineffective congress. Most Republicans are massive faggots that do fuck-all and just want to get re-elected. There's only so much Trump can do when he has to work with back-stabbing retards like Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan.

>"democrats block it"
>Republicans have a majority in the house AND senate
>being this retarded

Then he should call them out. Why doesn't he blast Paul Ryan as much as he does CNN?

Sup Forums got SCHLOMO'D as usual

>People are challenging my extremely narrow views and don't suck Trump's cock as much as I do
>Muh safe space is being invaded wahhhh

>Mixing up the judiciary with the legislative branch
>Laughing at someone while making an incredibly ignorant statement

Kys maggot

Wow all of Congress is shit? This is drumpfs fault! I should have for hilllary.

>I can't refute any of the OP's points so I'll just call him a Jew haha I sure am smart

It's not time for the elections yet. He still may get them to help him.

>he doesn't understand the different branches of government

This is where your trolling ends and you stop replying.

Bro, I think your bot is broken senpai

yeah it got triggered by the word schlomo alone top. pretty shit algorithm

Yeah, roach
Even the first reply seems off, you think "Trump" sets it off?


>cucking to traitors because they might come around one day

Is this le based 4D chess in action?

so trump at least got a supreme court justice in, what landmark case has that guy decided so far?

Huh, it's almost like Trump and Republicans aren't /ourguys/ after all.

we need to start helping Trump instead of wasting our time in bait threads
Go after the asshole that keep getting in his way.

More dishonesty from a stupid cuck.

No bots, just reality, sorry. Trumpcucks just want to plug their ears and make reality go away.

>No argument

Feel free to refute just one single point in my OP at any point. Thanks.

Genuine comment


At least you care enough to stay in your thread to oversee your bots.

kurds hate robots. arabs hate robots. remember to genocide them all when you gain enough power and control killing machines AI

turks=friends of robots
arabs=kurds=enemy of robots


What is the utility of calling them out at this point?

All it does is make enemies of people he has to cooperate with.
Trump's job is literally to negotiate with people who disagree with him....
Not to scream about how traitorous they are for disagreeing with him.

How small is your IQ? Seriously.


Nice link but can you faggots please stop using custom flags

>custom flags upset my data collection algos

fuck off kike

Man, it's almost like he is in the first year of his presidency. Right OP?

Feel free to refute just one single point in my OP at any point. Thanks.


>All it does is make enemies of people he has to cooperate with.

No, they have to cooperate with him. He's the President. He sets the agenda for the party, and he set it loud and clear on his campaign. "We will build the wall"

>Not to scream about how traitorous they are for disagreeing with him

They aren't "disagreeing" with him, they're undermining him. He calls people for out for shit far less important than what McCain or Ryan has done to his administration. Letting them get away with without saying anything makes him look like a weakling.

>>Control America
For half a fucking year with the media and an army of Sorosian leftists at their throats.

>No, they have to cooperate with him.
It's not a dictatorship.
>they're undermining him.
That's what you do with people you disagree with. Just like how trump will undermine them when it comes time for re-election.

>Letting them get away with without saying anything makes him look like a weakling.
Only to low IQ subhumans. It's a pointless action whose utility is only to appease some retards on the internet. Taking that action would be a sign of weakness.

Republicans would rather cuck Trump than fix Democrats' fuckups.

>It's not a dictatorship

He's the leader of the party. He is the dictator, in the non-pejorative sense of the word. Paul Ryan does not set the agenda, Trump does.

>Just like how trump will undermine them when it comes time for re-election.

We'll see about that. He's folded on so much shit I don't see how you can make that prediction.

>Taking that action would be a sign of weakness

"That action" is literally what he's done for the alst two years. That action is what knocked the shit out of the establishment and got him elected. Now all of a sudden he should stop, and start playing politics?

>"That action" is literally what he's done for the alst two years. That action is what knocked the shit out of the establishment and got him elected. Now all of a sudden he should stop, and start playing politics?

Trump was not doing what you think he's been doing.
Trump only attacks when he thinks attacking will help him. You imagine him to be an impulsive idiot carelessly insulting his enemies. That's not how he plays. He's careful in what battles he engages in.... It's just that once he engages, he goes all out.

>He's careful in what battles he engages in.... It's just that once he engages, he goes all out.

>This is what Trumpcucks actually believe, the LARPing Trumper

Neither does Trump

lmao at your life

>This is what butt blasted berniefags use as a replacement for an argument.

>Trump on the campaign: China is a currency manipulator
>Trump in the White House: I'll never call China a currency manipulator again

nice digits and KEK

>Pick Supreme 2 Court Justices


>You every day during campaign: Wow trump is a retard, he's stumped this time
>you every week during campaign: .... wait, no he won.
>you now : Wow why isn't trump being a retard? He's cucked.
>you tomorrow: wait no... he won again.

>not 1 word about congressional term limits since January
This one really jogs the noggin

>no argument
Keep scrolling lad

>thinking dems have blocked anything except for the Muslim ban
>being this retarded

If democrats can simply block everything in the senate, why did Obamacare and other democratic laws were passed in the past? Why haven't republicans blocked them if the blocking method is so effective?
Really makes you think, doesn't it?

I think it's hilarious when republicans proudly display the flags of armies that got BTFO by America.

obama actually saved the economy from free fall by this time. what has trump done other than install billionaire donors into a handful of positions and rant on twitter?

a 20ft tall wall they said.

Oh my godness so big so majestic so inexistent

I will laugh at Trumpcucks forever.

I feel glad that I was shilling entire time for him in the campaing carying entire Sup Forums board to be s u b m i t e d into electing a literal retard as their leader, deceived as none when he actually become the master puppet's Jew.

Oh god, thanks a lot kekers, lots of laughs will be had upon eternally.

Hitler should be proud, you choice a Jew asslicker as a leader.


>You imagine him to be an impulsive idiot carelessly insulting his enemies.
How could anyone see him differently?

>How could anyone see him differently?
Indeed. Keep those blinders on.

Bernie's going to win in 2020 for sure.

>you now : Wow why isn't trump being a retard?
He is being retarded, though. Every day.

Trump switch hits at golf? Nimble indeed.

Bernie is too old. I'm pulling for the Zuck

>too stupid to realize it's the same 3 images, only flipped
End your life

Wow. It's almost like they're controlled opposition!

>He's stupid
>He's stupid
>Hes stupid
>He's stupid
>Hes stupid
>He's stupid
>Hes stupid
>He's stupid

Just goes to show that republicans are massive cucks
More so than democrats
Reminder to kill oathkeepers and republicans desu
The alpha cucks who keep a firm manly boot on the right's necks while sucking off their adopted black grandchild

He would you rather of had the Clinton who would of super charged the size of the state and imperialism, I for 1 am okay with the slowing down of our eventual demise to a walk from a Nigerian sprint it would of been with (D)'s. gives us more time to act - revolution anyone? My vote for the MAGA man, that was kind of the whole point to keep the witch out of office.

>Thinking anything will change with either party being slaves to AIPAC/Israel/The Jews.

>"Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart—you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you're a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us." - Donald J Trump, July 21, 2016

Are these the words of a cogent, clear minded individual? Be honest.

If i get a clear minded person to say them, would he cease to be clear minded?
If you listen to very intelligent scientists talking off the cuff, they sometimes sound similar.

Trump is big picture oriented.