Look what you've done Sup Forums
>Watching the young turds
Mission Accomplished … a TYT mention.
thats all Sup Forums ever wanted.
hear them talking about deleting the comments section now? LOL keep the pressure up boys
free speech 100% Haram
First reaction.
>Shut it down
Can't make this shit up.
the majority of white people are suicidal without knowing it.
i say this because they have no specific in-group preference for their own peoples intrests and will go out of their way to help other ethnic groups instead. White people feel empathy and pathalogical altruism towards other races and want to invite them into white countries and help them, then they will call you "racist" for opposing these views and will do what ever it takes to silence you and to ignore the problems we are facing with all the non-whites in our white countries.
This will destroy our first-world developed, low crime rate, white societies sometime in the future like it did with Haiti, parts of South Africa and parts of Europe and America, turning them into a third-world multi-racial non-white mess with high crime rates and a destructive degenerate non-European culture which is alien to us.
yet these are the same white people that love reading books, watching movies or playing videogames set in an all-white European society to escape the reality that they live in (which they also continue to create), and they fantasise about living in those European Disney styled societies even though they are opposed to having that type of soiciety in the real world.
I guess pure Nazi rhetorics, hatred and fear finally paid off
basically told free speech to go fuck it self
Its beginning to pay dividends if we can preserve a halfway civilized society Mr Agenda 21
Adding the logo, you wouldn't even know the difference.
much better
>why do you need a comments section
Gas these t*rkroaches already
Why do leftists hate free speech so much? I mean its free and leftists love free shit
Did he have to explain what youtube was to that guy?
he was boomerposting
Can you imagine if Fox News ran some hit piece on the Young Turkroaches and then removed the comment section?
they would fucking flip. that's why you allow discussion. People discuss things and they reload their page 1 time every 10 minutes so they get more ad-revenue.
places that have removed their comments are practically worthless. No one goes there.
>why do we need a comment section
what a fag
he will never remove comments because comments as well as likes help get a video higher in search rankings.
Higher search rank = more money.
>when you saw dogs biting kids in Birmingham during the civil rights movement, there was no comments section.
Whoa, really caused me to ponder.
I love how they act as if the video is something far removed from them, when they actually co created it.
raid the stream
>we should think with our feelings
>why do you need free speech anyways?
>fuck drumph fuck white people
Was that all he said or did I totally miss his point?
> Pic related
At least mention that the first 6 minutes of the video is worthless.
I can't believe they are advocating the removal of comment sections just because people are saying things they don't want to hear. It's not like all the dislikes are Sup Forumss doing. Normies are sick of YouTube shoving a political agenda down their throat aswell.
This is at 6:30 is anyone is wondering
White People have been told they do not have a culture for the last 40 years. That is a terrible, terrible thing.
He's right though. The comments section was full with Nazi flags.
When it's on Sup Forums I get it, people here are miserable but it should not happen in YouTube
Funny enough, the raiding started before it was ever linked up on 4chins. Looks like the le'redpill community of normies has gone wild.
That doesn't make sense, if Sup Forums didn't link it, how did people know to not like the video?