/pol, why is it that women find dark eyes and dark hair more attractive than light eyes and light hair on white men?
As the famous saying goes
>I like my men Tall, Dark and Handsome
/pol, why is it that women find dark eyes and dark hair more attractive than light eyes and light hair on white men?
Dolph Blond and Lundgren
i think its because when you see light hair on a guy you would think that he was much younger
most european kids were blonde as kids, thats why european women like darker men, because it makes them look older
i think
in nature darker features are correlated to aggressiveness, same is true in humans to a degree I guess
women like that
Dolph is more aesthetic from a male point of view, he is not considered a sex symbol to any significant degree
Same reason ugly white men go for asian chicks. They know they can't get superior white women so they delude themselves into thinking their way is best.
Bitches love swarthy guys. It's better if they have blue eyes, though.
Dark hair and light eyes is the master race.
The exotic has been a cultural taboo fantasy, and so when nothing holds that back it becomes the norm.
not true
survey was done here about what women like-women love blue eyes and dark hair
The "dark" in tall, dark, and handsome refers to the hair only.
t. 6'4", 230lbs, black hair, blue eyes
Womens liberation was a mistake
>darker features are correlated to aggressiveness
i unironically believe it's the opposite.
the inverse is true for dark chicks - overall they prefer light men - woman are aroused by rare / "exotic" males (higher social status by virtue of novelty and uniqueness among what's available to rival females)
david duke is a wig wearer
Not considered a sex symbol? Good, more for me. Blond hair, blue eyes, and so /fit/ that's how I like my man, I don't care what the average slut thinks.
you mother not having an abortion is an even bigger mistake :^)
"all men are created equal" was a mistake
>survey was done here
that's a bit useless
In my experience if you line up a variety of men, 9/10 times women will go for the man with dark eyes/hair. I say this as a man with light features who dyed his hair and wore contacts and instantly got better results
Brown eyes/Brown hair just looks better on white men (not true for women though). Sup Forums needs to accept it
Bullshit. You just have to look good.
>my experience means more than people who researched this
maybe your features are just fucked. women do tend to prefer light blue eyes, but i have seen some whos natural blue eyes make them look like zombies.
Latino looking men not only have more testosterone (which results in much bigger penis size) they are also more cultured (mediterranean civilization basically built the modern world) and know how to treat a woman kindly yet are not afraid to rough her up a little bit if she starts getting too emotional (women love a man that can put them in their place). Also we're obviously much more intelligent and have superior genetics. Among mediterranean men, Portuguese are obviously the sexiest of the bunch.
totally false in my opinion, dark men are ugly they look like 5th generation arab rape babies
of course he is considered very attractive but he is not the kind of guy who is stereotypically associated with female lust
in any case, his beauty is a result of his robust and chiseled face, great proportions and great physique, he could have any hair color and still be a top 1% male, doesn't really matter when you look like him
Dark is actually referring to personality, not the color.
Mysterious. Brooding.
>those nips
what the fuck hahahaha
t. brown eyed and brown haired hairy manlet with a small penis
ewwwww you people watch too much porn you all think having a big penis compensates for being a sweaty pig
sometimes tho, you're just fucked kek.
>In my experience if you line up a variety of men, 9/10 times women will go for the man with dark eyes/hair.
pls link to your research, dear psychologist
cant believe he was supposed to be in that van damme street fighter film kek, can you imagine?
well I don't know what most people are into, but personally I like blond hair and blue eyes and I don't care even if a guy is chiseled he loses points with me if he's brown
See, this is what I mean. Those bright blue eyes make him look feminine and soft. A better word to describe it is beautiful. "beautiful" is not attractive to women, only men. If he had dark eyes women would see him as more dominant, aggressive which is what they're attracted to
I worked with a Russian woman and she was kind of a Plain Jane (kind of like pic related), but one day at work, she received news that her child had been hit by a car on the way home from school and she turned into this quivering wreck in floods of tears. I'm not ashamed to say I started to get really turned on watching her sobbing, the tears running down her pale, white face while she tried to wipe them away. Her long brown hair was all over the place and she looked like a distressed young maiden crying as she evacuated her village to escape the approaching Nazi Army. I got a really hard erection and had to hide it behind my desk. I thought of how great it must have been to be an SS Officer and round up women like this, demure looking homely girls, and maybe take them to a barn and try to make them cry more. I would dearly love to hurt her face and make her fellate my pistol while I lick the tears from her face. I would lubricate her anus with her own tears and the sheer eroticism of the setting would mean that two fierce pumps in her torn, bleeding hole, and I would be spent. It wouldn't even count as a real orgasm for me until I turn her around again and shoot a bullet through her cunt. It would be important to make sure that she knew that she was about to die. I would savour this moment for a while, perhaps telling her what I already did to her elderly parents. I thought of all this that day, and when I got home my underpants were soaked.
this guy looks so fucking portugese
Most people desire someone who is genetically a little bit different (I'm talking dark vs blond hair, not white vs blacks), in order to diversify the resistance their offspring will have.
I think everybody of us knows that this is true, whether you are blonde or have brown hair.
I'm a Mediterranen type and I know that blonde women in general desire me much more than brown haired women.
>no delts
>no traps
>no abs
It's all about looking good to begin with, that'll get you the smile that says "come and talk to me" no matter what colour anything is.
Then it's all about eye contact, not being a retard and the confidence to demand their phone number.
I've had blue eyed boy's girls enough time (me in pic with my smoldering black eyes)
Nope. Brown eyes are plain, too common, can't compete. Piercing blue eyes are intimidating on a 6'2" sculpted male. This thread is a psyop
Some people are too sick even for this board.
sorry senpai, thats wrong
>Study Suggests Women Are More Attracted To Men With Brown Eyes Than With Blue
>Women Don't Want To Date Men With Blonde Hair, Says New Survey
I bet John Oliver slays tons of pussy because of his dominating dark eyes.
It all depends on how you carry yourself user. I have the impression that shitskins are somewhat afraid of men with blue eyes though
seek help
Nah, it's his dominant nose that attracts.
It's another "Why [foregone conclusion]" thread! Remember kids, only Jews really think this way.
You've got a problem Hanz
6'2" male here. sup
Being handsome is obviously a pre-requisite, we're discussing if dark features on a handsome male is more attractive to women than his light featured counterpart
Good, most women shouldn't be allowed to date blue eyed blond men any way. I'd like to jealously guard all the blue eyed blond boys from the degeneracy of the modern female. Those girls aren't good enough, they're all a bunch of sluts.
You from Italy or Dalmatia?
His dominant, confident wallet would guarantee him easy pussy, though.
Too bad he is already married (with a woman a lot hotter than him, but money and status will give you that)
No, this guy looks like the Portuguese 1%. South of Coimbra they all start to look like half Arab half monkey manlets.
Hi :)
are you okay
>if they don't like me, they're whores
lol, you sound like a beta fag
>implying most women wont go for pic related
cool story bro
"Superior Norse Genetics"
It's a girl I think.
>Those bright blue eyes make him look feminine and soft.
you're projecting your shitskin-contaminated genetics so hard.
Damn don't tell these stories out of nowhere, almost ruined my nofap over this. Funny how all these moralfags here are pretending they don't have a rape fantasy, it works both ways.
Brush your fucking hair and the moisture will darken it. If you can't land a chick before it dries and lightens up, then that's on you.
Me? No no, you've got it all wrong. I'm not talking about myself. Haha.
lel, I made this thread on /r9k/
As I remember the saying it is actually
>I like my men tall, BLACK and handsome
I would take his girl no problem. He looks really effeminate so I'd just kick his arse if I had to do more than just tell him to fuck off and for his girl to come with me.
>LARPing as a girl on the internet
Just bee yourself
in all Caucasians females are lighter than males
it's sexual dimorphism
except one subgroup of Caucasians
a subgroup where men are not dominant,known to be feminine and have cuckold tendencies
a sub group where women seek other darker Caucasian men and even negroids
This guy is giving off a gay vibe
what is this thread?
bright green eyes and every girlfriend / girl crushing on me loves my eyes and stares into them
if you have blue / green eyes and girls aren't looking at them you're probably hideous or you need better fucking eye contact
>its an obese NEET talks shit to feel like le big guy
post proof or fuck off liar.
Mate i am blonde and i have hazel eyes
I've gotten shit tons of compliments on them
Half German, half Serb. One half of my family has been Germans (not Austrians) who settled in the Balkans centuries ago.
We had to flee when the Communists took over as they killed everyone who was related to Germans.
From one great grandmother they killed 5 sons on one day who literally never did anything, two of them were regular policemen but didn't ever engage in any kind of politics.
David Gandy is an unfair representation though. Hes literally gorgeous
it is DARK, which means dark personality and hair
search it on r*ddit
Women HATE truth. They like their own narcissistic feels.
Light eyes show the pupil's dilation. They allow you to read the other person's emotions better, whether they're genuinely interested in you or feeling happy or reserved and cruel.
Light eyes show the other person's true nature. Women prefer their own fantasy of what others and the world is like. Women want a mirror of their own current desires reflected back at them.
Well why would a boy make threads like this?
Whoever said women's lib was a mistake was exactly right. THIS IS NOT A Sup Forums TIER THREAD
"all men are created equal" meant that God did not create specific men/families/royal bloodlines with divine right over other men. Where "men" in this context referred only to white Europeans.
If you tried to use it in the modern "everyone is equal and the only differences are environmental/social" context they would have, rightly, thought you were warping the words into ideological nonsense.
Nah, it doesn't work for beady-eyed Anglos. He doesn't get any women, the best he can hope for is the rush from some freshly refined Aryan Blood. He lives to kill, not to love.
>another imtimidated neet
plenty of straight guys look like this now. well, the ones who look after themselves.
*tips fedora*
>I like my men Tall, Dark and Handsome
and Checked
Let me drop few more things into the mix
I think i'm okay
>what is people being nice
no one likes your shit colored eyes dog
Here'a a bad pic of me, a better pic is further up or I can post another. I'm basically a manlier version than the guy in that pic with more facial hair, dark eyes and more muscle with broader shoulders. Plus as you might tell from the other pic I have a job :)
Need any more proof?
>t. redneck ginger
Nonsense, you can usually see if someone is intelligent by looking at his or her face.
Although there certainly are some intelligent blacks, they are very rare, so most women would be appalled by the idea of having retarded children with a Somali.
Some might voluntarily mate with the kind of black guy you see in the movies, but these are usually among the most intelligent ones you'll find.
Agree with you 100% it's been taken totally out of context by postmodern Marxists, Thomas Jefferson couldn't have foreseen what his words would've been used to justify and he wouldn't agree with it.
This is also why little girls prefer light eyes on babies / dolls though. When they're plastic and artificial the eyes are stuck in a permanent state of dilation showing love and affection. They like the fantasy of permanent love and it shows better with light eyes. But for real people they want a dark mystery so they don't have to deal with being able to read the subtleties of expression if someone isn't perfect 24/7. Women do like light eyes for photographs though obviously since it's just a moment in time.
david gandy is purebred anglo. genetics are a funny thing.
No, it does not refer to talents or intelligence or anything like that. It merely states that rights, i.e. what you deserve merely from being human and what ought to be protected, are universal. They were talking about why they believed it was legitimate to separate themselves from what would otherwise be a legitimate government.
You're projecting your stormfag bullshit onto the Declaration of Independence, stop it.
No he's not, he proved it before on periscope.
Interesting hypothesis... But I have to disagree from my experience with women and my dark eyes
theres no pic hon.
keep telling yourself that whiteboi
fuck off 1.2% african blood 'white' boy
My bad. I forgot to check your flag
Sorry forgot pic because I'm too busy banging hot chicks.
women don't want intelligence
men do
women want dominance