Thailand HATE thread

Thailand is the most degenerate and disgusting country in the world. They make the Chinese look like saints. Thailand is the world capital of ladyboys, child prostitution, and AIDS.

Thailand's """king""" has AIDS because he's been fucking prostitutes since he was a kid, and he goes to Germany every month to get a blood transfusion. THE FUCKING KING OF THAILAND HAS AIDS.

Reminder that there's a Thai user who lives in Japan that defends Thailand all the time. Don't be fooled. He is NOT Japanese.

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this is the second Thai hate thread today, dude no one cares take this place somewhere else, it doesnt belong here, saged

Who gives a shit?


The country of Thailand itself is pretty nice. Great weather, beautiful beaches, and so on.

The people of Thailand are scum though.

Prostitution is probably the biggest business in Thailand. It's ingrained in their culture. Every single Thai man has like 2-3 mistresses (basically prostitutes) called a "gik". Cheating is so ingrained in Thai culture that all Thai women simply accept the fact that their husbands will cheat on them.

Then leave.

>While Thailand is known globally for flashy red-light districts that cater to foreigners, the bulk of its sprawling sex industry is geared mostly towards locals.

>"This tradition became common a long time ago," explained Boonyarit, a district official in Mae Hong Son, a poor and rugged province in the mountainous north.

>"When groups of senior officials come for seminars or work trips, there is a custom of 'treating them', which means welcoming them with food, and then 'laying down the mat', which means providing girls," he told AFP.

>"Sometimes we receive information about what type of girls they liked... sometimes officials had to prepare five to 10 women for a senior to chose from."

Another annoying thing about Thais is how nationalistic they are. These skinny little brown-skinned simians actually think they're a master race. Fucking hilarious.

But at least they're not commies or muslims.

your the on on my board asshole

im going to burn this thread down now, get fucked OP

sperg out time






Thais are so fucking butthurt.




















Bump so that others can see this crazy Thai monkey going ape shit.


Thai?Not muslim?
Islam 5.5%
And yes they have frequent insurgency and terror attacks

So what did Thailand do to you Viet?
