When will leftists learn that blaming and shitting on whites...

When will leftists learn that blaming and shitting on whites, rural and conservative people only makes them look worse and lose elections?

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They won't, it's an integral part of their ideology, which will be their downfall.

Hello fellow subhuman! how are you doing in this fine day?

They keep doing this shit and then proceed to wonder why whitey don't likes them and voted against them.

It's like Sup Forums became a political party, and after shitting on nigs and kikes daily we wondered why they don't like us and vote for us

Just doing typical third world shit, how about you?

For loving "diversity" so much i haven't ever heard them saying what are some prod about it, they just say "it's good!" And "diversity makes us stronger!" Yet they never show examples of it, i only see the opposite

i'm snorting a fine line of cocaine, while dancing the macarena like a true bolivian aryan masterrace

Something like 30% of Americans are creationists. Like, Earth-is-6000-years-old creationists.
If you live in a city, you may have over 100 acquaintences and zero of them will be creationists. The probability of this happening by chance is miniscule: 100 trillion to 1 odds.
That's how strong the filter bubble is. Living in a city is like living in a parallel universe.

Hows life in Bolivia?

How the fuck can you guys even afford internet? Is it shit over there?

niggers in Baltimore don't vote because they're felons

Not him, but pretty good tbqh, u should be studying for a test tomorrow for shitposting is funnier
Because we aren't poor? We aren't jungle niggers lad.
Most people have internet here, but few know about 4chinz, they usually just use kikebook and jewtube

Shit made a typo, i mean I should be studying for a test tomorrow, but shitposting is funnier

Never. They already went too far and their only hope left is that the non-white voting block will outnumber the white one soon.
And that they actually get off their ass and start voting.

Former Democrat here. Honestly this whole "MUH diversity" line is one of the major reasons why I left the party. Surprising how much your views on politics change when you're on your own.

It's just sickening how much wool is being pulled over so many Democrats. They honestly believe themselves to be moral crusaders. In their quest to "improve" the world and bring us together, they are only splitting us apart more and more. "The scariest people are the ones that believe they are doing what is right."

>we aren't poor

Sorry, burger education isn't the best in letting us know the financial standings of other countries besides Western ones.
JewTube has its uses when it's not flipping its shit over "h8 spech" but KikeBook is a long lost cause. Sorry you have to put up with that shit.


Aside from english and maybe spanish i don't think they can utter a single fucking word on any other language

I agree. I used to literally be a Democratic shill, working for countless campaigns and consulting firms. I swear to god, I even applied for a job with CTR, back before anyone on Sup Forums knew what that was.

the anti-white, anti-male rhetoric was simply too much. whites have been THE greatest allies of women or minorities, and we get absolutely no recognition for it.

Who freed the slaves? white men
Who gave women the vote? white men
Who passed civil rights legislation? white men

minorities would LITERALLY still be slaves if not for good-willed, equality-minded white men who trusted the words of the founders more than the promise of a quick buck. they are literal saints and instead they are being thrown in the trash bin of history like they were no better than hitler himself.


After 2012, everyone was sure Republicans were doomed if they didn't tone down the xenophobic rhetoric. They would need to open up more to latino / latina voters if they wanted to ever win an election again.

And then Donald Trump declared his presidency by saying that Mexican immigrants are rapists. And then he said that Muslims were terrorists who should be banned for entering the country.

And then he got elected.

Liberals need to blame rural conservative whites more, not less. The problem with trying to be moderate is that you don't get anyone excited. Moderation doesn't push people to the voting booths.

Now let's see who wins: excited liberals, who are in primary control of America's intellectual, economic, and cultural capital, or excited conservatives, who have nothing going for them but hate, and who don't produce anything of worth and whose livelihood is subsidized by the liberal hands they bite.

Listen you pinko fucking fake news spewing commie, he said that mexico is sending their rapists are part of the best they aren't sending. He did not say that mexicans are rapists. Learn to fucking think and understand sentences.

>tfw no german heritage from midwest
>tfw irish dutch from oklahoma

Communist hipster Jews in Brooklyn and outdated farming equipment in Baltimore aren't Americans at all though. They're not even people.

Someone reads Slate Star Codex.

>niggers don't vote because felons
As of March 2016, felons have the right to vote in Maryland.

You guys are me. Decades of identity politics is finally biting the Democrats in the ass. Instead of unity, they're all about division and resentment. I'm not ready to jump to the GOP but I'm much more independent than I was only a few years ago.

Also, as far as the notion of so many Democrats being in "bubble"...didn't SNL make fun of it? It's a reference to a media bubble as well as a culturally elitist view of the country. There was an article on Cracked of all places that explained it really well about how coastal elites are out of touch with the rest of the country. It's a bit of a cry from the heart but it's not bad. Oh, and those white lefties rarely interact with the "diverse" parts of the city.

You serious nigga?

What specifically do liberals produce?

They don't grow food.
They don't work in factories.
They generally don't work as engineers or do construction.
Until recently, they didn't code or develop software (tech was a more libertarian pursuit for a long time).
They don't serve in the military or law enforcement.

So I ask you again, what exactly do liberals produce?

For literally decades democrats have ignored the interests of 95% of the land area of the United States.
Those dumb rednecks lefties are currently complaining about have figured it out.

The left doesn't really care about unity and eliminating government corruption. Their only goal at the present is convincing everyone that white people are the problem.

I said Mexican immigrants. Learn to read. Here's what he said about Mexican immigrants:

>They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

If Barack Obama ever said, "rural white people are methheads, mass-shooter, and child molesters. And some, I assume, are good people" rural white conservatives would have rioted in the streets at the mere thought of him being elected so fuck off pretending as if what Trump said was in anyway acceptable. It's completely okay for you guys to demonize a group of people, but when someone else is called out for doing it suddenly that principle doesn't apply, suddenly the person saying it is being "misinterpreted" by the "fake news media."

>implying it isn't a calculated position which will end up working for them in the long run

Have a look at the statistics related to the "browning" of America. In a few short decades whites will be 50 or even 40% of the population. Dems are going to be the party for everyone who hates whitey and wants gibs.

Democrats' ego is what is killing them.

This post is a good example of it.

>Nigger pretending he doesn't understand he lives in a city of 8.5 million bubbles.
>Nigger pretending his strawman doesn't live in a strong, supportive, nurturing bubble of 25,000 decent white people.

They really have suffered a brain drain on the left.

Leftist Americans are fond of taking a semester of Italian or german or french in college and claiming forever after that they are fluent in that language. I lived in France for a decade and always meet Americans who "speak french." They can never hold a conversation beyond "how are you?"

They "fight fascism full time"

Who discovers the math and science that engineers, factories, and military depends on? Who produces the media that gives America so much soft power over the world? Who produces the intellectual insight that becomes the basis for political and economic change? To all 3 questions, the answer is liberals or liberal institutions, not conservatives.

Unskilled labor, which is increasingly irrelevant, doesn't reflect any kind of power in conservatives. Not theoretically, as it is still subordinate to liberal institutions. And not in actuality, as it is being replaced by robots and has already been largely replaced by immigrants.

American intellectual and cultural institutions are predominately liberal. Conservative power comes purely from the political merging of selfish wealthy people and culturally selfish rural white people. It is not based on power over any major intellectual or cultural institutions aside from the church which itself is falling into irrelevancy.

Every major economic center in the United States is liberal relative to the rest of the country. The most dominant states in the US are all liberal, aside from Texas, which is on its way, and red states depend so much on blue states paying more in taxes than they take in federal aid. In sum: conservatives are far more dependent on liberals than the other way around.

>Who discovers the math and science that engineers, factories, and military depends on?
Who tends the fields that produces food for them minds? Who cleans the toilets so they may shit in clean room?
You "smart" types better learn your only in this world because the people who you consider "dumb" prop your ass up.

Dems / libs were giving the same condescending scoldings to conservatives until Nov 8, 2016, and if Republicans would have followed their advice (as the establishment wanted), Donald Trump would not be president today. Liberals didn't give the advice it because they thought it would result in a GOP with better messaging. They did it because they thought it would result in a less conservative, more palatable GOP. In the same way, conservatives are trying to push liberals further right, and if they heed that advice the 2018 midterms and 2020 presidential election will go much the same way everyone thought the 2016 election WOULD go for Republicans.

Fortunately, liberals haven't taken that advice. Donald Trump had the effect of pushing Dems further left and making them more energized. On the federal level taking congress is very much a possibility. On the state level, we're talking about things like single-payer healthcare and tax-funded college more seriously than we have ever before. Ironically, dems have made for more out of Trump's presidency than conservatives have.

Dems / libs were giving the same condescending scoldings to conservatives until Nov 8, 2016, and if Republicans would have followed their advice (as the establishment wanted), Donald Trump would not be president today. Liberals didn't give the advice it because they thought it would result in a GOP with better messaging. They did it because they thought it would result in a less conservative, more palatable GOP. In the same way, conservatives are trying to push liberals further right, and if they heed that advice the 2018 midterms and 2020 presidential election will go much the same way everyone thought the 2016 election WOULD go for Republicans.

Fortunately, liberals haven't taken that advice. Donald Trump had the effect of pushing Dems further left and making them more energized. On the federal level taking congress is very much a possibility. On the state level, we're talking about things like single-payer healthcare and tax-funded college more seriously than we have ever before. Ironically, dems have made for more out of Trump's presidency than conservatives have

What will those who do those things do when a robot replaces them?

>Falling back on muh robot defense
Honestly if i as a "dumb" person can out smart you.
Face it faggot you will need the "dumb" classes, because you don't clean your own shitter. You are to proud for that.

yeah working at a coffee shop is more difficult than coal mines or farming. Fucking dumb whore.

>a bunch of feminine liberal males at SPAWAR exist

Lmao, dude you haven't a clue how the real world exist.

And another point you shitters forget when you use the muh robot defense.

If all grunt work taken by robots, why is you think "unskilled" labour would not suddenly learn skills?
Then they would out number you and box you out of the skilled market just to shear numbers.
A lab would have a limit on how many engineers it employs. And if one lucky motherfucker happens to be better than you at your job well bye bye.
I find it utter hubris on your part to think you will even have a chance in a world like that. Remember your not a nigger so no quota for you check your privilege.

The tech bubble may have been the greatest thing to happen to Republicans. Nobody likes San Francisco's politics, yet they have all the money and own the Democratic party. All the people Democrats forgot are now Republicans.

Exactly, they won't. They have been cultured and seeded with their pride, arrogance, ignorance, elitism, hate, atheism to the point that they would need an intervention of their own life to even start to change their thought cycle.

All atheists are tyrants, they seek authority and control over everything because they fear intervention, they fear not being in control.

They are greatly disconnected from society. Most of them cannot even change a tire on their own car, let alone drive themselves.

That's because they don't want diversity for their own class.

Their own neighborhoods are mostly white and far from the city. They only want diversity for the lower classes of their socialist plan.

SPAWAR may consist of people more conservative than the average liberal, but I guarantee you they are more liberal than enlisted soldiers and the average conservative. And SPAWAR is still intellectually subordinate to scientific, mathematical, and technological advancement done in academia.

Most unskilled laborers cannot "suddenly" learn new skills. That's why they're still doing unskilled labor. Are you suggesting that people who have been doing skilled labor since young adulthood are under threat from life-long unskilled laborers who want to get into the skilled marketplace? lol.

That's part of the problem. There really aren't jobs for unskilled laborers whose jobs are being replaced at an accelerated rate. A 40 year old factory worker will never be able to compete with a 40 year old engineer who got his degree 20 years ago.

That is why our economic system in its current form is unsustainable and there will be a change. Globalism is the only answer. You better hope Brexit is reversed.

>In the same way, conservatives are trying to push liberals further right
kek, Republicans are just asking them to stop acting like murderous revolutionaries. Republicans can't even push their own constituents in one direction let alone another party's constituents. But I guess anything right of murdering enemies is too centrist or some bullshit for liberals.

we need to use this word more

can i also suggest:


>Stupid, trailer trash, no teeth, poor

"Oh so, Democrats hate the poor, is that what you are saying?"

>Uh, n-n-n-n-n-no


>And then Donald Trump declared his presidency by saying that Mexican immigrants are rapists. And then he said that Muslims were terrorists who should be banned for entering the country.

Didn't happen.

He said women coming across the southern border are being raped 80% of the time and that radical Islam was a problem that should make us want to limit immigration from Muslim countries for a while.

That is a moderate position. Democrats exaggerating everything has made it impossible to hold a dialogue so they don't even realize that Trump is an extremely liberal Republican.

>Most unskilled laborers cannot "suddenly" learn new skills.
Are you willing to bet? You would be suprised what people do to avoid going hungry.
Because i forsee your ass on the street my middle class commie boy.
I want it to happen just so i can see your face and tell you "why moan? it's what you asked for"
>You better hope Brexit is reversed.

>tfw rural white male in the Midwest

Another Democrat who hates the working poor. Color me surprised.

AI will replace white collar jobs light years before robots replace blue collar jobs. Any research into both fields will tell you that. Robots only work on assembly lines, and something like a plumber won't be replaced until after the advanced AI masters robotics. At that time, AI will have devoured every single "thinking" job that exists.

You wish for your own, and quicker doom. Almost like, you are a complete idiot.

Funny thing is m8 you already tried to get it reversed it failed. You even got the big guns out and had a shitskin talk for you. Even had Jo Cox murdered to try and sway opinion.
What part of leave do you not understand?

Yeah, accountants are the first fuckers to go. Getting a machine to automate anything abstract like numbers is a lot easier than all the variables required to program a machine to move and act meaningfully in the physical world outside of an assembly line.

Some Japanese insurance company famously cut 30 some jobs for AI already. That is what is really coming. All these smug bourgeoisie liberals are going to face the brunt first, and they don't even realize it.

>Accountants are the first fuckers to go

My thoughts exactly. How no one can see that, is crazy. Scan your documents, computer does the math.

>liberals make discoveries and advance technology
Inventing the 27th gender is not really a scientific discovery. But in all seriousness, what have the communists you embrace invented in the past 30 years? Not much.

>liberal produce the media!
Increasingly just as irrelevant as the unskilled labor you look down upon. How many people under 30 watch television for news? How many people listen and obey what celebrities tell them to do?

>intellectual insight
What positive economic or political change have progressives brought about in the past 30 years? You've all but permanently ripped the country apart. Is that a positive development for you?

Yes, it happened.

Here is what he said in June 2015 when he announced his presidency:

>"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. ... They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people,"

Here is an official statement from December 2015:

>"Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on,"

You can try to intellectualize the things that he said after the fact, but it doesn't change what he said, and, more importantly, it doesn't change who he was appealing to when he said it. This was about pandering to xenophobia. This is what got him elected, and there is nothing "moderate" about what positions are reflected in those statements.

Trump is not an extremely liberal Republican. He is a plutocrat who fashions himself in which ever way necessary to fulfill his plutocratic goals.

Your own green text sentence shows he wasn't saying every single Mexican immigrant is a rapist. Not sure why that is so hard to understand.

Did you graduate 11th grade yet?


I strongly disagree with all these tweets, to the point that it makes me angry. I live in a large city in a liberal state and I know exactly the people he's talking about and deal with them every day.
These faggots are not "real Americans" because they don't share any of the ideologies that made America. "Real Americans" can live in big cities, even Brooklyn, but your average liberal Brooklyn or Los Angeles resident does not understand what it means. That is why there is a distinction.

I care about the working poor which is precisely why I advocate for an economic system that is not hostile to their desires to have food, shelter, healthcare, and education.

That whole twitter thread makes me want to blow my head off

>I advocate for an economic system
What? Communism? The Democratic party does not seek to change the economic system user. You fell for propaganda, economically Hillary didn't advocate anything significantly different from any other president since Reagan.

Get a load of this retard

>I care about the poor
>I spend my whole time criticizing the poor on a Tibetan monk anime forum
>I love the poor
>I can't wait til robots replace them

Sure bud.

In every country the people out in the rural are the most 'most' of their culture. They are more isolated and traditional.

A city in x country is probably more similar to a city in y country than a small rural town from x compared to y.

You're assuming leftists can learn from their mistakes and remain leftist.

t. former leftist

This is not about blue-collar vs white-collar. This is about skilled vs. unskilled. Plenty of white-collar jobs can and are being automated, but more white-collar jobs are skilled than blue-collar jobs are skilled. Plumbing is skilled-labor.

However there can only be so many plumbers or tradesman in general. Building construction will be automated, which is important because that will allow the maintenance to be more easily automated and done off-site, ie in different states and countries, and with significantly less people.


I realize that there can only be so much skilled labor, and that AI and robotics are a bad deal for ALL workers in the end. You however, don't seem to get this. You think it will start and end with unskilled labor. This is about the most uneducated view you can take.

>This was about pandering to xenophobia.
your bullshit terms for normal things don't scare people here by the way.
Muslims are not compatible with Western life and should not be invited.

I'm ashamed to live in Michigan after reading that.

I didn't say that he said each was a rapist. He didn't say so explicitly, and did not need to. He said they were rapists, criminals, druggies, and "assumed" some are good people. He was definitive about them being bad, but non-definitive about them being good, as if to say, "all the ones I've seen are bad, but I'll keep the possibility out there that some are good to." If you can't see the problem, then you're severely lacking in social intelligence. All of your xenophobic friends definitely got the message. Why didn't you?

>He didn't say so explicitly
So yeah, you are stupid. Explicitly. Typically that is not how "they are sending rapists" is meant to imply they are mostly rapists. If you can't understand such a basic point, I don't know how you can even communicate with your fellow human beings, because you are certainly not speaking the same language. Is English your first language?

>who don't produce anything of worth

It's not that people hate or fear foreigners. It's what foreigners. No one has a problem with most European immigrants who share our values. Most Japanese immigrants integrate well and share our values. Lots of Chinese and Indian immigrants come and adopt our values. Hispanics overwhelmingly vote for socialism and more government. Muslims are ideologically opposed to everything America and the rest of the western world stands for. Does that mean they're all bad? Of course not, but we need to be honest about things. Most Muslim immigrants don't integrate and are a burden to the rest of society. Lots of Hispanic immigrants vote against this nations values and go on welfare. There's also the sheer numbers. Show me a single civilization that has survived massive demographic changes? They've either all collapsed or are currently in decline. We can handle 250K a year. We can't handle a million or more a year.

Democratic socialism, which is what the civilized world in general is turning to.

It starts at unskilled and goes up to more and more skilled labor. The problem is that some jobs considered "skilled" were never all that skilled in the first place. Accounting was never took more skill than plumbing did. It just prized certain skills (that computers are better at). The last jobs to go will be the sciences, arts, and pink-labor jobs because those are the most difficult jobs to automate. And even then, when we talk about that level it is not even "automation" anymore. It's the simulation of human intelligence, ie strong AI. At that point nothing matters.

don't mean to be insulting with this, but those feelings of alienation are exactly why trump won and also why the republican party has been winning every major race since trumps inauguration.
You don't have to be republicans but until the democrats realize their brand is poison and drastically change direction as a result or a third party arises to challenge the other two, then the republicans will always be the majority.

Liberals have no idea how conceited they sound.

This, I know a little spanish, but I do not dare say I am fluent. I can ask for directions and read a newspaper and guess what it talking about. But that doesn't mean I claim I can speak it.

Hell, I moved out to the rural counties just to get away from the niggers

Liberals definition of diverse is "many people who look different but believe exactly the same things and have exactly the same opinions."

>Show me a single civilization that has survived massive demographic changes?
The United States. You do realize that European immigrants and emancipated slaves were treated like shit before the early 20th century for the same reason? American culture was essentially British culture for the first century.The only reason America shed their Victorian fetishism was because the demographics changed and forced the birth of a unique American culture. American values today respect the fact that diversity is important not only because it respects the freedom value central to America, but because it makes America stronger.

Outside of a belief in freedom, there aren't any values that immigrants have to "integrate" into, and most immigrants to America already believe in freedom, which is why they came to America in the first place.

Rural whites are citizens not border hopping illegals you disingenuous toe rag.

>what is heartland/breadbasket
Isn't the most important thing in sustaining life food bitch?

>mfw people think being "patriotic" actually means anything

>Outside of a belief in freedom, there aren't any values that immigrants have to "integrate" into

How about Natural Law and the Constitution? If anyone immigrated here illegally, they've already demonstrated they are not here to abide by either. Just because you've been trained to not have values doesn't mean they don't exist.

>and most immigrants to America already believe in freedom

and female genital mutilation

>which is why they came to America in the first place.
If we offered zero welfare, would they come for freedom? Can you not be free in Poland? They don't beat down the doors to get there

hopefully never

stop giving them solid advice plz

focus on DRUMPF BTFO or >conservashits

Again, AI is going to advance a significantly greater pace compared to robotics, it already is. Robotics are moving linear compared to exponential. You are dead wrong to assume it will go bottom up, as that is not what is developing in the current market or situation.

I give you, art might survive, as in painting. Music and movies are already commodities and pre packed pop art. Easily reproduced formulas.

The funny part is Peter looks nothing like that. He is Kurt Cuckenwald tier.

I know too many people like you in real life. I can only pray you get your way and are apologizing on your knees when the Islamic hordes take your head from your shoulders for being kuffir.

You are the kind of pretentious collegiate fuck that has never held a real position in his life. You've likely never been to war, never even been in a fistfight. You fear and abhore any conflict, living in an ivory tower of privilege, and self-loathe based on your own inadequacy and inexperience, so you project it out on the world.

I can't fucking wait for all those like you to win the culture war and annihilate yourselves, confused the whole way as to why you're being eliminated.

Fucking retard.

I landed on a dirt airstrip there, it's a shithole. There's some wealth in Santa Cruz though.

>rural white conservatives would have rioted in the streets at the mere thought of him being elected so fuck off pretending as if what Trump said was in anyway acceptable.
No. They wouldn't have, they have standards.

Lawyers after accountants. Laws are nothing but if/then logic gates. Something which an AI will find easy.

Respect for freedom is the only natural law that matters here, and freedom is the basis of the constitution, which can and has been changed. Breaking the law does not reflect a disagreement with freedom. Really, breaking unjust or silly laws is more American than the law itself.

Recognizing that you will be able to make more money, better provide for your family, and give your children better opportunities is why poor Latin American immigrants come here, not welfare benefits for themselves. They come here to work the overwhelmingly majority of the time, which is why less came when the recession hit and which is why 20% more illegal immigrants are male. Complaints about taxes and welfare are usually bogus technicalities that ignore the significance they have to the American economy.

You've spent too much time on Sup Forums, around too many hysterical, xenophobic Europeans. Immigrants to the US are not equivalent to immigrants to Europe. America has a positive relationship with almost all its neighbors, and people who come here from anywhere further have extensive geographical and political barriers to cross. Being here is more likely than not reflective of a belief in American values. Meanwhile, immigrants to Europe from Asia and Africa have less barriers to cross, less resources to get there, and carry a history in which Europe colonized their countries and treated them like shit until relatively recently.