Why do black people like Dragon Ball so much?

Why do black people like Dragon Ball so much?

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Because we invented marital arts and anime

Everyone that idolizes Goku likes the fact that he trains hard to get results, and when that is not enough, he trains even harder.

She could lick my dragon balls any day if you know what i mean.

>hurr durr monkeys beating up each other dats why

what the fuck did you make this thread for?

Niggers love fighting
Niggers love dragons
Niggers love Asian people, especially Japan

Back in the early 2000s It was the only anime they had access to on public television.

Because Saiyanz Wuz Monkeyz

Who doesn't?

It's the only show that niggers are not displayed in. They want their "representation".

Son Goku is a fatherless half monkey who chimps out every full moon or so and destroys the neighborhood.


Dragon Ball is fucking awful

The only good thing out of the whole thing is some of the tournament fights in the first series which most people haven't even see that segment anyway

It's the only anime dumb enough for niggers to understand.

Trust me,the south americans are the most obsesed fans with dragon ball

If you ask black anime fans, they will tell you Piccolo is black.

The marital art of getting a woman pregnant and then doing a runner?

because of based mr popo

Casue dey want dat blonde haur doo

Wood smash

They like the idea of pretending to turn white. Also the show has lots of violence and anime tiddies from bulma who probably fucked niggers while yamacha died. Also there is a lot of autistic black weebs and dbz is entry level.


Because when sayajins get stronger they become blonde blue eyed and not niggers

because it is a simple show for young children.

Don't even care about the tats, would bleach

because piccolo is black

was mr.poopoo a muslim niggaboo or was he just a really dark sikh pajeet?

Because niggers are like children mentally and it was one of the first cartoons they ever saw. 20 years from now they'll all be 30 something's wearing Naruto shit

>those thighs

Brehs, I feel like I'm going Super Saiyan if you catch my drift.

Someone post the chart of power level vs. chichi nagging goku please


U focking wot?

Because it plays in prison.

This bitch is so fine, damn id tap that.


Shitskins love dragon ball because its about a bunch of ugly black hairs, black eye'd swarthy non-whites turning into blonde, blue'd flying gods.

Its the ulimate shitskin fantasy.

>the only decent father figure of the serie
fucking fanfiction

the original dragon ball had more diversity


Spics and niggers. That's literally it. Blacks and Mexico still buy that trash so Toei, being the closest thing to a Jew in Japan, keep milking the fuck out of an IP that should have dropped dead 20 years ago.

cuz niggers can only interact by making loud noises

>its been 6 years since this came out


Let's try mids 90's, upn

Thread theme:


I would ball her dragon if you catch my double entendre

What channel did it air on? FOX? That's most likely one of the free channels without buying cable.

Hahaha. Thats some funny shit because its so true.

Saiyan's eyes go green when they go super, you tard.

Half asian.


Because all of their problems are solved by laying out the nigger who wronged you?


Mixed as fuck.

Sikh, if anything. Definitely not a mudslime.

shit. why the fuck are niggers so fucking weird

Bitch I look like Gohan, smokin' up that Marijuana


>only people who would regularly talk to me in middle school were ghetto black kids who wanted to read my Shonen Jumps

this is a good question bumper


Mm bout to make a fkin wish nigguh

>wanted to steal my gay anime books

Hahaha fucking colorblind faggot

>it barely rhymes at all


Its nice and simple.

Everyone on this planet loves Dragon Ball

>tfw no black weaboo friend to play anime fighting games with (especially with the Arcsys DragonBall game coming up)

Scene dead as fuck here except for like one local tournament every 2 months

Because the Saiyans were KANGS.


And some people think that if you're violent and loud enough, it makes you a better fighter.

>ie niggers

People who watch Dragonball because they love anime get the message of persistence and endeavor.

Niggers who watch Dragonball are in it for the "Ohhhh, shit, nigga!" moments, of which there are many.

Idk but I hear a lot of rappers mention it.

thanks doc

I agree that most shonen shit is the same, but Inuyasha is squarely in girl-tames-a-bad-boy territory

why nobody finna this vid yet?



Because it's pretty fucking rad, imagine being an extraterrestrial ubermensch with powers who makes human pussy wet and goes around the universe figthing terrorist organizations n' all sorts of shit. Aside from that, it encourages traditinal values and gender roles. Now answer me this, why do white/azn bois like moe shit so much?



because it's good and they don't have shit taste in anime
most people like DBZ

retarded fucking low IQ white fat ass virgin, get a fucking life an stop LARP'ing on Sup Forums you sad fuck jesus fucking christ cancerous newfag


Those are the transsexuals. Normal whites also love DBZ

Chill out bois. I got this.

hey at least its not that gay ass one piece, bleach or naruto.


has to do with the similarities between
japanese feudalism and intercity neighborhoods

Yeah it's a good question.


dravinian =/= african

my personal guess is more than anyone else they wish that they could transform into something else something better they truly wish to be kangs

Because they idolize super Asians. Blonde haired blue eyed super humans.