GERRYMANDERING - do you know what it is?

Coastie liberals who in their infinite wisdom pile into urban centers also packed with entitled minorities want to change the districts so in many cases one county will have more influence nationally than the entire rest of the state combined.

Keeping our districts geographically based is the last remainder of the people who actually own the land of our nation in charge of it.

The leftists want to label this Gerrymandering and you should be aware of it.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Gerrymandered districts are 'geographically based'
literally tard tier

>Excluding all unopposed incumbents

I'm confused though. Liberals always say that gerrymandering is used by Republicans to benefit them.

Yeah and they also say that only white people can be racist so...

>i-ii-i-i-i-i mean, we filled all the cities with niggers like the jews told us to


Gerrymandering can be used by Anyone to benefit anyone. By drawing the boundaries of electoral districts, you can turn a Republican state Democratic and a Democratic state Republican.

Both sides gerrymander because it's stupid not to. Leftists are just prone to bitch and moan about something when it's used against them

Both sides accept bribes because it's stupid not to. Leftists are just prone to bitch and moan about something when it's used against them.

>The leftists want to label this Gerrymandering
That is the textbook, practical application of gerrymandering.

Are you fucking retarded or have you just never really learned how the government works beyond shitposting on Sup Forums?

It's disappointing that Sup Forums is now unironically defending Gerrymandering

There honestly is nothing wrong with gerrymandering. If you know how to do it and win with it, why not?

I wonder how life feels in those strips.

Your vote is either completely worthless or forcedly the majority vote.

What a great many things we can learn from the USA!

>Liberals don't understand that America is a republic not a democracy
And they wonder why no-one listens to them.

>this is geographically based

>Democrats won the popular vote in US House races nation wide
Yet more retards that don't seem to understand that the popular vote means fuck all nation wide. House races aren't one big election, they're a fuckton of individual elections and you have to win the popular vote in each one to win that one district election, not fucking nation wide.

there is a large concentration of democrats in cities. this means that unless we cut cities to peices into more districts then needed then your living together gerry manders the shit out of you.

>this argument again

America is a representative democracy. That doesn't mean it isnt a democracy.

>In American English, the definition of a republic can also refer specifically to a government in which elected individuals represent the citizen body, known elsewhere as a representative democracy (a democratic republic),[4] and exercise power according to the rule of law (a constitutional republic).

Don't try. Americans that have not even understood that democracy and republic are not mutually exclusive concepts are not worth approaching, my third world man.

You realise it is effectively 50 states voting for new leadership. And each states given a certain amount of voting power based on miscellaneous factors.

>americans claim to fight for democracy
>Americans hate democracy

I never said they were, just that the system is not full direct democracy in this instance.

Districts SHOULD be geographically-based. There are models that focus districts on urban centers and create geographic patterns of nearly-equal area.

Look, I hate libs as much as the next guy, but what I want more than anything is REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY.

We should LET the libs in lib cities have their lib legislators, so that we freedom-loving patriots can have freedom-loving patriots representing us in our own districts.

Democracy should be competitive. When politicians don't have to actually compete to win races, that's when they get cozy, sit back, and start taking money from the banks. They don't rock the boat or advocate for much-needed changes because they can get rich by sitting back and taking it easy.

This is our country, guys. Realistically, even state should be about evenly split between the parties--BUT only because the parties actually CONFORM to our interests and center the issues around where the real disagreements are.

If I'm going to elect a Republican, I want a Republican that fought tooth-and-nail to prove he has my interests in mind, not one who pulled some backroom tricks to keep Democrats from encroaching on his turf, while he collects campaign checks and loan deals from big banks.

Saying that the US is not a democracy is a false thesis by definition though even if I breach the NAP by telling you that and implying that you're retarded.

The US is in fact a sub-form of democracy.

how in the hell does something like that even happen? Is it slow process or do people create monsters like these at once?

The more the votes of shitty people are worth, the shittier the nation becomes.

Hence, representative democracy. It isn't a direct democracy, but it is a representative democracy.

Both parties gerrymander
And there's no sign of it ever stopping

>gerrymandering is why Democrats all flocked to a handful of coastal areas and vacated the rest of the country
>gerrymandering is why the DNC makes no effort to appeal to voters outside of urban centers
Reminder that gerrymandering is not possible for presidential, Senate or governor elections yet the GOP is still winning more of those too

Democracy is a joke.

>just that the system is not full direct democracy
Just like every democracy in this planet. God, why can't burgers understand such simple concepts

*American Democracy

**American (((Democracy)))

No, all democracy. Ours is just a particularly Jewed brand.

The best way to control a person is to make him think like he's getting a choice. In a democracy, "blame" is diffused to the people, and you can never actually remove (((who))) is responsible for ills befalling a nation. In an authoritarian system, you know exactly who to boot out if they cross a line.

Only because loser faggots like you have given up on your homeland.

I'm doing my part by going to law school so that I can safeguard the institutions that made this country great.

In the past, I worked for political insiders and the crooked establishment, and was disgusted with myself when I discovered who these people really are. But instead of crying about it like a little FAGGOT, I'm going to use my insider knowledge to fight this corruption with every fiber of my being.

Continue pitying yourself if that's all you can do. Maybe some day you'll get a chance to vote for me and we can take back this country.

I don't know about you, but we've removed several governments on all levels of the state's organisation throughout my life.

Just in 2013 a party lied to us, betrayed their promise of their coalition contract and we kicked them out of the parliament entirely.

Again, you mistake the FPTP system for every democracy worldwide.

Agreed, but what's to be done?

And what would you suggest? Every other system is worse.

>Maybe some day you'll get a chance to vote for me
Introduce yourself.

Funny how the lost gerrymandered state in the union is they Dem stronghold of Maryland
Really makes you think

yeah, counting those demoshits got beat by like 2 million off the top of my head
>were so despised in some sections of the country we don't even bother running so it doesn't count

>Gerrymandering can be used by Anyone to benefit anyone. By drawing the boundaries of electoral districts, you can turn a Republican state Democratic and a Democratic state Republican.
Exactly. I understand the historical reasoning for it, but it's an absurd practice that is making a joke of democracy.

>Only because loser faggots like you have given up on your homeland.
Look, if you have a way to create a white ethnostate through the ballot, sure, I'll vote for you, but I don't give a damn about this ungodly monstrosity that threw away its identity decades ago. (((They))) just keep on importing new brown votes every year, and their (((education))) propaganda brainwashes whites into going along with it. This isn't something that can be defeated "fairly."

People like you, within the system, certainly have a place in turning back historical wrongs, but I will never be convinced that you can do it alone. The system itself must be destroyed.

>those DAMN republicans Gerrymandered their way from being completely down and out in 2008 to total majority in 2016 despite not having enough seats to pass said gerrymandering bill!1!!!1!11!

Why did the Founding Fathers revolt then?

>unironically defending gerrymandering
It's cute when you leftists get ass hurt

Every time there's a census, new districts can be drawn up.

Thanks to computer modeling, you can now know that 31st Street had 17 people vote Democrat and 13 people vote Republican but 32d Street had 16 people vote Republican and 14 people vote Democrat, so you can draw your district to zig-zag around to ensure your party gets the majority of voters living there.

In their wildest nightmares the founding fathers would have never entertained the thought that illiterates would be allowed to vote.

>Democrats won the popular vote by 49.55 percent to 48.54 percent in US House races nation wide.
This is the dumbest argument I've ever seen. There can't be a popular vote for a House in which there are dozens of different races. If the Dem candidates won by overwhelming margins in certain populous urban centres that has no bearing on the GOP candidates who won by similar margins in less populous districts.

But the implication of the meaning of democracy when it's used here 90% of the time is direct democracy, that's the issue.

There is only one answer

>implying I actually give a fuck about principles when it comes to preventing the ideological cancer and mental disorder that is contemporary American liberalism
that's fucking funny
I only play nice when I'm trying to persuade normies, otherwise the ends always justify the means if it means further disenfranchising progressives--i don't give a fuck how "fair" or "unfair" you think it is


And meanwhile the essence of Germany is being systematically destroyed, and even expressing concern at it will land you in prison. But go ahead, keep fighting over scraps and debating what (((they))) tell you is acceptable to debate. Argue over whether or not you want a 12% or 13% minimum tax. Cut down on drug restrictions. At least you have a CHOICE, right?
Wait until the pyramid scheme collapses. This one is going to make 1929 look like a parking ticket.
>Every other system is worse
The average peasant (not serf) in most medieval monarchies had more freedom than the (((free democratic citizens))) today.

Democracy makes a joke of itself.

A further proof of my main politically incorrect thesis, that

If you're holding out for a "white ethnostate" and you think anyone can "do it alone" then you simply don't have the requisite political education to engage in modern politics.

The most we can hope for is the American ideal--a government that has no legal power from stopping you from starting your own business, raising your own family, and exercising your ideals however you may choose.

We're not going to start shooting or deporting black people for the very SIMPLE reason that their vote is worth the exact same as yours.

However, the principles of self autonomy and a self-directed life are ones that any freedom-loving American patriot can stand behind.

>Republicucks literally want Affirmative Action for rural retards who are afraid that they voices won't be heard so they make a system where they silence other people's votes to achieve it

Why not give a quarter of Federal electoral votes and Representatives to Native American reservation, seeing how the whole "I DON'T WANT THOSE DAMN CITY FOLK TELLING ME WHAT TO DO!" means they should have more voting power.

>implying an american has any duty to engage with, inform, or represent a fucking foreigner


>>And meanwhile the essence of Germany is being systematically destroyed, and even expressing concern at it will land you in prison. But go ahead, keep fighting over scraps and debating what (((they))) tell you is acceptable to debate. Argue over whether or not you want a 12% or 13% minimum tax. Cut down on drug restrictions. At least you have a CHOICE, right?

Obviously just getting your info from Sup Forums instead of a reliable source. Embarrassing.

>and even expressing concern at it will land you in prison

Untrue. The law cases you are probably referring to were about direct threats against persons (combined with the opinion you think lands you in jail). Threats have been illegal in Germany since the German state was founded in 1871.

>Argue over whether or not you want a 12% or 13% minimum tax.

The issue here is simple:
Nobody wants that. Germans are risk-averse and want their social systems.
Sure though, because the majority is not of your opinion, they must hold no power.
Kind of embarrassing to see that logic from you.

>Cut down on drug restrictions
You mean, the thing that is happening around now, because enough of the 60+ people died so that the majority now actually wants cuts in drug restrictions?
Again, badly informed.

Classic American!

Dont even get me started

What part of the country isn't "geographically based"?

This is because not everyone is equal but it means that small states get to influence the process and it was part of the agreement that allowed that smaller state, i.e. Montana/Wyoming, into the United States.

The problem with changing the system is that you then ignore these states and I'd imagine if they were ruled by urban areas on the coast then they'd be campaigning to secede. And yes, you can argue that secession is impossible, but never say never and if the whole state wants to leave then the federal government would have to go to extremes to stop them, like kill or persecute them. Just imagine the riots that'll spark? Other states will join in. Then you end up with most of your landmass in a state of persecution. GG faggot.

Honestly if we don't they will so as shitty as it is we're stuck with it.

>implying we actually give a fuck about "muh silencing other people"
>implying contemporary progressivism doesn't deserve to be silenced because it's fucking cancer

if we had it our way we'd just do public executions. democracy is more of a game and constraining system. The only reason we ever say "muh conservative and American principles" is to sufficiently placate normies. means nothing

>We're not going to start shooting or deporting black people for the very SIMPLE reason that their vote is worth the exact same as yours.
>However, the principles of self autonomy and a self-directed life are ones that any freedom-loving American patriot can stand behind.
Go back to plebbit, faggot. Whites have a right to exist and to assert that existence. Nothing entitles shitskins to white countries.

If (((freedom))) means the loss of white identity, then fuck it. And topkek if you think the darkies are going to EVER embrace small government.

"Excluding all the unopposed incumbants".

You lost me in one fucking sentence, that's a new record for shitty argumentation. You don't get to exclude them just because it makes your argument stronger. Fuck off.

Want to get real mad? Look how much tax money goes to it. I don't care what side of the argument you are on, spending taxes on this "re districting" is wasteful.

Germany's the biggest argument against democracy there is right now.

both parties do it dipshit

Democracy has led us to this point you dumb fuck and it will always led us to t h is point no matter what. You have to be some civic nationalist cuck or neocon of some kind because there is no one in there right mind that is Red pilled would say democracy works. It fucking doesn't open your ducking EYES

>walks around in a Confederate flag
>expects to be taken seriously

You're the only kind of person that is more assblasted about losing in war than we Germans are.

Pretty sure all of those are dem.

Tell me more lies about my system of government Abdullah

>wants to start a political career (and i may be wrong in this part) based on commonly accepted ideas discussed on Sup Forums
>is afraid to introduce himself to Sup Forums

There are millions of neets here wailing for someone who represents them in washington

Strong and stable argument.

That's the point. You connect strongholds of the opposing party so that they don't threaten to take away the districts they would be in. This way they win one district at best while you win all others.

This. What in the fuck is this retard doing here? Who comes here and still has that amount optimism ? What in the flying fuxk is wrong with these idiots. They need to fuxking lurk moar

And yet Germany is still a terrible example of democracy. No one wants that.

what are you even talking about? have you even read a single political theory book, or made a single good faith effort to develop a political philosophy that extends beyond >BUT SOME PEOPLE ARE BROWN!!!!!!!!!!

America is governed by RULE OF LAW. White people have a right to exist because all people have a right to exist. White people have a right to their property, and for it not to be seized because of ">muh gubmint programs" because ALL people in America have a right to their property.

You still have failed to mention ONE THING you want but don't have, or ONE RIGHT you have that isn't being reflected by the Constitution.

Until you can learn how to use words to describe WHAT YOU WANT, then how can you expect any politicians give it to you?

The only thing you even hint at is nonwhite genocide, and I'm sorry but it doesn't make me the bad guy just because I'm smart enough to realize that isn't really in the cards.

>Dems control just some settlements
>Somehow think they should control what they do not understand

>has no argument
>still thinks he's right

Classic Confederate.



I knew Europeans were stupid, but are you really SO stupid that I have to explain that leaders get elected by their geographic constituents and not by foreigners on Sup Forums?

Are you so stupid that you don't understand that revealing your power level is a death sentence for entry-level political leaders?

Are you really so stupid that you don't think I won't give you a fake name just to shut you up, and you will literally never know the difference?

>And yet Germany is still a terrible example of democracy.

What? How so?

>people educated in politics should leave so that I can continue thinking I have any clue what I'm talking about

YOU are the normie

The fact that Merkel is still running things is all the argument I need.

In 2012
Seven Republicans were unopposed
Only four Democrats were unopposed

>Obviously just getting your info from Sup Forums instead of a reliable source. Embarrassing
Okay, explain the flaw. The US was 90% white just 50 years ago. That's Germany right now, complete with hordes of shitskins and declining birthrates of whites.
>combined with the opinion you think lands you in jail
Then explain your laws on (((Volksverhetzung))). You can't say that Germany should stay ethnic German.

>Sure though, because the majority is not of your opinion, they must hold no power.
>Kind of embarrassing to see that logic from you.
This is exactly what I'm talking about. You can manipulate people--if I get a blind man to sign away his life's savings to me, I can't just say it's "his will" and be done with it. The people are brainwashed into destroying themselves, and you have the gall to say it is THEIR choice? Explain any other instance in history where people independently decided to eliminate their own existence.

>You mean, the thing that is happening around now, because enough of the 60+ people died so that the majority now actually wants cuts in drug restrictions?
It's just an example, Hans. The point is, these are fleeting issues. Political opinions and feelings change but genetics and heritage, those are irrecoverable losses. And you're saying that giving away something so priceless is worth the mere illusion of a choice in mundane issues. It's disgusting, but more so deeply saddening. You genuinely believe it, which is all the more horrific.

You know what, you're right. If Tyrone ever breaks into my home and tries to kill my family, I'll just read him the Preamble to the Constitution, and we can be Proud Americans.
God, I love that Freedom. Especially because I live around (((DC))), where so much as looking at a gun for self-defense gets you on a hate list. BUT IT'S THE PEOPLE'S WILL, SO I LOVE IT.

Fuck off.

>60 %
And still no wall or actual mass deportation from Drumpf

Then tell us how to create a white ethnostate democratically. Your argument amounts to "because your beliefs aren't possible to implement, you should adopt more acceptable beliefs to have your beliefs represented."
Literally communist-tier.

The 2nd amendment is IN the constitution, retard. How could you be so stupid as to not realize this?

I still have no idea what you WANT me to do. I can't represent you if you won't even tell me what you want, you fucking retarded faggot.

Have fun being bitter on Sup Forums while I make this country great again. Your neetbucks will be one of the first things to go and you'll have to enter the real world.

I would like to point out that because of the return of real democracy here, we have had
>An EU referendum
>An AV referendum
>A Scottish independence referendum

You should hope she will for some time to come, because she plans to become the first female UN secretary general once she's no longer chancellor. I reckon it won't be quite as easy for the US to shove the UN aside with our Angela in charge.

That's exactly my argument.

Your opinions about what to do as a country should include POSSIBLE things, not impossible things.

If your beliefs are "I believe America should reestablish itself as a moon colony," then yes, you should consider tweaking your beliefs to be something that is at least in the realm of possibility.

Did you REALLY need me to explain this to you? Are you so stupid that you don't realize the impossible is impossible?

Eat shit an die you cock sucker.
I hope republicans drive you fuckers into extinction.

Go to hell you sack of shit.

It's almost like every single political group that is currently in a seat of power does this. They only raise hell when shit they've done for nearly the past decade gets used against them

Because they have the media in their pockets

can't gerrymander a national election

>it's a bad democracy if my opinion isn't the one the majority supports


220mil of 308mil white is a pretty reasonable number considering the low birth rate of US whites.

The issue is not shitskins getting shipped in. It's ghettofication.
And, yeah, the US is terrible at preventing that, but that's a US flaw, not a German flaw so you will see the difference easily.

>Then explain your laws on (((Volksverhetzung))). You can't say that Germany should stay ethnic German.

Proof? Only going AGAINST others is legally included. Not going FOR somebody.

>This is exactly what I'm talking about. You can manipulate people--if I get a blind man to sign away his life's savings to me, I can't just say it's "his will" and be done with it. The people are brainwashed into destroying themselves, and you have the gall to say it is THEIR choice? Explain any other instance in history where people independently decided to eliminate their own existence.

What a ridiculous argument. You can and do manipulate people in all kinds of government. What do you expect?

>It's just an example, Hans. The point is, these are fleeting issues. Political opinions and feelings change but genetics and heritage, those are irrecoverable losses. And you're saying that giving away something so priceless is worth the mere illusion of a choice in mundane issues. It's disgusting, but more so deeply saddening. You genuinely believe it, which is all the more horrific.

You give examples that mean jackshit and then you go on and say "it's just examples" without proper new examples. May it be because you have not even anecdotal evidence of the things you believe?
Quite saddening. Pathetic, rather.

Why? I'm not as bitter and spiteful as the average defeatist Euro it seems. I dont want to see your country destroyed just because America might receive some minor short term benefit out of it. Not that a Europe overrun with mudslimes and niggers is in the best interests of the US or anyone else mind you.

>The issue is not shitskins getting shipped in. It's ghettofication.
great logic

There's an entire range of white ethnostates in Europe, and not a single one of them is worth living in. Also, whoa, aren't you an edgy motherfucker.