Feudalism is Officially Back

Wealth Mobility has moved down to 0 in America. Think about it, if someone is poor there is no possible way to get out of poverty today, and there's no possible way to become rich now in America. America has brought back Feudalism. I don't know why so many people don't see that this is the result of capitalism.

That is good. Read Alexis de Tocqueville.

>came from an aristocratic norman family

> communist
> disguised as UN
> doesn't even have the guts to use the commie flag

I am a compassionate capitalist. Enjoy your strawman BAN

here's another one for you to try, compassionate user
saged again

Enjoy ban

so you are butthurt cause mommy and daddy had a lot of money and now with the crisis you have to move your ass and do something useful with your life to keep that wealthy level.
booo hooo,you crying bitch

>wahhh wahhh we live in a socialist country spain wahhh wahh fuck da EU wahhh boo hoo

Stop crying you whiner.

not here.

As long as you graduate highschool you have a 10% chance of being in the 1% in your lifetime bro.

LoL what an intelligent response.
face it,life isnt going to be easier in a long long time.
so do something useful and get some money.
after all,people are geting dumber every day,you dont have too much compentence.

>Think about it, if someone is poor there is no possible way to get out of poverty today,
Bull shit.

Family household income 21,000 dollars
Go to 4 year college with IT degree - total debt 48,000
Get job earning 65,000 out of college.

Fuck off

No it isn't, America has never been feudal and it never will be
>If you're poor you can't get out of it
Sorry eurocuck but that simply idnt true, here you can definitely get out of your economic stsnding

People DO know that this is the result of (((capitalism))), that's why they elected a man like Trump into power, as although he is not a fascist, it is the start of us bringing back prosperity to the USA and attacking the elites who keep us and the world in abject poverty.

Feudalism doesn't exist because feudalism was a LEGAL system. Not every hierarchy = feudalism. For instance in the Middle Ages peasants were still relatively free while they became much more oppressed in the 16. century

because everyone who mentions it gets called jealous.
divide and conquer works very well, the working class is fighting itself while the rich live in another world.


No actually since i have no future in this country. I am graduating highschool soon (yes im 18) but what's after that? Homelessness

Jordan Peterson said IQ is rising drastically. You have people from India with ultra high IQs immigrating

Except if you're powerful enough to get into College then you don't even need the degree it's giving you.


>ITT: delusional poorfags
every time

How are we delusional?


>not having grit
>not living homeless (camping in a secluded area [rooftop, forest, etc]) or in a cuckshed in a family member's backyard for a few years
>not getting a skill that has good prospects for the coming years that'll take decades to automate
>not saving a shit ton while working and being frugal
>expecting life to be easy
>implying all wealthy families don't have origins being poor (from 30 years ago to 200+ years ago)
>not going through attrition
If you were born a poorfag, your parents weren't disciplined to save a few grand a year so you would have at least several ten's of thousands of dollars in funds to set to you up for adulthood
Mobility is absolutely possible; foresight, discipline, frugalness, delayed gratification, humility, attrition and researching will help you. Go to your local fast food joint and tell me if those cashiers/clerks deserve to not to be poor while hearing them chat with each other;
>damn cuh, wuddit do cuz?
>oh hell yeah nigga, I don fucked that big booty THOT mane
>nigga, I'm a pimp N sheeeit, like dat nigga Don Juan
>hell naw I dint use no rubber
>bitch betta use dat pill muhfuckah
>sheeeeit, I can't afford to get muh 5th child N sheeeeit
>sheeeeit, I gotz 3 baby mommas already cuh

That's a lie.
As is every statement saying "immigrants higher iq" based on what?
Feelings obviously.

Why don't you just save up and buy things gradually instead of expecting your life to be fixed all at once? In America you get more free shit as one person than 5 people have to actually break their backs working for in my country for example.

>If you were born a poorfag, your parents weren't disciplined to save a few grand a year so you would have at least several ten's of thousands of dollars in funds to set to you up for adulthood

not having a trust fund makes you a poorfag now?

For fuck sake... even if both parents were working minimum wage, earning a minimum of $30k together and saved $1k each (not includng grandparents from both sides, meaning it would've been a higher figure) that can be $36k by the time the child is 18.
>but if that child has many siblings?
Well, that's just irresponsible, isn't?
Now just imagine if the father is getting $14 in hour and the mother is getting $11 at the very least, with the ocassional help of their parents too?
That can amount to $60k+

>West has less regulated, more capitalistic economy, more economic mobility.
>West heavily regulates that to make it less capitalistic and more socialistic, less economic mobility.

Clearly this is the fault of capitalism.

So he's better than you?

>Except if you're powerful enough to get into College then you don't even need the degree it's giving you.
This is the type of bullshit thinking is why you stay poor.

Stay poor my friend, just don't say you can't pick yourself up.