What happened to that spic?

What happened to that spic?

Isn't he an arab actually?

he's like barely 5 feet and got schwashed

he deded

He got an Asian pussy and made enough money to retreat

a paki


>"ray william johnson"
>not white
nice divide and conquer, schlomo

He watched one of his own videos and necked himself.

didn't either us or Sup Forums try to accuse him of pedophilia as a prank a few years back?

I feel like I remember making memes but it was several hard drive fails ago

He's making retarded Vlogs

looks like kek remembers too

I think he made shit indie flicks, probably just living the good life whilst being economically independent by now

You can only make lame jokes about other people's content for so long before the existential hole that is your life starts consuming you

>whatup youtube youtube youtube it's custom grow 420

t. deluded spic who thinks he is white

I literally never laughed at anything he did. It's like adult comedy for 12 year olds. He's not very funny



I never watched him, but yea I think he just had a one-shot at fame. Also the fact that he is short really doesn't help him.

Is everyone that isn't A4 printer paper white a churka to you mongoloids?

His channel was the proto 'React video'
As soon as modern reaction videos started to come up there was no reason to watch a RWJ video of it.

He was on a decline and just retired to live a comfy life I am sure rather then change the content of his channel to something that new youtube would like to see.

it was more like proto-toshporno

Well initially his content was ok. Then it got steadily more boring, and the same over and over again. His girlfriend, a talent less hack, funneled some of his money into a garbage movie called Riley rewind or some shit whatever its called. During this same time as subscribers peaked he hired more staff for his youtube show, which didn't increase it's quality. Basically his show was stagnating and becoming annoying, which lead to many to stop watching it. Then youtube stopped paying content creators as much, leading to the advertisement push, followed by further waves of demonetization.
Basically, He had an ok webshow that got worse, tried to expand, had youtube cut funding, without quality increase no one directly funded him.

>didn't either us or Sup Forums try to accuse him of pedophilia
I distinctly remember Sup Forums trying to do this to multiple youtubers, spamming stuff in the comments a while back.
shit was hilarious.

He starting having youtube take down videos of people who posted the same videos he stole, but without his commentary. Was funny in an "only I can steal other peoples stuff" king of way.