10000 casuals march

English football firms march against Islam. Msm blackout


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For those who don't know. It's a big deal that these firms who were only really from the south marched together without trouble.

Most of these men are street fighters

I like how he lets the guy get up before hitting him again. He isn't some nigger who just kicks him in the face as he is down.

Wrong video


>English football firms march against Islam. Msm blackout
do you have any additional information or op is a faggot


Good job UK

Keep up the marches


white trash marches against their replacements

news at 11

nobody cares, faggot. not our fault you can't get a job

someone educate me

>someone educate me
Looks at flag.


according to op that 2min vid is all that is known

Any videos of the antifaggots with piss and shit balloons? This is their latest tactic.

Sikh's are definitely bro tier .. theyve fought and bled and died for Britain.. whereas a Muslims allegiance is always to Isam and fellow Muslims first.. thats the difference.

would be offended but
In store with wife, can't watch

Yeah we have seen that in France :D British hooliganism is not a thing anymore. Tho kudos for those who marched, it was about time.

lower primate tier

what are casuals? anything like ultras?

Praying for brits. You are doing great. Buy ships and become Pirates again

I hope these bigots get fucked up

i-it's going to be d-different in russ-russia i-i swear guys :^)


>with wife
Get out of here you fucking boomer

Sup Forums has a huge anti sikh thing going on, despite sikhs being the most integrated immigrants and the best kebab removers around. It's probably the jews or the muslims behind it all but i can't be sure.

Islam means submission to God, Sikh means disciple who leanrs. Islam they are just looking for the quickest route to heaven and killing non believers is a very quick route. Sikhs have nothing like this.

>muh civic nationalism

Fuck off. Sikhs aren't BRITISH.

I love sikhs too, I know plenty of quality guys that are Sikh, but also this:

We are on an international image board, and you still argue against operating with other ethics to archive a shared goal?

>image board
>real life countries
When did the leaf faggot argue against operating with other ethics to achieve a shared goal? If Sikhs want to stay in the UK, an ethnostate wouldn't be much of a shared goal, now would it?

>muh reactionary muslim bashing
>muh kosher civic nationalism

You need to question the nature of multiculturalism itself.

You should view their political and intellectual activity through the lens of self-preservation.

Even Sihks like this guy who express overtly anti-immigrant and anti-muslim views, appear not as dissidents going against the grain in siding with native British but rather as a reflection of their growing concern about importing large number of individuals with a historical animosity against Sikhism.

>Fuck off. Sikhs aren't BRITISH.
neither are you

I agreed with you, what's your problem

It's about time British Hooligans stood up against these islamic swine fucks. Look at Greece they've been infested with those muslim fucks for almost 20 years now where are their major terrorist attacks? Their hooligans keep em in check.

im not sure you are

"theyve fought and bled and died for Britain"

Cucks or mercs. Fuck them


Sup Forums does not. It's just the stormfags. Sikhs are bro's. When India was under British Rule the sikh regiment was one the the worlds most decorated. They have like 15 victoria crosses.

>united against extremism
too blurry
it should have been something like united against islam, which is direct and doesn't push the false distinction between moderate terrorist and radical terrorist

Sikh's have done more for your country than you. They had a whole battalion wiped out in Gallipoli

>English football firms march against Islam

So happy to see the English finally growing a pair.

You bastards used to rule the world. Show us again what you're made of. God speed you stout little island.

>English football firms
What is that? Is that a different way to say soccer club?

yeah, the same.
the 80's were the peak time for Casuals & English Football Hooliganism. these days the numbers of Casuals is a tiny % of a football crowd, double figures or such.

Is Britain on the way to conquering the world again (minus the USA)?

I feel the Eternal Anglo rising


>Sup Forums has a huge anti sikh thing going on

not really. I'm white and sikhs are pretty alright, I have no problem with poos in general but fuck Pakis.

Based UK.

Tommy Robinson is a pretty based cunt - mad balls. We need more Tommy Robinsons.

fuck muslims period

poo in loos
white balktic ones
those persions slimes
and the arabic goat fuckers

Sikhs are Based and Brotier

Gangs of football fans that meet up solely to kick the shit out of each other at football games. As OP said, it's extremely rare for them to be within 10 miles of each other and not fight as these firms hate each other.

No problem with Sikhs.
You're fake news.