Why is India mocked so much? They have a space program and their economy is booming

Why is India mocked so much? They have a space program and their economy is booming.

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You know what it is, OP. Come on, you can say it. It's easy!



>meme cancer response

go eat indian shit you cuck brit

Fuck off OP.
Everyone gets shit here.

We don't need such threads. We're more than happy with Sup Forums and how they treat us.

>pajeet shitting on ahmed for his brown-nosing attempts

I love it.

They need to stay in india

Their women aren't bad looking either.

Because they are disgusting, ugly, talk retarded even if they learn english, garbage cuisine and they can't even poo in loo.

i just came to this thread for indian feet pics

In space, no one can hear you POO IN LOO!


>1 billion+ people that cant use a fucking toilet, the most basic of human functions

I wonder




is there a tastier way to die than by eating indian street food from a vender ?

Northern Indians are white and hot, Southern Indians are fucking ugly as hell. I don't care if they're the more developing part of the country. My God they look horrible.

Yeesh. I still have dreams about my Indian ex feet in my face


Fuck your stupid.
Booming economy- majority lives in poverty.
Under your measurements 10 people could run the economy and it would be a success cause muh economic boom.

brown people are ugly, and they smell funny

Every country is mocked here.

Britbongs are mocked for their Muslim problem, bad teeth, generally looking ugly.

Burgers are mocked for being obese, tipping constantly etc.

French are mocked for being cheese eating surrender monkeys.

Germans are mocked for being soulless automatons that don't care about their women being raped by invaders.

Swedes are mocked for being effeminate cuckolds that willingly prep the bull for their wives.

Argo's are mocked for not being white.

Turks are cockroaches.

>brown-nosing India

as a funny smell, i take offense at your comment

Because of this:

Welp, I'm a footfag now..

meant for


North Korea has a space program (called NADA). Does that make them the same as NK?

Because your people are like cockroaches.

Also poo in the loo.

half paki half white

more feet pics please

Designated Shitting Streets

Hnnng so fit
Showing some toe too

French are being mocked for being ISLAMIC cheese eating surrender monkeys*

Nice war bride

mmmmm nicee

(((they don't like competetion)))

she would look better in a form fitting burka

Too black. Now I'm gay.


>Being a leaf makes you gay by default

Day of the rake soon

In India you be lucky as hell to make $100 a month. You can literally thank geshnu if you find 4 rupees on the street. But don't worry cucks, Pakistan has a plan to keep India in check



These fuckers don't even bathe. Smell like ass. They have a low IQ generally

Poo boi pussy anyone?

India receives foreign aid:


" India was the sixth largest recipient of foreign aid (official development assistance) in 2011 and continues to be one of the highest recipients. According to the data on World Bank’s website, it received $3.2 billion in 2011, $1.6 billion in 2012 and $2.4 billion in 2013. The top donors have been- World Bank, Japan, Germany, Asian Development Bank, United Kingdom, France, Global Fund (to fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria), United States and European Union."

And : dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3344693/Britain-s-ballooning-foreign-aid-bill-12billion-budget-40-times-bigger-1970s-giving-cash-India.html

"Britain's aid budget to India shot up by £10million last year, despite a pledge to stop funding the booming nation.

India – a country wealthy enough to afford its own space programme – is now the second-highest recipient of UK aid, behind only Ethiopia.

Latest figures show that in 2014, India was handed £279million, up from £269million the year before as the fourth largest recipient."



>5 useless countries

>"superpower soon"


I take my earlier comment back

>being swedish

take your footfag shit to Sup Forums


they need to do something about the corpses floating down the river and poo in the loo. Than maybe we will upgrade your status

I'm offended that you're offended.

Japanese food from a vendor; like sushi, late in the afternoon . ..

Probably the main reason is India is often compared to China and China has more population, better economy, bigger space program, etc.

India is great, but China is just greater in many disciplines that are hailed by internet.

India seems better in things like spirituality/mysticism which are less look into by modern people using internet...

They do produce a lot of Western doctors. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing though...

>india is great

>1 billion people who cant shit properly

>disgusting infrastructure and facilities


>a space program
and when will they send a man to space exactly? They send probe to Mars, thats good, but whats the point if you can't send one human up?

There's shit everywhere, even in their wikipedia articles:



And yet they can't seem to poo in the loo...

>ugly as fuck scaly feet
How can punjab women even compete?

Fun fact Indians are asain with shitskin.


Fully erect

Because poo goes in the loo.

I spelled Asian wrong


Pajeet detected

Indian women are extremely ugly. And fat.

how fucking disgusting must that ocean be by now?


that chick is hot

Indian detected

>hello, dis is stebe from microsopt, you hab a birus on your computah

Can't poo in loo apparently

mmmm would be loving to taste that footpussy !

I've heard there is a meme about indian defecating outdoor

At least they won't have to fit toilets



I wonder how much shit those feet have waded through and it makes me seriously reconsider my foot fetish.

> I'm not a pissed off and indignant Indian I swear

For fucks sake Pajeet you could at least try and hide it. Smart Indians are like 0.000002% of your population and the rest are inbred designated street shitters. North or South India, your entire country smells like what I imagine what the gaping, open asshole of what a dead person might smell like.


>They have a space program
that launches glorified bricks into shitty orbits on top of western technology. Amazing.
>and their economy is booming
It's amazing what's possible without regulation.

I love these calls. I put on my best befuddled old person voice and ask how I can clear the virus from my windows and how much Windex I have to use. When they start talking about computers I ask about the apple symbol on the back of my screen etc etc. Sometimes they're on this weird call center software that won't let them hang up until I do first and when that happens it's even better.

lol how the fuck did someone convince her to let them take that picture


you people still shit on the floor and sacrifice people


It's equality here with getting shit on

The more you fight it, the more you get. Finland figured it out by learning to make fun of themselves.

I need to know myself
Would she mind a quick toe suck

>Poor people need help

What's your point, fattie?

How do you smell funny? What the fuck am I looking at,are you one of those #MAGA pedes who chimp out on a BASED black commando youtube channel of KEKistan.

It could be a lot worse, you guys could be lousy Canadians. :(


Fuck flag fail...oh ID would be same..n-never mind.