>Our nations are gathering for the upcoming threat from outer space
Which kind of threat, why making such a ruckus recently?
Just what the hell is going on up there, how much aren't they telling us??
Link: youtu.be
>Our nations are gathering for the upcoming threat from outer space
Which kind of threat, why making such a ruckus recently?
Just what the hell is going on up there, how much aren't they telling us??
Link: youtu.be
Other urls found in this thread:
He's talking about weaponizing outer-space, not aliens.
Not a threat FROM space, rather the threat of ICBMs that get reconfigured to target military satellites instead of making that hyperbolic trajectory to another continent.
This has been wargamed IRL and embedded into video games ever since the 90s, possibly sooner.
Why weaponize it?
to stop illegal aliens
>The United States possesses more space weaponry than any other country
>Russia reveals new generation satellite to fight war in space
>Russia lost all of its early warning satellites in the spring of 2014.
Could it maybe be related to this?
What if that is correct?
the point is that space is becoming a viable source of threats from other nations, retard.
>tfw born too late to be a Space Marine
those are satellites in the video. Seen that shit since the 80's especially up here where there are no city lights. God people are retarded.
Is this one of these threads?
Reminds me of one of those shooped Cockmongler faces.
What could this threads be?
Not related to the thread, but since when does satelites blink that way?
That's where this threads ought to be
In all seriousness is there anything I can do to prepare for this or are we all fucked so I should just enjoy my life until September?
Trumps making Space Marines a reality.
Has nothing to do with aliens, you fucking faggot.
You could get waivered if the Space Corps were ever actually needed. I am 40 and still ARNG. I can stay in until I am 45.
This isn't paranormal, it is news and political related.
The truth is, nothing lasts forever everything will come to an end.. just live your life to the fullest and don't try to think about it.
What the USAF means by this, is that they know China is developing "Satellite killer" missiles, and when our GPS goes down, so does our whole war machine. They're begging for $ to defend our military sats.
>put nuke into space
>detonate it over country
>now everyone is starving and rioting
There is no way we don't already have some sort of 'space defense'
Satellites are extremely important to the military, and the ability to protect your own and threaten others is an enormous advantage. ICBMs also must fly through the stratosphere to reach their target, so the key to stopping them is in space. Nukes detonated in space also create huge EMPs within the earths elctro magnetic field, and just a few nukes can disable every satellite in orbit.
The US already has a huge leg-up in this regard, as our satellites are protected from EMPs.
Well, why would anyone want a nuke? It creates a balance of power to, hopefully, keep countries from destroying each other
You better not be shitting me aliens! I just invested in some shitty crypto currency thats gonna make me a gazillionaire, so fuck off with your spaceships!
but what about orcs
And, I imagine it being model on the Marine Corps. "Normal" Marines -> ANGLICO -> Recon Marines -> Marine Raider Regiment(MARSOC).
Its cute how they hashtag random words like #space
Or you can wait until it gets silently dropped like every other Sup Forums "happening". When's that star gorging on the clay, guys?
based muslim. Please understand that he takes these things very seriously, so the hostile demeanor. Also, pls don't bomb me.
Why couldnt i be born an american. You burger are lucky, you literally can be space cadets. FUUUUUUUUUUck , this is unfair.
The guy that makes these videos sounds like the stereotypical nerd in their mothers basement, wearing a tinfoil hat on their head as they talk with that nasally nerd voice. Jesus christ I can't take him seriously.
That's fake news, propaganda from Russians and hippies. Russians don't have the money the US has to maintain their nuclear arsenals, so they use propaganda and try to strike deals with the US to get us to willingly downsize our arsenal while they are forced to do anyways. The EMP effects felt on earth are much more localized and modest than the propaganda makes it out to be, but there is a very big consequence in space. The real EMP would be generated among the earths field in outer space, and just a few nukes could disable almost all the satellites in space.
America has the advantage here though, as our satellites are designed to be resistant to EMPs.
>Threat from outer space'
You're either the dumbest cunt going, which is entirely possible going from your flag, or creating a distraction thread.
For anyone else reading the threat is from weapons located in space. Rods from God, Oribatl Bombardment Platforms.
Sage you cunt.
>air force
Don't these retards know there is no air in space?
Fucks sake, these fucking gubberment types have cooked up some kinda half human hybrid that they'll claim is alien.
Stop believing the Mason lies about our universe, ever wonder why we're not drilling for oil in Antarctica?
at least the 80s you fucking commie piece of shit
Like pic related
Fucking rods sent from outer space will be as damaging as nukes, without the fallout.
>Lmaos reveal themselves because Trump was elected
truly the best timeline
Wow what is up with all the personal attacks, maybe he did post something that shouldn't be known to the public.
>from outer space
>in space
you are literally rewording shit to make it seem like the threat is from space when they are talking about earth nation fighting in space because we have assets up there and are always launching more
also, all of our ICBM's travel through space during a phase before re-entry
I can't handle this fucking timeline anymore
Ain't a murican either, and i imagine being a space marine isn't really like dancing on roses
Hey you found the actual pic!
What exaclty do you mean with "this timeline?
Fake, a dude from a discord group that i am in made this
you drumpfkins actually believe we going to get alien disclosure during a DRUMPF presidency?
They said conflict in space, ie an actual engagement, not some fucking satellites or emps.
That now legendary space pepe pic is actually two motherships and a fleet. It is moving, so it's not saturn like some thought it was.
Just make sure you make the lord a part of that life.
Part of this is the switch to private space development. You may not have realized it but a big part of NASA was being prepared for space warfare. Like needing to get into space and back down real quick. A big part of it was so much more expensive then the new stuff. Now that NASA is taking a back seat your going to see the military develop its own space arm.
more info
>That now legendary space pepe pic is actually two motherships and a fleet. It is moving, so it's not saturn like some thought it was.
nuff said faggots. prepare yourselves for the coming of ayy's
They are getting ready for the greatest false flag of all time. The alien invasion.
Hmm never heard about that one, interesting.
Project blue beam? When will it start?
The leaf is right.
Anyone who's read the JOE2035 report knows that the US DoD plans on space-based warfare. It means we'll probably put magnetic accelerator canons in space to replace nuclear arms as the mutually assured destruction weapon of choice and build spaceship drones to attack enemy satellites.
I sitll hope it's aliens though.
Related to this by any chance?
I mean, it is "muh anonymous" so it could literally be fuck all.
There really is much talk about ayy lmaos everywhere recently.. something is up that's for sure
>We can't defend ourselves against the Muslim hordes
>But, I sure bet we can defend ourselves against highly-advanced alien beings who are capable of interstellar travel, amirite?
>What exaclty do you mean with "this timeline?
I do believe that the ameriburger was referencing the "Mandela effect".
Trump is going to beat the "nonviolent ETI" asses and take zero point energy from them is what he's gonna do
We need to rid the covenant scum from the milky way
Thank god Im a newtype
This isn't real right??
Shutter Flash through light gathering chip. Like the DIAMOND in older shutter flash. PLS try harder OP or just be a HUGE FAG. XB-37b drop bombs from space, yes I'm sure the USAF wants that, but the answer might be a nuke!!
I hope this is real desu.
Dissuades my fears of world war 3. I'd love it if it happened in space and not on earth.
I plan to join the aliens to help them enslave all of humanity.
You are all fucked.
The ayylmaos have turned on the jewlluminati cabal, since they have turned their allegiance to me instead. All who oppose my reign will be eliminated without exception. The (((airforce))) is trying to protect themselves and their (((masters))), whom they are deeply in pizzabed with, and they will go down with (((them))).
So, do I have a better chance of joining the Air Force and signing up for Space Academy and actually becoming a space pilot or playing one in Star Citizen?
I'm not sure which one will be ready first.
Why do you think it is not true? And why do you think it is about aliens? US will have conflict in space will be with us.
Could foreigners join the space corps like they can the military now? I'd totally do that.
No. You had to have played Halo multiplayer and hit level 50 on at least one account to be eligible for Space Command.
>mfw I was a sonyfag
If only it was to fight aliens but it will be to shit on other countries only.
I for one welcome our new ant overlords
>Dissuades my fears of world war 3.
What if WW3 is caused by the aliens though?
Wow, a neet from mommy's basement is gonna give out all secrets conquering aliens should know
false ay flag imcoming.
NWO will begin XD
when we are forced to liberate Europe in a few decades you can join
Don't link anything from secureteam, they are Ayy lmao hunters.
Let's speculate for a bit.
If somehow NASA detected incoming object and determined it to be of artificial origin, we are fucked. If that would be a real space ship coming to our solar system, it would be massive, like a city. We have no means of stopping it nor destroying such thing. It's anti asteroid point defense system will take down any missile we can launch.
Good thing, they would not be coming for resources, their solar system would have enough anyway. That is just a stupid hollywood movie scenario.
So, they would be either sending a massive behemoth of a ship to say hi, or to purge the system.
Again, we are fucked. Another good thing that it's just a stupid rumor on Internet made by bored neet.
Well in that case all or nothing. No other options left, and i ain't being no fucking species traitor. If die, at least i can die fighting some aliens or some shit.
That's why we are departing from the moon
Its Star Wars, memba
The Airforce has stated they do not want to make a new branch at this time since the resources for it do not meet what it would need. That rumor is purely from some house bill that senators are talking about. Not even the Airforce itself.
Spread democracy in extraterrestrial unions having high oil deposits when
In short
Satellites are easy targets and if some fucking ruskie decides to go all out and destroy GPS satellites most everyone would be fucked and we'd have to change main tactics as we would need to rely on people rather than instruments
Gotta arm ourselves against the space jews before it's too late like with the earth jews.
What they are saying is that countries have the ability to send shit into space, and as the leader of the world we need to budget for complete control of it.
Not a neet. Just a person that wants to see all of humanity enslaved. My payment will be to know everyone suffered.
My life for them.