What's going on here? Is this supposed to win the rust belt in 4 years or something??
Opinions on the "Just things humans do" Tour 2017?
Didn't he state recently he is not going to run in 2020?
It looks like he's planning to do it though.
How do you do fellow humans?
>haha look at me eat these eggs with this black guy
>totally like you average Americans eating eggs
>not in anyway uncomfortable with these people I flipped burgers in HS so I know what it's like
*guys an entire villa on a remote beach and tears down every house but his and then builds a massive wall to keep everyone out*
"dude we just need to tax the rich and give it to poor people LMAO"
I wonder how much is he spending with publicists and speech writers
Dude, if you tell Barron this, he will *nod in peace and shame* and wonder "Fucking normie book autists"
Word on the street is he never actually was there, it's just a photoshopop.
Frighteningly believable.
Wow. Is this how he prepares for his future campaign?
Notice how Silicon Valley is actively trying to get self driving trucks on the road, so Zuckerberg meets with truckers to give the appearance he cares when they're jobless.
Filthy fucking half breed lizards. Looked down upon by the truebloods and humans alike.
>I pretended to be a human being
>Vote for me
Cuckerberg is trying to convince people to like him before he runs. But he sucks at trying to be an average American
MARK! Buddy, you're a shifty, unlikeable fuck. You think you can win the presidency with some clever plan but you're uncharismatic and creepy, not leader material
I'd never vote for someone who sells my information to the CIA, DHS, and NSA. Fuck that kike.
You're a smart cookie, here's your (You.)
Hopefully he realized how much of a piece of shit he is and is actually trying to do something good, because there is no way he even comes close in 2020, or ever.
Let him waste his sheckles.
America won't vote for an east coast kike.
Humans do wonderful things.
It's a test run.
As we speak, Facebook's algorithms are monitoring the response to Zuckerburg's trip on Facebook, Twitter, and yes, even Sup Forums.
Basically, if enough normies respond positively to it, he will continue to get deeper involved in politics.
If not, then he will simply re-craft his message and try again, because he has the money to do so.
He may not be "running," but there's a reason they use present tense--it's different than saying "I will not run."
If the numbers shift in his favor and it becomes profitable for him to run for office, then he will. It's a simple calculation.
Hillary vs Zuck
Who do you vote for?
It's basically just a bored rich dude who's never lived a normal hard working poor person's life. So ordinary shit that you and I know how to do/are use to, he's fucking amazed and surprised by it.
>Woooooooow! You mean you have to change the oil in your car yourself?! What does that even mean!? How long did you have to go to school to learn that?
Pic related, but more covert and sanctimonious
>It's basically just a bored rich dude who's never lived a normal hard working poor person's life wanting to see it like a family going to check out the zoo.
they're both dems so hilary would probably steal the nomination again
more please, this is good
Let's make Zuckerbergposting the next big meme
dying laughing at this
strawbies are the biggest meme right now freind.
Keep this thread going. Post more.
>Woah, people do other stuff than going to Ivy league colleges and running their own billion dollar web 2.0 companies how quaint!
Sides in orbit
Dummy, the suggestion is he's setting up for a political campaign by mingling among peasants.
This faggot kike is just now discovering shit I learned as a kid, since I'm an actual American who has traveled around the USA extensively because I actually care about MY country.
This potato faced cunt is a dyed in the wool globalist yid, just like all his relatives, duplicitous fork tongued charlatans.
*not posting the original
oh wow, he is just like me!
Maybe he's going to give stimulus to the rust belt and their unions right before a huge election;)
>biggest recipient of stimulus
>pay off to unions
They're made by MDE fans and posted to their site. They really hate the Zuck, one of their favorite things to lampoon.
Hillary is kim jong un then?
this can't be real
Goddamn, he really is a psychopath.
you know millions will vote for him
No they won't. Everyone already thinks he's a shithead.
He's extremely unlikable.
>Rich self-centered billionaire asshole is smart enough to pander to working class Americans and pretend to know what it's like to be them to try and win the Presidency
That'll never work.
Btw lads it's Zucc not zuck
it would be fun seeing him waste a record sum and lose to trump.
He left out "or to get some putain" and a picture of him sucking off an unwashed 300lb diabetic long haul driver at a glory hole
Well, Trump is basically white trash, except rich.
Zuckerberg on the other hand is an elite
An elite autist?
elite cuck faggot selling our lives to the cia nsa ect. was he born from a pod?
Hillary 100%
Zuck..There's something wrong about this kike...Too smart for sure.
If only there were some way, some magical way, to get people to vote for an otherwise unlikeable rich prick with no qualifications whatsoever.
If only somene could come up with something.
problem is, he has the propaganda potential of facebook behind him
>Opinions on the "Just things humans do" Tour 2017?
This fucking snake-skin kike piece of shit is out there expressing wonder at things the rest of us who actually WORK for a fucking living have known about since we were five.
What's so weird about Zuckerberg? He's a normal goy just like us.
had to be brazilian to choose hillary. vai tomar no seu cu
I grew up in Walcott where Iowa 80 is. Fun Fact: They sell beer at the Walcott little league baseball games. Good times growing up around there.
>Iowa 80
>small city
It's not THAT big ya dumb faggot.
His "I'm totally not campaigning for a 2020 election run" facebook posts remind me of Hillary's out-of-touch media relations.
I think this is just what naturally happens when the individual is so incredibly unlikeable that there's no way to get people to respect them without overbearing and almost oppressive mass advertising and psychological manipulation.
I wonder if he told the black guy to smile and act like theyre sharing a conversation