Memeball General thread, go.
Memeball General thread, go
inb4 poorly drawn stupid cringe maymay ball spammer (you know the guy)
Not a dublicate
when you're a puppet state of the us so you complain about them even though you are completely irrelevent and complicit
>When a country tries to buy oil in currencies other than the federal reserve notes
Christianity is a lie, but it is necessary to maintaining a society. Without religion the birthrate always declines, which makes your country dependent on immigration. that immigration can only come from countries that have an excess in population, which are almost always religious countries. Therefor atheism always destroys itself.
Based Mr.Bond
Same goes for you burger who lives in the most mocked country in history
swede on damage control
Said the country with terror attacks weekly now LOL
my favorite polandball
A bong on a high horse...
True, even though it might be unfair. And burgers are mocked everywhere not just Sup Forums.
Don't forget the kikes. The real kings of burgerland.
yes, "Obama" is such a common last name
I mean, it's legal.
>implying 2d = 3d
kys virgin weebs
>Jewish conspiracy
Yellow in AnCap, what is the blue one?
My friend, false belief doesn't give results. Read deuteronomy 28 and it shows you what happens to a nation when it doesn't follow God.
they're called picards, newfag
this thread is ifunny tier shit
There is a difference between being mocked out of jealousy and being mocked out of contempt, you fucking disgraceful faggot.
Kind of glossed over the broken treaties there desu
Says more about women than anything else desu.
Anarcho-transhumanism. Black slash implies anarchy. Transhumanism is all we wuz cyborgz and sheeeeeit.
For maximum confusion - pure blue is dem.
butt hurt
We tell virtually any country on Earth to jump, and they ask, "How high?" So if we're the most mocked, but you're all still our bitch, what does that make you?
Tldr, success breeds contempt.
America will be one of the first western nations to fall though. The latino's already want their own land and the blacks will follow soon after.
The USA is also the source of all the degeneracy in the western world.
>America will be one of the first Western nations to fall
And like everything else we do, you're going to follow suit.
>The latino's already want their own land and the blacks will follow soon after.
oh yeah and Europe is now full of millions of Muslims whose holy book promotes the killing of nonbelievers so theres that, not to mention us immigration (or maybe specifically refugee immigrants) is down 50%. Millions more are coming to "Eu"rope
Yeah, so?
Are you proud that your nation is responsible for the fall of western civilization?
Indeed, but that will polarize the population, which will more easily lead to nationalism/white separatism.
Europe is fucked when it comes to ideology, but America is fucked when it comes to genetics. ideologies can change over time, genetics can't.
We already went through the whole 'black get their own land' thing, we gave them massive block apartment buildings and free blocks of cheese and heroin. They nearly exterminated themselves so we moved them to what we now call "Detroit".
Are you proud that we're your sons? Guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
>being this delusion
Also I don't see anything wrong with that pic
Pointless non-political thread
Yeah, that makes it even worse. America is stuck with them forever, unless they can turn their emotions off and give blacks their own land, and then NOT interfere when they fuck up.
America is going to be one big mess of (racial) conflicts in the future. Imagine if a real war were to break out with Russia or something. Not many people would "loyal soldiers".
If an EMP would ever be dropped on an American city, it would just tear itself apart via looting, riots, separatists-groups,...
>Also I don't see anything wrong with that pic
Not having a national identity, which leads to a "melting pot" mentality.
>expecting anything from serbia to be funny
Shut the fuck up, faggot.
pres hoover you fuck
was this made in 2008 or something?
>when a defenseless country finds oil and immediately starts work on nuclear and chemical weapons and funding terrorism