Ok which one of you scamps did this?youtu.be
Securing the burned bacon-laden Quran with a hole drilled through it with handcuffs to a mosque makes the message stick i won't deny.
Ok which one of you scamps did this?youtu.be
Securing the burned bacon-laden Quran with a hole drilled through it with handcuffs to a mosque makes the message stick i won't deny.
Other urls found in this thread:
well done
Hur dur so edgy
absolutely haram
>thinking this is edgy in the slightest
Top story tonight on TOPNews people hate Muslims
next up this prepper is making…. and selling bacon bullets for the day of the rope.
back to you Cynthia
Decade old news. youtu.be
Waste of good bacon.
I "accidentally" drop bacon in the halal section sometimes
like this?
this does nothing, for it to be an offense a muslim has to voluntarily eat pork
even if you feed them pork as a trick, it does nothing
Implying that Pork is unclean to Muslims only if they know about it. What a fairy tale world they must live in. Aids only infects Homosexuals. See my point?
"hate crimes" are fucking stupid.
What you did there, I see it
That's a good start.
So getting back to the whole making the message stick thing. handcuffs will hold onto lots of things. Shooting the hole into the Quran would be more fitting anyway. Muslims certainly understand guns.
May allah inflict every type of cancer upon you
but the package is sealed you dumb mudslimes
this isnt true tho
Holy shit infidels are retarded don't they realize that muslims will burn this quran now anyway? after it has been touch by a filthy pork eating infidel the Quran has to be burned regardless ti dispose of
Seems like arson is the worst they can charge someone. Maybe intimidation.
Nah. Allah isn't some just and forgiving god of reason like YHWH was turned into after centuries of developing in Europe.
In Islam, the world exists at Allah's pleasure, and he can decide to end it at any time. You only get into heaven if you please Allah, and he can decide to damn you forever for any reason or no reason. You are trying to PERSUADE Allah to let you in. Just being "good" or having good intentions (as understood by Islam) is no guarantee of making the cut.
You praise Allah because you fear him. If this sounds bad, that's because you're using your puny human intellect. Regardless of how you feel about anything or what you think, Allah is the ultimate power. If he wanted 2+2 to equal 5 tomorrow, he'd make it so, and no matter how hard you calculated or what proofs you tried to apply to prove the world you knew before is still real, you'd always come up with 2+2=5. So you may as well ***submit***.
Islam is the religion of unconsciousness, slipping softly away, back into our animalistic past. I think that's part of why Europe's elite are so intent on establishing it. Postmodern to their core, they took the normie's rejection of Marxism as the ultimate betrayal, and now they just want it all to END. They now see western civilization, with its attendant conscientiousness, existentialism, even being aware of your existence at all, as a bad thing. They see Islamization as a return to innocence, wiping humanity off the face of the earth by evolving into something else.
If you think we're not under threat right now, well... I'm sorry. We are. We are Rome in 409AD, no worse, we are Sodom and Gomorrah. Not because we're sinful, not because we're bad, but because we have ignored the order of nature itself. We have taken for granted that our ways are the best ways imaginable, and that they'll always win out without us needing to do anything.
Nice work whoever did it
You both know if it were a Jew in the wrapper it would be enough to accept it as being contaminated. That is the message that is being sent. "B-But it's sealed", "it only counts if they eat it voluntarily". Allah says pork is unclean. Who are you to debate subtle details with Allah?
It's funny but it achieves nothing.
You have to get to the point where this kind of thing isn't prosecutable "hate speech". We have to move the Overton window to the point where people say "so what? People piss on crosses all the time and you don't see us bombing colleges," in response to Islamic grievance mongering.
We have to stop treating these people like children! For the love of god, they will wipe all memory of us off of the face of the Earth. Persia was a CIVILIZED COUNTRY in antiquity. They were Christian-- it was christians that invented the lauded Arabic math, Persian christians were the first alchemists! Islam took all of it, burned more than half of it, rebranded the other half as being of itself, then started breeding (and inbreeding) like mad on Persian lands, choking the original stock almost completely out of existence.
Even if we are not demographically replaced by Islam to any great extent, if a lot of our own people converted, it would irreparably damage our gene pool in only a couple of centuries. Inbreeding devastates human intelligence and overall fitness.
It probably took around 100,000 years to get from the point Islam is trying to take us back to to where we are now in the west*. If we go back there, we may never make it back to where we are now. There is a much higher population of us now than there was back then, an internecine tribal conflict that escalates to a real world war might wipe us out. And even if we do survive, it will pretty much require a precipitous population decrease, and that might cause a total loss of industrial capacity.
And if the survivors set up their caliphate on the neo-veldts? Because of Islam's total distaste for critical thought or intelligence, we'll probably evolve into something scarcely more conscious than apes.
*(If the west hadn't existed, it would probably be the same thing for the Orient... for all their problems, they are NOT far behind us. The biggest sin of the West was infecting China with Marxism. So much culture was just destroyed, so many villages lost their local shrines and consequently their tethers to their past. This is probably why the Chinese are so uncivilized today. The people in most positions of power grew up in a pale, bleak world with no transcendental value, they had no reason to not just say "fuck it" and do everything half assed. They are a lot like us in America, in that respect. Our culture was bleached out of us by puritanism, and replaced with something mass-produced and too tryhard to really be enthralling. When we got tired of Puritanism, with its prefab-churches and completely "clean" but lifeless doctrines, we had nothing.)
Does anyone even read my word-walls on Sup Forums or should I just stop?
But it is funny.
I'm deeply offended by this
I don't even see the bacon
Does this make you feel better? The soak-in of the pig juice does it for me.
People basically get the death sentence for placing ham sandwiches infront of a mosque. I wonder what this person gets
i read
A seat at my table?