Why are men jealous of women doing better than them?
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It has nothing to do with this. It has to do with status and white genocide. A university educated man will marry a homemaker, but a university educated women will not marry a tradesman.
They are purposefully breeding childless female emotional economic units to keep themselves in power.
It doesn't matter, the feminist graduates will die typically childless and alone while male graduates shag chav's and their family line will survive. The feminist students carry the seed of their own self destruction within them with only a limited amount of eggs that will fall out of them once per month until all gone, while a male can theoretically generate sperm until they die of natural causes at a very advanced age.
Males will triumph in the long term!
>Why are men jealous of women doing better than them?
do you mean Why are men bored of hearing how women have it much harder, even though they have schemes organised by the government and every major institution to aid them and give them benefits while men are just expected to get on with it, which is no big deal because men have just been getting on with it since the dawn of time?
got a problem? blame the jews.
It literally says at the bottom of the page >art and design where woman outnumber men
Men are to busy doing real jobs
I tried to warn you
For every 10 physics majors there are 50 Latino studies """"""students""""""
This. only women who study anything related to ""art"" or ""design"" are waiting for jamal to impregnate them
that's what they call them in my country. just waiting 'till you get a husband
This. You can pack the university full of females but it doesn't mean shit if they leave university with a leftist approved course. Most of the men on campus probably study sciences and mathematics.
>Why are men jealous of women doing better than them?
Why are women jealous of men doing better than them at other things?
I'm lonely.
>For every 10 physics majors there are 50 Latino studies """"""students""""""
Evidence for this claim?
>if they leave university with a leftist approved course
Evidence for this claim?
>Why are women jealous of men doing better than them at other things?
Evidence for this claim?
Because men being the breadwinner is a major factor or male attractiveness, and it effectivley fucks men and women over by subconsciously raising women's expectations to unfulfillable levels and reducing men's leverage on finding a partner
I guarantee you these cunts are drama majors or something equally useless
>doing better than them?
thats not whats happening.
women are being propped up by government funding.
its a huge waste.
you shouldnt spend effort on your useless to make them average, you make your best even better.
There were about 10 girls on my Physics course out of about 120 students.
A man with no degree who learnt a trade is more educated than a woman with a PhD in femistry
>but a university educated women will not marry a tradesman.
I work in a trade and 6 of my coworkers are married to educated women. Most of their wives have meme degrees, but one of them is a doctor; it blows my mind that she married a trashy redneck instead of a guy in the same industry. She probably has daddy issues though since her husband is 6'6" ~300lbs.
I enjoy seeing cunts miserable. It warms my heart. I hope they kill themselves once they hit the wall. Do society a favour and stop wasting my tax money.
Because women get shitloads of support, free scholarships for being women even when there's more of them. It doesn't make any sense
>"where are all the men?"
Ok, I'll bite.
Men don't give a fuck what a woman's degree is, or her job, or even her income. On the other hand, women care A LOT about those qualities in men.
If you look at the typical career of a high ranking corporate person (like CEO or board member), there's a striking difference between men and women. Those women are almost exclusively married to other CEO's and board members. Those men are just as likely to be married to a secretary or stay at home mother.
Women value valuable men (those who are high on the dominance hierarchy), and men value fertility and beauty, and all the marxist screeching in all the world can't change the billions of years of evolution that brought us to this point.
But someone sold women a lie that they were thrilled to swallow: do all the things men do to raise their status, and it will raise your status too. Except it isn't working. A frumpy goblin with a gender studies degree from even the best university is still at least (probably less) desirable as she was before she set foot in the university. And university seats are a zero sum. So if you do your best to prioritize the women, the net effect is that you kick out all the men. So now men are entering "low status" careers like the trades, or just checking out altogether, leaving women with an even smaller pool of "marriageable" men.
Women are so stupid that they're working as hard as they can towards their own unhappiness. And then they blame men for it.
It won't matter once the majority of employers catch on to how little a diploma from some pointless marxist course doesn't translate well in employable skills, they will begin to place a lesser emphasis on these candidates.
As for why are men jealous? Probably because we see affirmative action (effectively, privileged status in society) for everyone around us who isn't like us while our problems go ignored or even ridiculed. Makes people rather bitter.
my sister is doing a theoretical physics phd, with 10 guys
>white genocide
That's pretty sad because she's a good looking woman. Probably had ridiculous standards though.
It is sad, but it's the result of our modern day society.
It already starts here at gymnasium. Guys fall behind while girls get higher grades and move on to university and the guys take an apprenticeship (Don't know if correct translation) or go straight to working a real job.
It's been covered by the news and it's something about that men are less developed at that age than the women, I think 2-3 years. Not sure as I don't remember it exactly though
Nobody is going to give this man a (you)?
Not a bad theory
>52% White
>Denies White Genocide
When will they learn?
Men are busy working jobs or aiming towards real degrees instead of fucking around generating debt.
Someone post this cunts twitter comment calling single men pathetic dogs
>being this angry at a dead woman
A lot of teachers are also nicer to girls.
Universities in the US often have state quotas applying to them about how many minority/women students they want. Standards are lower if you are an "underrepresented minority". I have seen it posted before but there are various studies that show what gpa/act/scores get you into certain schools, the required scores are lower for non-white males.
>Work at Oxbridge.
>Still haven't found a QT undergrad wife.
but there's more white people than 50 years ago L0L
Femistry, sure, but what about Galgebra?
Yes maybe because a lot of guys in the gymnasium are immature who disrupt the class, especially the mudslimes
>Evidence for this claim?
That's the statistics for France : orange is the number of undergrads, grey is the number of master students.
The first category is law and political sciences. Second category is economics. Third category is litterature and human sciences. 4th category is science. 5th category is sport.
Science students are outnumbered 1 to 4.
>the required scores are lower for non-white males
except asian males are required to meet higher standards tjan white males
>Why are men jealous of women doing better than them?
Prove that they are.
>The flag chosen by your very own free will
I wouldn't exactly call it a theory, the evidence of it is right around us
How many women do you meet who get a good job, hit 30-35 have biological impulses kick in and then realize any half decent guy their age will just prefer a 20-25 year old version of themselves and go with them instead? It's a recipe for misery
shes doing more than theoretical physics with them i guarantee you that lol
>Where are all the men?
This. Even though my school does have arts and other nonsense it's a technical institute by name and has a 66 to 33 male to female ratio, and the majority of men are doing useful jobs. Although I must say women are prevalent in bio and chem majors of study but men still outnumber them in both.
We're fucked, may as well have fun
Women needs to be at home raising children. No more career women. It's fucking up out children and society.
We must revoke women's right to vote immediately
colleges are either golem factories or goy pens ill let you decide
last time I checked stem and medicine were majority male
Who cares about the others, a 14 year old could graduate with a degree in an arts subject
good post 2bh pham
men invented higher learning and women ruined it
universities like so many things are just women daycare centres. if you look at the iq distribution of women it's pointless to put them into university.
however, denying the top 5% of men on the iq scale to go to uni will cost the societies dearly. and for what
>roastie talks shit about single men being pathetic
>kills herself when she can't find a man
>faggot talks about toxic white people making Manchester unsafe for muslims
>gets blown to pieces by Islamic suicide bomber
>liberal walks across Europe to prove muslims are peaceful
>gets raped by 30 men and thrown in a ditch one hour after crossing Turkish border
>woman goes to Haiti to prove black people need love and understanding
>gets raped on a rooftop
>left wing, blue haired, she graduate gets gang raped by muslims in Germany
>kills herself when the police refuse to prosecute despite her walking around with the rape kit with the muslims DNA
You don't deserve an answer, but the problem is well known, as is the cause and the cure.
Go be a faggot somewhere else.
>medicine were majority male
Not in France
Medecine is 65% females (the important stuff, such as chirurgy and cardiology is still large majority male)
I am not. The woman I see makes more money than me, has a 3 bedroom house, drives a $50,000 car and still bows to my dick
well, you're not wrong
perhaps we would be less economically prosperous, but I don't think economic prosperity is everything.
would you rather have more money, bigger house nicer car etc but have a stronk independent wife who works a job and send your children to be taken care of in some daycare madhouse, or have less money/smaller house/etc while having loving stay at home wife who cooks and cleans and takes care of the children?
seems like an obvious answer to me. Money isn't fucking everything. But of course women couldn't be happy with having a nice home life and a husband to care for them. I GOTTA GET MINES YO GOTTA GET THAT PAPER
yea and how happy are you now? oh wait antidepressant use is at an all time high and grows every year. weird. though you would be happier after your oh-so-desired liberation? Isn't it awesome working a shit job and having your own money and having your own empty house with no evil patriarchal husband to boss you around? WHY ARE YOU ON DEPRESSANTS I THOUGHT THIS WAS WHAT YOU WANTED????
The only acceptable majors for women are Home Economics (usually called Consumer Studies/Science or Family and Consumer Economics), nursing, or education (highly dependent on the degree of Marxism in your school). Any other degree is going to be trouble.
I want nothing more than a rich wife who can pay for everything so I can just dick around doing barely profitable art shit forever.
For now.
>where are all the men?
why does this question keep getting asked? As far as I know there hasn't been a WWII-tier event to eliminate a large number of the male population in recent history, why do I keep seeing these articles ask the same fucking question
yeah and theyre all old
If you go into engineering it's like 95% men. Also sciences are still mostly men except maybe bio and chem where it's a little more even.
I don't think much has changed over the years they've just created more useless degrees.
>accounting lower than economics
I can already tell whoever made this didn't graduate uni or was actually an econ major because almost everyone respects accounting more than econ majors unless you pursue a masters or phd
i doubt it, I've met most of them and they are very nerdy looking virgins
My friend is doing pharm at UCSF and he says its like 90% women
Maybe this is the reason people claim the gender pay gap.
it's about IQ, not respect
Yep. And the true genius of (((their))) schemes is that they do it will simultaneously convincing women they are oppressed.
medical fields have usually always been pretty female heavy except maybe medical doctorates.
people respect it because it requires more IQ than economics. Undergrad economics is incredibly easy shit.
Posts like this one are why Jews try to ban free speech. Nowhere in the mainstream media can you get honest analysis of things that make anyone other than white males look bad. Save the internet.
>tfw my degree had a male-to-female ratio of 40:1
Government give females all the money cause females are easy to control.
I know girls going lesbian now because of all the bitter males. They've pretty much had it with the tantrums and displays of insecure dominance.
political lesbians have always been a thing and real lesbians hate them anyway
That pic is why I never bothered getting a degree. My IQ is sub 120 so I can't even do all the cool shit available to those IQs. Effectively I don't even belong there. Agriculture? My ass. There's a whole bunch of nearly women only degrees with all those cunts still more intelligent than me. Why was I even born.
Political lesbians strike me as deeply insecure women so to me they invite the most ridicule and pity, for what my opinion is worth.
Baby boom post-world war two and they're mostly all still alive, mate. Fertility drops to below replacement in the mid-late 1970s and stays there. Once the boomers die, populations will decline.
hurr durr i earn more money when i have state guns on my side
i am so smart
i am so smart
i am so smart
s m r t
i mean s m a r t
Nursing and para-medicine have the majority of women,
They aren't "jealous". They are upset because it's not because of merit but because of affirmative action. Doesn't really matter tho. All these women will realize that they are 30 years old and childless and no men who fulfill their standards to take care of them.
Men don't go to uni because the degrees are useless by all lowered standards put there for dumb niggers
>I'm friends with women who hate males that throw tantrums
>I'm a male that throws tantrums
Maybe you should be a better feminist ally, cuck
>create an environment that caters to women, homosexuals, niggers, spics, and degenerates
>create an environment that is openly hostile to anything that is male, straight, and/or white
>implement affirmative action policies that cater to anyone who isn't straight, white, and/or male
Golly gee why don't men want to go to college anymore?
Is that a problem? Do you feel entitled to her you cunt?
But once the whites die off, the brown shits will not be capable of replacing them.
I suppose they want us dead before all the free time from automation gives hundreds of millions of whites the free time to compete in the political theatre.
this could be easily accounted for by the fact that males have a larger normal distribution on intelligence.
>Wage gap
>Women doing better
Gee, this is proof that feminism retarded right here.
This is correct. Even in the UK, medicine is majority female. It actually creates problems because women tend to work part time, primarily as family doctors, or even worse, drop out of the workforce in order to have a family.
It will become much worse as the years go by and all the old male consultants retire. The answer, unfortunately, will be immigration.
Hahahaha no white babies...hahahah
>tfw they accumulate six figures debt while at the same time I saved a similar amount
t.pipefitter (literal & figuratively)
lying to retards and telling them they have it hard isn't genius.
>saying anything comprehensible
Yah no