I thought about faking the name but they still got my address.
Can I dispatch from the post office?
How do I 23&me without being tracked down for my organs?
Fake name and post office box you use one time.
Privacy? You joking?
>Can I dispatch from the post office?
I just found out I cannot do that because without the sender knowing about my real name.
Just do it. The future is technocracy and those with genes on file will have first access to genetic tech that will make eugenics unnecessary. Soon there will be only two races the gods and the plebs.
Got any mates at all?
just pay some stupid goy to do it in their name
I live in Sh-Italy.
I have to show ID for doing that, can't use fake name.
>Chiaramente, per poter ritirare la corrispondenza è necessario dimostrare di essere il destinatario, mostrando un documento all'ufficiale postale incaricato alla consegna. Di conseguenza, l'anonimato non è mai completo.
Why would you send your DNA to some random company? It's bad enough the gov't already has my shit on file.
>Just do it.
Then when Rockefeller will be in need for another heart transplant CIA will go through 23andMe database and you will have an accident while getting back from work.
>Got any mates at all?
I don't have friends.
>just pay some stupid goy to do it in their name
That sound complicated.
>Why would you send your DNA to some random company? It's bad enough the gov't already has my shit on file.
That would be data unrelated to my person.
My heart wouldn't survive the flight to Europe I'm good.
I just ordered one of these things and I am a purebred.
Guess I'll just throw it away when it arrives
You and a friend buy po box swap keys both achieve privacy
You want $20 all you got to do is sign up for pobox I pay for and give me the key
Thank I'll look into that.
Alternatively I found about this service who sends to shops.
Still I'd have to pay anonymously.
If you pay for it with a credit card or even paypal none of that fakery matters, they can track you back. Even you IP address you use to place the order can be traced back to you.
Just ask your family and look up the origins of 4 grandparents surname
Those change Blood doesn't
you're an idiot who obviously lacks a background in genetics
If one of your cousins orders the test you are revealed.