Can't someone set up a fund or something so we can get him the best lawyers in the land?

Sup Forums has done something like this in the past, and currently the whole British left is in hysterics that he may now face prison.

Can't we make them cry already?


Other urls found in this thread:


Archived that for you archive.is/1QGP6

Cheers Norway.

He'll go to jail for a few months, not the first time and probably won't be the last either.

Robinson's alright but he is known for being a hothead and probably started it.

Guy is a bit of a dummy here, if he is this easy to provoke it won't be the last time. People will make it their goal in life to do this to him in order to get him in jail.

Reminder that 'witness' is a slimy Muslim that completely back stabbed Tommy with this article:



They'll probably make an example of him in court

>Robinson's alright but he is known for being a hothead and probably started it.

What is your theory, Tommy walked up to some random guy and just hit him?

The guy was starting shit and following Tommy, you can even see that he is the one pursuing Tommy in the video, not the other way around. When Tommy finally starts to fight back, sure he takes him out cleanly.

everyone wants to start trouble with tommy, the guy got his whole teeths bashed out, always getting attacked, went to jail, almost got killed in jail, even if i cannot see the video, i'm pretty sure it was self defense, the guy wouldnt risk going in prison again just for fun

Why save him? He has a bad image that can't be saved no matter how hard he tries to change it.

No one will ever forget he is an "ex-EDL leader" and because of this people will naturally turn off and not want to listen to him

We need someone who has a clean slate that can speak passionately on Britain's problems while still remaining credible

Watch these clips mate


It is Tommy speaking to the source for article, during the first phone call the guy concurs with Tommy doing self defense, but now in this article and the 2nd call he goes back on it. The witness is Muslim as fuck and stabbed Tommy in the back.

A lot of people turning to Tommy's side these past couple of years. Tommy is just fine.

The leftists you speak of that still see Tommy in a negative light are spiritually bereft and clueless.


Fucking garbage

>Full tape

Yeah the full tape from the coaches camera.
What about the full tape from the Muslim coach divers cell phone which he admits to having recorded the harassment from the man?


Hurr Durr heres the full tape.
From a different camera showing the exact same thing that the originally uploaded and edited video shows.

Fuck I hate the media.

Tommy won't mention the heart of the problem and goes on about his nigger friends so he gets nothing from me. Tommy is controlled opposition to redirect hate against whatever groups the kikes don't like at the moment.


He had an honest held belief his safety, or the safety of someone for whom he was responsible, was in danger. He used such force as was subjectively and objectively reasonable to end said danger. He is untouchable in law and will walk away without even so much as a warning.

Yes I agree the leftists are being wilfully blind on this but they make up a significant part of the public and trying to sway them over with an ex-EDL leader isn't gonna work.

muslims fucking lie

i was in england pre-9/11 and was told by english to watch out because they lie, it's exceptable to lie as long as don't get caught lying

I have to say as somebody that's been a supporter the past 6 years he's made a come back and proven himself a lot, he's covered every wrong he's done and proved himself in anyway he can. His comeback has made him even bigger than before.

Retards saying Tommy is even slightly guilty needs to be necked

He literally gets ambushed by muzzies and their loyal petdogs -libshits everywhere he goes

You cannt count the number he's been attacked on your two hands and feet combined

God bless you Tommy
One of the few who stood up to muzzies unapologetically and probably will pay with his life for it, like others before him

What have you done /polspastic/?
Violently abusing your keyboard with your cumstained fingers?

Muslims aren't a threat, the kikes that flood our countries with muslims and other non-whites are the threat.


I couldn't get the video to play on the archive. Try this: youtube.com/watch?v=XFEGsWLZyQg

I don't know if this is the correct perspective, Tommy serves his role, we have lots of other more palitable people in the public eye.

And for what it is worth, Tommy is part of the Overton Window shift, his appearance on Piers Morgan, for anyone who watched he came off pretty well, and was dropping some pretty heavy Anti Muslim stuff.

Yeah they are like sly children.

He'll go to jail and when he comes out, he'll start a revolution.

Yeah Tommy has been one of the best people. He was speaking out about the grooming gangs like a decade before anyone knew.

I'll give him that for sure. He won't mention the root of the problem but he does move the overton window.


Holy crap! So many more Jews than any other type including atheist.

The west would be a much better place without those 261 feminists.

You need to watch this video he tweeted a few days ago laying out how the police for years have been throwing him in jail for false charges, arresting his wife, visiting his parents house, coming to his house in uniform in front of the kids etc. It's a long and sad story. youtube.com/watch?list=PL2HWRRSziC_GSHvo9W9yBxu0sp6gkmLsV&v=ao2VlpxGFe4
Police have been bringing him up for false charges for many many years, and tried to stop him from giving this speech that he tweeted recently because it's particularly about that whole lengthy ordeal spanning many years. Ofcourse they try to throw him in jail again they've thrown him in jail literally WITHOUT CHARGING HIM for anything several times before.

Many muslims want him dead, also i don't believe asrif for 1 fucking second when he said tommy attacked him unprovoked, it's such bullshit.

When you're done watching that video which i highly recommend, you'll understand this whole thing much much better.

>Many muslims want him dead, also i don't believe asrif for 1 fucking second when he said tommy attacked him unprovoked, it's such bullshit.

Yeah the Muslim Asif is lying, watch these clips


He concurred with Tommy in the first call and then back stabbed him.

>Muzzies aren't the problem
Go visit a no go zone egelord mc edge cretin, or open a crime report, or just use your one braincells and remember the weekly terror attacks you literal BRAINDEAD faggot

Jews and muzzies are both problems, in short semites

Trying to sway attention from Achmed rape and murder squads by sperging out about muh joos is alllying with Machmud and thus treacherous
And traitors will be necked along enemies
>Muh joos
Go ahead sperg
Why don't you go all 1488 IRL?
Scared ,bitch?
So why are you critizing others yet alone who are risking their lives openly opposing mudshits?
Neck yourself little pissbitch try-hard

Fucking disgusting.. have you watched the video yet? you really should if you haven't seen it. Really gives you an ENTIRELY different picture of tommy than what is being put out there i understand much better what's been going on these years after watching that shit.

The police has been harassing and trying to set him in a position where he's fucked if he doesn't work with those secretive types he describes in the video because they want control of the right wing response and want him to lead it or some shit. So they confiscated his properties, made it so he only could live for like 500 pounds a month for several years or he would be thrown back in jail, literally just fucking destroyed his life.

The book teaches them to lie and be deceptive. They call it taquiya.

Yeah bro, I have been following him for a few years now. I know that he is righteous. There is a great injustice occurring in my country against white people.

They even tried to fucking kill him in jail by sending him in with other muslims.. but he managed to get in fights so he went in solitary confinement which saved his life, all that kind of shit, fucking unbelievably lucky he's still walking, at one point some higher ups at the police had arranged that he got in a visiting room with 6 muslims (who were surprised as he was that they were in same room and then attacked him) who beat him up in jail and knocked out his teeth and everything.. fucking crazy shit he's been through.

Nice try MI5.

Man if you guys can't even back Tommy Robinson.. Fuck You!
Hes not an asshole hiding behind a keyboard, he's on the ground.. in the shit, and he's trying to make things better for the West.
Stand Up or get the fuck out of the way!

Inb4 tommy comes out of prison radicalized

I wish I had a tommy 0w0

You are a friend of the West user.

I support Tommy %110

That tape doesn't show what happened when both of them fall back in front of the camera. And we have a witness statement from a "Asif Idris" who has a vested interested in exercising his islamic taqqiya to slander an upstanding British gentleman.

Why are alt-righters so violent?

Is there a legit way to fund him?

They've done this bullshit before on tommy with a video so the muslims know this well, tommy has even been in court about it over a prison incident that happened with a somali, basically an inmate came and whispered to him that he was about to get done with boiling water and sugar by a somali, he then goes over and attacks the somali instead of waiting to get his face melted.. the footage only showed tommy attacking the somali muslim inmate.

In court the police refused to produce the 20 seconds before and after the altercation. So this mussie knows exactly to do it in such a way that you can't see him probably attacking tommy and then he's flailing and pretending he's a victim the moment the fucker gets in front of the dashcam.. so it looks like assault by tommy.. FUCKING PATHETIC!

>white guy attacks innocent bystanders
Go get em tiger! Nice job, save this man, he's doing gods work!
>arab guy attacks innocent bystanders

t. Sup Forumstard circle-jerking conspiracy theorists who are STILL butthurt that macron won

>pursuing someone in a threatening manner

would be a pretty easy case for him to win in a lot of places in America, especially if there were no other camera angles.

The way he is treat is very much like how dissenters in police states are treat. The media will whine about how opposition is treat in places like Hong Kong, but we've got exactly the same machinery in place here.

>an upstanding British gentleman
>On 28 November 2012, Robinson was charged with three counts of conspiracy to commit fraud
Dindu nuffin right?

The problem isn't what's fair, the problem is that the justice system is against him.

He got cleared by the lawyer of those charges because the police didn't want to release the 20 seconds before or after which would've meant tommy would've been thrown in jail longer if he was found guilty of that iirc.

This stinks as fuck.. everybody should watch this video where tommy explains what's been going on with that kind of thing all these years. It's not a theology lesson on islam if that's what you're expecting, but simply all the police bullshit and muslims trying to assault him and all the rest of it. youtube.com/watch?list=PL2HWRRSziC_GSHvo9W9yBxu0sp6gkmLsV&v=ao2VlpxGFe4 They've arrested him all the previous times he's been trying to give that speech because it directly involves their misconduct towards him. He explains himself in great detail the stuff i've just posted and much much more.

t. American who thinks the world revolves around him constantly

>when white brits commit hate crimes Sup Forums should save them
>when arabs commit hate crimes we should turn the desert into glass

See the double standard here, drumpfies?

Everyone listen to these please.

>needs money

Why would I do that to save a controlled opposition Zionist who parades "based Sikhs" around to show that he's not a racist? Fuck this poser

After you've watched that video you'll have nothing more to say about the bullshit you just posted, i accept your apology in advance.

Go watch this video and you'll understand that all these charges are false.. This is what they don't want you to know about what's been going on between him and the police.

Time to put your money where your mouth is /pol. Someone set up the fund and lets fill it up.

Go fund me for Tommy seems like a good idea...anyone upfor it?

Why do you want to support a zionist shill on mossad's payroll?

If he can't keep himself out of Prison then he was never fit to lead in the first place. Let him sort out the mess he created on his own.

>I can't think up any logical and objective talking points for my alt-right debate so i'll just link a youtube video and pretend like it's my own thoughts to distance myself from any meaningful discussion from the opposition

>charges are false
>He pleaded guilty to two charges in November 2013,[59] and on 23 January 2014 he was sentenced to 18 months in prison

Nelson mandela spent a good amount of time in jail he seemed to do an ok job....

> something so we can get him the best lawyers in the land?

First of all, (((lawyers))).

Second, the legal system has already fucked with Robinson multiple times. If the government wants him in jail, no amount of evidence or legal counsel is going to help.

>I'll just ignore evidence when presented because I might have to actually engage my brain

lets do it - he is literally the only Brit doing anything about the invasion and this is definitely a setup trap - wo anyone know a good non Jewish lawyer - btw the British gov't has pretty much shown pretty clearly they hate ethnic brits Tommy should pull the 'but I'm Irish' card - #Lawyer For Tommy


Jesus, since when do we leave a man behind - fuck he is one of us and actually in it, actually in the fight -

Fuck cuckservative purity
A lot of mainstream leftists are former terrorists or communists

You so much deserve to be destroyed, you and your useless country, weak piece of shit.

Oi Hamidullah is that you wallah?

Probably a setup job

Dude came after the guy and kept bitch-punching him as he tried to just stand... the camera seems like it was strategically placed, but he reacted in the worst possible way while in front of it.

Seems like he's fucked desu. Should've learned to punch so he doesn't need to spastic-flail at a guy's head like a woman having her purse stolen, it looks disproportionate on video


he doesn't help himself much does he?

total bellend.

ukip levels of faggotry

>set up a fund

go hustle somewhere else

A violent, wife beating football hooligan acts like a violent, wife beating football hooligan.

Color me surprised.

>Tommy, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon

Oi, some of 'is best mates is black, bruv.


burn ur flag traitor
ura disgrace

Brit traitors up in this thread
Robinson is a legend
he's the /ourguy/ of /ourguys/
neck yaselves the lot of ya

You fools. Tommy Robinson is controlled opposition and a self admitted Zionist. He is a willingly complicit Zionist agent working directly for those responsible for the radicalisation and mass immigration of the Muslim extremists he rallies against. He is a Jew. He is an infiltrator, informer and disruptor of far right groups and I would not be surprised in the least if he attacked this Paki on purpose to discredit "his cause" after all the recent exposure he's gotten.

To my compatriots in this thread supporting him: You're as thick as shit!