What would be required for you to be satisfied with the state of the world

Scale of 1-100 how feasible are the requirements?

Scale of 1-100 how far from satisfaction is the world?

I feel like some people see someone wearing a hat they don't like and all the sudden its the end of the world. I am trying to ask these to get some grip on a general 'weighing' of the significance of perceived problems. There is little focus, agreement, unity, on highlighting exactly what the biggest problems are. When at the same time there are heated complaints on the (possibly) smallest of things. The world could be near perfect, and then someone wears a hat you don't like and posts it on social media, and you act with a rage like its the end of the world and the whole world sucks (the agreed, motivation, is attempting to make it so that the world does not suck, right, the whole point is striving for satisfaction? much of these politics going ons, upsetness, and posts on this site, believe that there are wrongs that occur, that should be righted?). Or this is why the fascism slant is developed because of this reaction to seeing things one does not like, creates a rage, anger, dissatisfaction with the world, so there is a desire for power to eliminate all that brings satisfaction, outlaw people wearing hats you don't like.

If the world began going in a direction more aligned with your view of perfection, elimination of problems you perceive as problems, you would feel the same as you do now, on every step of the way: 15% problem elimination, 40%, 60% 70% problem elimination, 90% problem elimination, 99% problem elimination, 99.9% problem elimination: still furious because I know there are people doing things I don't want them to be doing.

Is there a general or strict consensus on the major problems of nation and world that need to be solved?

This thread is also: List the biggest/most important problems of the nation and world.

Other urls found in this thread:


>so there is a desire for power to eliminate all that brings satisfaction
brings *dissatisfaction

Hey Sup Forums, cmon

stfu data mining JIDF faggot. enjoy your ban kike.


People are never completely satisfied, but they're more satisfied than ever the more they feel they are fulfilling some purpose. Almost our entire species has lost a sense of purpose and have become slaves to a soulless corporate existence in one way or another, whether that be as a white-collar cog in America, a telemarketer in India, a starving scavenger in Somalia, or a rich CEO in Singapore. Any sense of real meaning has vanished as humanity has sacrificed virtue for convenience. That's the essence of industrialism.

The way to reverse that is for people to give up their self-centered lifestyles of personal ambition, indulgence, and slavish devotion to empty liberal ideals and begin seeing themselves as having duties to each other. I'm not talking about humanism necessarily, but nationalism. We need to see ourselves as parts of valuable groups with real goals and traditions.

Fascism, in the true sense of the word, is the answer, and even though public sentiment for this way of thinking is extremely low right now, the entire philosophical structure that has defined the modern world is beginning to crumble under the weight of its own insufficiency at providing humanity with a better life than we had before, so I'd say the feasibility of the group identities required to bring great satisfaction to people is about 70/100, while the current satisfaction on average is about 25/100 - where after fascism it can be about 80/100 on average.

I understand obligations to one's people reduces freedom and can be hard, but it creates a far more rewarding existence than the unstructured and meaningless existence of luxury and degeneracy.

Also, the pic you posted creates a sense of monumentality that has been missing from modern aesthetics since the very conception of modernity.

Do you not believe that it is all about money and power?

nazi cyberpunk outside of भारत twitter.com/krsnavatara/status/836431184347426816
realistically, the only way forward is a massive war

The biggest problem with the universe is that there are no other real people I have to share it with

>realistically, the only way forward is a massive war
not true, thats what bad guys would want

>youre just taking the side of maintaining the status quo of "peace through minor wars" or seeking another plan of your own thinking

no. Highlight/discuss/debate problems: highlight/discuss/debate solutions

Pretty unreasonable

1) get it into retards thick fucking skulls that socialism doesn't work
2) Overthrow whoever's in control, be it Jews or reptilians or whoever it is I don't fucking care.
3) National Pride becomes a thing again.

Won't happen, but it's a nice dream.

the result of doing nothing wrt population is a crowded planet full of the same types of people that exist now
i don't want to live on a planet full of billions of loud, ignorant, dirty kikes a simple and quick solution is to have largescale war bigger than ww2

>a simple and quick solution is to have largescale war bigger than ww2

what would be the details of that war? whose populations would be targeted and why?

Ultimately I would like to have freedom, a good home, family, and a society that I can be proud of, right now the poor state of the later prevents much of the former, the apparent suicidal tendencies of the leaders of the west is most alarming issue. There are many reasons for current state of society but it would have to change for better (actually caring about the citizenry) for me to be content.

why should the leaders and those in power care about the citizenry?

leap and bound advancement in state of quantum computing, hominids not trapped on earth, death to middle easterners africans chinks etc

Islam 100% eradicated.
Communism finally put to bed.
Immediate global research grants towards genetically engineering plants that can drink in greenhouse gasses at 1000x the rate of normal plants, with built-in genetic kill-switches for when it needs to stop. (It doesn't fucking matter one single solitary iota if global warming is man-made, and it's high time we stopped having this pathetic, faggoty little argument about it and learn to control the climate of the only planet we can live on).

Indeed, here we see the quintessential eu flag the post, but yes this is a big part of the problem I know democracy is problematic but in theory we have voted for these so called leaders to manage and guarantee the nations continued existence and they are obviously not very good at it.

>what would be the details of that war?
that's like asking what a drunk elephant will smash up in an antique shop
>whose populations would be targeted and why?
all the non-nazi ones, obviously!

First one is going to happen, and we can't stop it (along with the singularity / AI revolution / Human-AI hybrids via nanotech).

The first will lead to the 2nd.

The 3rd will not happen, but with luck they will convert to western values (values that actually work and advance our species).

Unironc Jesus return

I just want an ecologically minded white ethnostate sealed off from the rest of the world that 100% ran on nuclear power and renewables. The Pacific Northwest would be perfect. I just want peak /comfy/

25% of the things I would like to see changed would satisfy me at least for the 75% of what I think the world needs.

there's that superb christkike optimism and unassailable logic i love so much
>Unironc Jesus return
ffs you stinking christkikes

If everyone hade a mutual respect for each other and respect for our planet

>I know democracy is problematic but in theory we have voted for these so called leaders to manage and guarantee the nations continued existence and they are obviously not very good at it.
and what if you did not really vote for them, or regardless

okay tripfag.

No, and that way of thinking is exactly what has gotten the world into this mess in the first place. If money and power are your gods then you will never, ever be fulfilled or remotely satisfied because these things only leave you wanting more of them. They can't fill the void. If you are the richest and most powerful person ever you will still want more and more.

The only way a person can be satisfied is if they dedicate themselves to something greater than themselves, and those who are most satisfied are those who have dedicated themselves to that which is greatest. God is that which is greatest. If you believe in God you can still be miserable, but everyone who doesn't believe in God will end up even more miserable.

But even just serving your family can give you great joy - fighting to your death to save your children is easy to do because great purpose is felt in doing so. Fighting for your people in the same way is even more meaningful. The closer you come to truth, the ore all-encompassing your existence seems to be.

Liberalism destroyed, and all mankind's efforts are put towards technological advancement, and space exploration.

this is the problem with christians
they ignore all rules wherever they go Sup Forums.org/rules
>3. You will not post any of the following outside of Sup Forums: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies
and bring down entire threads in the name of their filthy kikegod they are a problem to Sup Forums as much as they are a problem to humanity

Reader's Digest version since im not gonna write a book answering this nor backing up the reasons for it...

1) United States needs to have a revolution and become Nationalist Socialist of the Strasserism variety (less emphasis on racism, more on national efficiency)

2) USA + Russia alliance

3) All Technology held in black project vaults and classified patents must be released, and industrialized/mainstream.

4) Mecca has to be nuked, and it has to be a big nuke too or a pile of megaton class warheads.
> it can be done by submarine from the indian ocean, it can be conspired to keep the movements secret so nobody knows who did it
> multiple inbound icbms
> depending on tech used, it could even be made to appear as if its coming in from orbit

5) Anyone who steps up to the plate to challenge USA+Russia dies hideously, under merciless molten white phosphorous rain, no matter who they are.
> Including civilians if they're used as human shields, since this will force all such groups to turn on their slavers

>not true, thats what bad guys would want
Only if it's on their terms. A "people's war" that is out of their control is pretty much the biggest crisis (((they))) could face.


>3. You will not post any of the following outside of Sup Forums: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies

Well you're straight fucked then aren't you, my Nazi friend?

Honestly not sure how that applies to me or my posts though, perhaps you could explain.

because my tripcode is irrelevant to the thread

Then why tf are you using one?

because i want to, you stupid christkike Sup Forums.org/faq

>I want to do something because I want to do something
>You're a Christian Jew


I meant the reason the way things are the way they are. Because money and power want them that way. What are the problems of the world, and what can be done about them?

Aww, baby, i'm so sorry that i insulted your strange attempt at e-fame.

we can see who you are in this thread.
you are 'rhis5TAA'.
You sound new.

why does mecca have to be nuked, innocent muslims are innocent

General Mattis named POTUS and conquers the entire world under American imperialism. Create global American space force and colonize/conquer space. If that happens I could die the knowing it is the best timeline.

You're fishing for certain responses dude. You're not being open-minded.

these are the problem people
the fools, the cretins, the loudmouthed-assholes who speak before thinking and barely have a coherent thought in their heads anyway

The biggest problem in the world is the destruction of meaningful social relations by selfish materialists. The solution is the destruction of selfish materialism by strong social groups.

My first point did answer your question.

What do you serve?

not you

I'm thinking just fine before I post.

You sound weak and easily perturbed.

Why is the killing of Islam of considerable importance?

jesus ruins everything

>You're fishing for certain responses dude. You're not being open-minded.
open minded to what, I am open minded, but I have my beliefs, I am looking for discussion, debate and understanding, the ways of the world are as they are partly or primarily because they are wanted to be, that is known, what is wrong with the ways of the world, what can be done about what is wrong?

Nazism is peculiar to Germany. National Socialism is a subcategory of Fascism. You are a literal retard.

>not you
everyone knows you are a stupid faggot.

ok, benito

Okay. Interesting.
How so?

People are answering your question but you're disregarding their answers because they're not the kinds of answers you're looking for.

>You're fishing for certain responses dude. You're not being open-minded.

-Human stupidity is the greatest problem.
-Mass Eugenic hybridization with 'super sperm' is the solution.
-Stupidity must be eliminated like small pox, and polio. Sperm is the vaccine, which 'inoculates' humans and their descendants from the stupidity disease.

>mentally ill person quotes the rules as he breaks almost every single one of them
Really activates my hindu neurons

look at this thread
it has nothing to do with my tripcode but that's all you can talk about because i criticized your dirty jew god
you are obsessed with my tripcode and who you think i might be
i think you are insane and have no clue as to how Sup Forums operates
every thread a christian turns up in goes to shit immediately
you dirty christkikes are the most stupid off all Sup Forums users, by far

>mentally ill person
>quotes the rules as he breaks almost every single one of them
>Really activates my hindu neurons
this dirty christkike is calling me mentally ill because he's jealous that i can break my own rules of my own chan
he probably wants special exemption status, too

>it has nothing to do with my tripcode but that's all you can talk about because i criticized your dirty jew god

Jesus ruins everything because some posters on Sup Forums annoyed you / hurt your feelings?

Come on buddy, give me something here.
You can do much better than that.

Give it another shot, your claim is "Jesus ruins everything".

How so?

>The biggest problem in the world is the destruction of meaningful social relations by selfish materialists. The solution is the destruction of selfish materialism by strong social relations

I didnt mean to disregard answers, some of the answers seemed disregardable, some of them I questioned for clarification and further discussion, some I thought were good answers so I didnt feel the need to further question or discuss them.

What percentage of social relations would you say are damaged? What would the appearance of improved social relations appear as? What is an example of lack of social relations?

What are the biggest problems in the world, you say lack of social relations, and by that you mean, everyone is not nice and friendly enough with each other? If we can make everyone nicer and friendlier everything will be better.

Any ideas on how to improve social relations?

>continuing to shitpost, break the rules that he "champions" and pretend that some autistic hindu/nazi/anime cyberpunk reality will come true while posting incoherent ramblings on an anonymous thangka painting board
So THIS is the power of autism

this is why

for human stupidity to be the greatest problem, there would have to be a lot of stupid people, but many stupid people work and pay taxes, so how is that a problem?

How is it that not all that matters is work and taxes?

>I hate people because they call me out on my nonsensical ranting. I hated them before they pointed it out because I just ramble like a schizo in every thread I infest
Huh, so you knew ahead of time that your posts would get you called mentally ill and autistic? I wonder why?

That post has absolutely nothing to do with any religion at all, let alone christianity or Jesus.

You don't seem very...
... aware...

... of anything.

Come on man, at least try, you can write things - write a proper criticism to back up your claims rather than being intellectually lazy and hoping to find some 'a-ha' post to quote that makes your point for you.

You have a brain, just use it buddy.



Peace, Blood and Silicon

Unleash the power of automation under the nationalist banner

If I won hundreds of millions of dollars and remained wealthy as fuck throughout my entire life while getting guarantees that my family will remain wealthy from there on out.

Other than that, nothing.

Wait, you expect this guy to honestly answer questions and provide evidence, sources, and engage in debate? You realize all you will get is shitposting and nonsensical rants right? You can do a quick archive search of that tripcode and see it's simply the same pictures being posted over and over and the same rants by this autismo. King of the non-arguments. Go ahead and ask him about his hindu faith or whatever, he can't even answer that.

There is discontent among the masses because there is no concrete existential meaning that we as a collective have attributed to our lives. If everyone lives their lives as an individual, and they spend their lives trying to find what their purpose is, they will eventually find that there is exponentially more things to disagree with than to agree on, causing chaos and existential dread. This is the root cause of all of humanity's problems. We, as a unit, for inherently impractical reasons, have not determined what our collective purpose is, and therefore, we do not understand what it is that we need to do to achieve success in meaningful goals.

Our identities, our spiritual and biological bonds, customs and traditions, and values are the pre-existing causes for which we live our lives, and ultimately, die content with that which we have lived for.

The fundamental basis for a society to choose it's collective destiny starts with the establishment of a united peoples in the form of a nation. A nation, by definition, is a governing body whose populace is comprised of individuals who share common interests and characteristics. Once you find that you share interests with those like you, it becomes exponentially easier to begin to formulate your society around the interests that are intrinsic to your population. The greater the variety in interests, the more there will be dissatisfaction and lack of cohesiveness.

There are still plenty of nation-states remaining in the world that have kept true independence, and many others that can still salvage some hope for a meaningful future for it's people.

As for the world, there will have to be a lot of separate revolutions to undo the globalization efforts of (((the few))).

I'd guess the feasibility is like a 15/100(100 being very feasible) and the amount from satisfaction is 80/100(100 being very far).

The problem with this is human nature. (1/2)

And on top of that anyone that questions his thinking/reasoning is always called a filthy christkike without any points/questions being refuted or answered. Best of luck with this one!

you're on an imageboard you stupid christkike
you haven't even read the faq
Sup Forums.org/faq#postimage

make the planet only whites and japanese. maybe some chinese, they seem okay. also, we will be abandoning kike religions and returning to the greek and nordic religions. all towns will look like rohan or something out of lotr or medieval. it's really just willpower stopping us.

kill all niggers and castrate all mens, the problems is solved

We all know what we want we just strongly disagree on how to get it.

The extremes on both sides of the spectrum are not only extremely vocal but prepared to use violence. The irony is they want the same thing, an extremely powerful government dictating policy.

People want the maximum freedom they can have whilst still maintaining a functioning society, avoiding anarchy. When you have idiots on one side who want powerful legislation to prevent hurt feelings and morons on the other who want some sort of racially pure nation who are getting the most attention I'm starting to lose hope.

Neither side get what living in a society is all about. The fact is, as long as there's more than one person on the planet someone is going to be offended by the other at some point, it's going to happen. The insanity the left are trying to push through will bring about their worst fears in the push back, because they will push hard with lots of support. When you spend your time protecting 0.3% of the country at the expense of the remainders liberties you will quickly find yourself out numbered fast.

No one has ever considered that maybe, just maybe, the working solution is somewhere in the middle. That if we actually lived in a free and open society we could resolve this with no problems peacefully.

Right now, every thing seems insane. All I know is I'm being shit on from the left and right and above. When the real violence starts both sides of these ridiculous arguments will be pushed aside as people will fight to get their liberties back and end this fucking insanity.


because all you are is a dirty filthy stinking christjew, you stupid christkikes


>Wait, you expect this guy to honestly answer questions and provide evidence, sources, and engage in debate?
No, i just like making stupid people sweat.

I mean, a Nazi Tripfag? he may as well be wearing an "i'm with stupid" shirt with an upwards pointing arrow on it.

>I mean, a Nazi Tripfag? he may as well be wearing an "i'm with stupid" shirt

Well best of luck with that, you won't get very far with that one, he will simply repeat the same posts/images over and over. Enjoy the exposure to that autism.

>What percentage of social relations would you say are damaged?
Well, that's remarkably difficult to quantify, or even to specify at all. Look at places like Japan, where most males spend their entire lives working as hard as they can to prevent dishonoring themselves and their families. They struggle to find women because there are far fewer women than men in Japan. For them, it's this sterile industrialism that is preventing them from bonding and developing strong personal relationships. In the US, this is somewhat less prevalent, but there is a massive sense of disconnect as all sense of tradition has been corroded and young people especially are turning inward and trying to create pleasure for themselves virtually through "social" media, video games, and gluing their faces to smartphones for hours a day. In the US, the problem is the breakdown of tradition. In ost of the third world people are struggling to survive as monolithic foreign governments ravage their lands and then provide them with superficial aid instead of helping them build an infrastructure - though they're usually to stupid to maintain those systems anyway. They'reb reeding like rabits when they can't affor the resources to sustain that so they are dying in the streets of starvation, disease, and constant gang violence. In the third world the problem is lack of civlizational development - they're so inferior to the big powers that they get run over by them even if those powers aren't trying to, like an elephant running over an anthill on its way to a pond to drink. The percentage of people lacking in meaningful social relationships in the modern world might be as high as 75%.

The appearance of improved social relations would look like:
>beautiful buildings and structures
>flourishing art that isn't devoid of intellect and complexity
>happy people
>lifestyles centered around communal activities (like the Roman games)
>decrease in crime and drug usage

Space conquest-based economy.
The rest would naturally follow.

why don't you just fuck off to bethlehem, then?

Nice trips, you know what... You're right.
I have better things to do.

Best of luck, if anyone gets an answer from that dude(a brit btw) I would be interested what made him so hateful and autistic. Clearly something happened in his life or here that causes him to lash out so.


you could start by denying jesus

>Islam entirely eradicated from the globe and erased from the annals of history
>no more communism/socialism
>Nationalist societies where each has their own immensely valued culture rather than a forced mish-mash of multiple cultures.
>Very strict immigration policies
>No more free gibs and aid money to countries in africa/middle east that cant function on their own. Can't figure out agriculture in the 21st century Jamal? well then, time to go extinct.

This would eradicate 99% of the world's problems. The world is currently 95% away from this.
>the EU is too cucked to stop the rape and destruction of its country
>Islam is literally invading europe unchecked
>psuedo-intellectuals in capitalist societies continually push for communism despite its numerous failings
>We are funneling billions of dollars into these shit hole african countries that literally cannot figure out agriculture to feed themselves and would collapse without western aid.
>EU cucks and democrat leftists are continually pushing for this bland multicultural society because they see it as this idealistic level of culture despite it causing constant conflicts and lack of cohesion. The correct way to go is American culture vs. european culture rather than White culture vs. black culture vs. asian culture etc.

also, pic related is you

As soon as a society achieves harmony, it becomes complacent and susceptible to co-option and subversion. This is why fascism is the only choice. If you give people enough freedom, they'll fuck up, because even if they have a strong sense of nationalism based on their identity and common interests for their society, the descending generations will not know the value of the comfort of the society that they are raised in, and will, without authoritarian intervention, inevitably act against the interests of the existential nation state. It's really conflicting, because if you have to enforce morality and culture through laws which employ the inherent threat of violence, it is psychologically counter intuitive in the long run, and acts as a justification for revolution in the eyes of those who perceive society as incomplete.

Most problems in the world today can be traced back to human stupidity. How is a problem solved in the first place? A clever person must think of a solution. Boosting the intelligence of everyone will benefit everyone. The world can literally become a paradise.

We find the necessity of incentivization through the threatened deprivation of basic needs unsettling. The root of all evil (or really most anything we've accomplished) is "hunger".

However, eliminate "hunger" and the average mind will ensure the world soon resemble some impoverished nation in Africa. Not due to lack of resources, but the absence of initiative.

Initiative without incentive requires a rare mind. For most in this world, it is the other way around (also why most still cling to some fantastical ideology), and I believe a vague awareness of this problem may be one of the driving forces behind this global malaise.

I'm not yet sure what can be done about it, though.

>decrease in people seeking therapy
>decrease in television and internet usage
>increase in travel expenditures per capita
>increase in peaceful political activism
>decrease in religious-based violence
>lack of tolerance for political corruption
>more long-term investment than short-term expenditure

Just a few things there.

A few examples of lack of social relations are:
>kids sitting and playing minecraft by themselves for days on end, never leaving their homes
>kids still living with their parents after age 20
>kids not playing sports
>people ordering food to be delivered to them all the time instead of going out to eat or cooking with friends and family
>people working 80hrs/wk with no clear end in sight
>people being angry at the way the world is going and not getting together and doing something about it

>What are the biggest problems in the world, you say lack of social relations, and by that you mean, everyone is not nice and friendly enough with each other? If we can make everyone nicer and friendlier everything will be better.
No, I mean people don't see a reason to associate or talk about anything that matters because they don't feel they can relate to one-another. I think people are in fact being too nice to each other, avoiding telling people things they might need to hear for fear of being reproached as a mean person. People aren't getting together and talking about philosophy like in ancient Athens, or empire building like in ancient Rome, or God like in medieval Europe. People are isolating themselves from one-another.

What will make this better is if people begin to share a common purpose that is greater than themselves - like white people fighting to not go extinct by the year 2100, or the Chinese revolting against their communist overlords who don't give a shit about them, or Americans hating the stale architecture they're surrounded by and deciding to start building things like the pic you posted in the OP.

Provide incentives through religions and ideologies.

>'m not yet sure what can be done about it, though.
easy answer, kill/enslave all non whites (except asians) and exterminate any and all Jews and Muslims

This would be magnificent

and the dirty christkikes wonder why i want them all dead

If you gave these faggots 100% of what they wanted, they would still call you a beast of the field. You have no clue who you are dealing with out here.

These fuckers are the spawn of Satan himself.